♦~☼~♦ Kingdom Caribbean: The Crimson Pearl ♦~☼~♦

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 8, 2009.

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  1. This RP belongs to Serious, though I have helped with some things, and I'm just posting it for him ^^. Kingdom Hearts meets Pirates of the Caribbean.

    Kingdom Caribbean
    The Crimson Pearl



    * No yaoi/yuri.
    * No God-Modding/Power-playing. You will be warned. Three strikes, and you're out, period.
    * You can play any character or OC. Limited is 3.
    * You’re all free to cuss, as long as you censor it with asterisks, or if you wish, in another type of form.
    Ex: F***, F*ck, etc.

    * The Royal Navy will want to get rid of the gold so no Pirates can attack any innocents anymore. So, they won't have powers. Not that Leon, Seifer, Riku, and Sora really need any, considering that their base is sword fighting, and what they do in the game all the time. Not much difference. Marluxia depends on the user, and how he obtained the Aztec gold.
    * Do NOT copy game arsenal/weapons for your OCs. This will Gunblades, etc.
    * Things are different here. The Organization won't have their Organization weapons, for example, Keyblades [in Roxas's case, he'll have two swords], tomahawk, etc. Weapons, since this takes place in a old setting, we'll have swords, axes, pistols, anything that pirates use to your knowledge. I'm sure you'll be able to replace the weapons with something similar, Xaldin can even still has his lances, just not decorated in the usual KH way [in other words, not purple, Nobody symbol, or anything] and can't be summoned. Just normal looking xD. Vexen, can have a normal shield, Zexion, whose weapon is a book, Luxord, since cards did exists as well. As long as they exist in that time period of piracy, then they are fine. To get what I mean;
    Ex: Saïx's normal looking Claymore - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claymore
    KH's Saïx Claymore - http://www.khinsider.com/info/saix.jpg
    > Which one is right? The normal looking one. I wonder why they call Saïx's weapon officially a claymore, though o.o. Hard to resemble a little bit.

    * Do NOT give the Organization members new powers that they don't have in canon in the game, especially since it's going to be different in this RP. However, you can have some daily, normal use, for example, Larxene using electricity to light up a bulb. In that kind of manner. ANYTHING else, if you wish it so, PM me or Serious.
    * Coming from that, make sure that when you put your OC profile, you put all the powers and skills that you are going to have for your character, in THERE. Otherwise, you won't be allowed to make up a new power along the way, so think wisely. If you want your powers to be kept private, once more, PM me or Serious.
    - Also, in the "Weakness" section of your profile, add something that is actually a weakness. Not this emotions thing unless it's like, "he gets so furious, that he loses his focus and tactics in battle", etc. Come on now, lol.
    - Only FOUR OCs are accepted for each pirate crew. Make sure you're one of the few first ones to grab the role.

    * The OCs who have power, are the ones who Saïx rarely gave the Aztec gold coins to [read the summary below]. Make sure you have one coin with you.
    - The only exception to this is Axel's crew, whose coins for your characters will be given by him in the RP when he rounds up his members.
    - If any of you have questions or are confused about the Aztec gold rules or anything in the RP, feel free to ask.

    * If you read the rules, say "Aye".
    * Need to know and be knowledgeable of the first movie, at least. If you don't want to watch the movie, Google :P.
    * Rating is PG 13+.


    Captain Axel Sparrow, had commanded the ship christened The Crimson Pearl, with his own selected crew. At one point, he had shared his bearings with them about hidden Aztec Gold coins, and this had caught first mate Saïx's interest, that he, and with the convinced crew, instigated mutiny, leaving Axel marooned on a island. The crew, now led by Saïx, found the treasure, but invested it and made sure to waste it carefully to certain people, if not at all. In the end, after some investigation once they went through "changes" of having supernatural powers, they discovered secrets of the Aztec. It came with specific rules and limitations: First, that to use these elements and powers, a gold coin must always be present with you. If it is lost, and not in your hold, powers are eradicated and gone until you have it back. Second, is that once the original owner of a gold coin passes it down purposely and willingly [meaning, not stolen, taken, or grabbed by someone else, has to hand it to them by his/her decision] to another being, all the power and ownership will then go to him or her. The only exception to this is if the original owner has more than one Aztec coin, and if so, can pass them down while keeping his own power, as long as he has at least one for himself or herself. Third, and the most dangerous, is that despite what it gives, it is also cursed, giving them a negative consequence if they misuse their powers: the more you use, the more your energy drains until you are powerless, until its final stages take away your senses [sight, hearing, etc.] and may die in the process. In blind rage at this, Saïx abandoned the treasure chest in Isla de la Muerte, only having the crew keep one coin each for safekeeping until it came the time to utilize in emergency if it came to it. They did not realize their mistake until months and months after, where they learn in their studies that despite the limitations, when all the Aztec gold is gathered, and the blood of a "diamond in the rough" is mixed, they will gain great power instead without any rules to hold them back, to the point where they become immortal. It left them wanting and aching for more in greed. Most especially Saïx, who wanted the whole missing pieces of Aztec gold to achieve it. They traveled back to Isla de la Muerte, where they left the treasure chest, only to find it gone. And leaving them to soullessly search. Axel's only supporter, Cloud “Silver Death” Strife, purposely passed down his only Aztec coin to his son, sacrificing his powers in the process, believing the crew should remain curse. Saïx, witnessing his betrayal, tied him to a cannon and had thrown him overboard.

    To the selected few they gave the coins to [OCs] and wasted it on, they also were, affected. Unfortunately, for Saïx, to gain his goal of ultimate power, he needs all the gold pieces he had given away, along with the owner's blood, this included his crew and whoever had taken the Aztec gold and obtained its contents, and gather it together in the chest along with this "diamond in the rough" they needed to look for to complete the ceremony. Also realizing that Cloud's blood is also needed to break the curse; a Strife kin must now take his place.

    And it will be a hard task to complete.

    Especially when a certain someone comes back and gets in the way…


    As Governor Ansem Reinholde, and his 9 year old daughter, Naminé, sail to Port Royal, Jamaica, their vessel, HMS Heartless, reach to a unknown shipwreck with only one sole survivor, a blond boy, around her age, floating among the wreckage. Naminé finds and hides a gold medallion she found around the unconscious Roxas's neck, scared and worried that he would be accused of piracy if he is searched through, and takes it as her own for the while. She then glances at a ghostly pirate ship that she spots moving away, disappearing into the mist.

    And now, eight years has passed since then.

    And this is where our story begins…



    Roxas Strife (Will Turner) : Serious
    Naminé Reinholde (Elizabeth Swann) : *TwilightNight*
    Governor Ansem The Wise Reinholde (Governor Weatherby Swann) :
    Kairi (Naminé's maid/friend):

    Royal Navy
    Marluxia Norrington (James Norrington) : Last of the Organization

    Axel's Crew
    Axel Sparrow (Jack Sparrow) : Serious
    Demyx: Random Angel
    Larxene: *TwilightNight*
    Xigbar: HellKitten
    OC/Angel: FireKeyblade
    OC/Kage: Steal the Hail
    OC/Sigrùn: HellKitten

    Saïx's Crew
    Saïx Barbossa (Hector Barbossa) : Deathsight44
    OC/Maire Rose: Random Angel
    OC/Matt Rejanold : Deathsight44


    OC Form
    [B]Saïx's Crew/Axel's Crew:[/B]
    [B]RPing Example[/B] [[I]we need people who can post at least five sentences each reply][/I][B]:[/B]


  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Name: Maire Rose
    Age: 19 (almost 20)
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Saïx's Crew/Axel's Crew: Saix's
    Strengths/Powers/Skills: A marksmen, good at theft, pick locks quickly, and can mutilate earth to a degree (When I say earth I mean stuff like natural earth ex: wood, dirt, etc)
    Weakness: Doesn't always know when to shut up so she's likely to start fights (also starts fights after drinking rum which she has a low tolerance for) and doesn't really have a fighting style other then aim and shoot.
    Weaponry: Guns that hang from her waist, and a pirate sword.
    Bio: Maire watched the pirates, running through the town like wild beings. One would be disgusted by their behavior, but she was fascinated. Since that day she dreamed of becoming like them one day and leaving the forsaken town where she lived and being free to do as she please. And so, the day of her sixteenth birthday when her father still was out to sea and her mother too worried about her younger brother, she sunk on board of a ship and traveled out to become a pirate, learning quickly and soon was found by Saix's crew.When someone in the crew was killed in a gun fight, she picked the coin off of him.
    RPing Example [we need people who can post at least five sentences each reply]: The sun was blazing above, burning poor Maire as she hanged over the edge of the ship. "It's so hot..." She whined with no one listening to her. Someone finally yelled at her to get to work and with a sigh she did so, only to stop a half hour later to sneak below deck to get a drink of rum. Sadly, she was caught and forced back above deck, now drunk and causing a racket. They finally reached port, singing a pirate's song and went to the bar. She watched the crew do their normal mythem in the bar from afar before going outside. Looking up at the stars she recollected her time at home, forbidding tears to flow. Wishing to be held by her mother once more like when she was young and before she had a brother. But she knew that day would never come so she smiled to herself and thought, I'm a pirate now. There's no room for tears or memories...yeah. I love this new life style. And it continued on, and changed when she met Saix, and was cursed.(I dunno =/)

    And Demyx please.

    Aye, this be good enough?

    (I swear I'll be active unless real life gets in the way big time, like grounding.)
  3. Yeah, is good =3. To be in one of the crews, just make sure that you know you have a Aztec coin [that he gave to few when he had wasted some of the treasure in the summary, so you have to explain how you got it. Maybe someone older died, and he/she passed it on to you?].

    Also, you have to have like a sort of element too. So just add that, and you're set =P.

    And you have Demmy :3.
  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Consider it edited.
  5. You're in =3.
  6. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Thanks. x3 So may you notify me when this starts?
  7. Sure thing.
  8. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    OOC: Rumour was that Marluxia was available? Aye...I guess.
  9. Yes =3. You got him.

    Glad to have you here ;P.

    Remember, if there is anything you don't understand, just ask *.*.

    EDIT: Switched around the rules a little to make it more comfortable for everyone xD. As in, concerning weaponry anyway.
  10. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Oh my god thank goodness! :D Whew. Totally thought.......uh....nevermind....-_- ahem......I guess I'll join......with an OC....since my sweet Zexion is in Saix's crew.....and I suck at RPing as him.....the few times I have. So...yeah......um.....aye......>_>.....the description will be ready.....sometime......
  11. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Uh..Fire..next time be sure you've got the OC ready first,lol.
  12. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.

    Name: Matt Rejanold
    Age: 21
    Gender: male
    Saïx's Crew/Axel's Crew: Saix's crew
    Strengths/Powers/Skills: If he touches things with his hands, then it can cause the print left to become an explosive, exploding at his own will
    Weakness: He can't get his hands wet, or else his powers become completely neutral
    Weaponry: two short blades which he wears on the back of his fists which are attatched to his gloves, some what like gauntlets
    Bio: A man shrouded in mystery, becoming the new first mate of Saix's crew. apparently though, Saix barely knows of him himself, nor does any of the crew members. Dependent, always willing to do what is needed, and loyal to no ends, and as heartless as a pirate can be. He also has a history of most accidents occuring when drunk
    RPing Example [we need people who can post at least five sentences each reply]:The room had sealed itself shut, but silenty in a way where Xiomara would not be able to hear or feel any floor vibrations. All the could be heard was the very feint sound of a buzz saw. It got louder for a moment, but then quited down. It could be heard from behind, and then gone. From the right, then gone. Up top, then gone. ANd then, silence. THe feint noise barely noticible, but none the less, there, like the static noise from a tv

    ((Sry for the delay. been busy with hw. but ya, alrite, here it is))
  13. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Bah. -_-

    Appearance: Wears men's clothes. Has long black hair tied up in a ponytail. Commonly wears a hat to try and hide face(slightly). Wears a jacket buttoned up to the top. Doesn't have much of a chest(or so she says).
    Saïx's Crew/Axel's Crew:Axel's
    Strengths/Powers/Skills:Blue-colored fire
    Weakness: Gets easily distracted(especially when someone calls her) and is moderately afraid of heights and mildly afraid of the dark. Both can be overcome later. Maybe. (probably not.) After fighting for a while or after seeing the opponent show off, she can get discouraged and fight at a significantly lower degree than she normally would.
    Weaponry:Two swords
    Bio: Her parents died when they were charged of "stealing" food. She has learned to survive on her own and used to be a poor but moral beggar until Axel found her. She hides her gender unless she is found out and despite appearing angry and resigned, she is actually quite chatty when given an adequate topic to talk about. She is also very shy and does not prefer to fight. She only learned swordplay for defense and fun. She is very protective of any friends she make and feel obligated to take care of them like an older sister. Even if they are older than her. Her swordsmanship isn't exactly up to par with more expert swordsmen(or so she says) but her ego would like to think she's not too bad. She also has a tendency to forget things.
    RPing Example [we need people who can post at least five sentences each reply]: Angel walked around deck making sure everything was tidy and clean and that the boat was ready to set sail. For some reason, she felt that she was forgetting something. What was it? Whoa. The sails are already billowing a little. We sure do have a nice wind blowing. Wait a minute..... She put her hand atop her head and felt around. My hat! Where'd it go?! Did the wind blow it away?! Oh no.....the Captain bought me that hat! What am I going to do? Maybe I could repay him somehow.... Angel suddenly heard a soft thump of an item dropping onto the deck. She looked down and saw that until now, she had been holding her hat the whole time. Heh heh heh.....:D....I'm so silly.... She bent down and quickly put it back on before a member of the crew saw her without it. They might think of her a bit lowly if they knew.
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Deathsight:All right, I love the weakness..also try and have the picture actually show because photobucket sucks when it has to be a link..and the sample..Not your best :P But your in, your distracted so I understand.

    EDIT: one sec fire.

    Okay,Fire.Fix the weakness, it has to be related with battle, not the crappy emotional ones we get from people in Cages ^^. No offense to them though.
  15. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    That's not a weakness? >_> Well. Okay. I'll go edit. Tis okay now?
  16. I added you both in o:
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: I'll begin a short Axel intro,Roxas will come in later on ^^.And we're still accepting folks, don't be afraid to join.Ask questions or receive help with this by pming me or Twilight

    The sea was a true Pirates home, and once you've escaped the gallows, fled the navy, and pillaged countless ports, there was no other home for you to go to.The great sea was vast and the smell of salt was unable to leave your senses.But..what was a pirate to do with a ship nearly sinking whilst on its way toward a Port, filled with Navy individuals who'd want him hung?

    Just you wait and see.

    One man, one daring individual, stood atop the mast of a Dory boat, eyes forward, legs spread fairly apart.A normal person could see him as a risk-taker, a clever, cunning man with all the skills needed to survive in such a cruel world.But there was more to him than meets the eye..no,really, you should see him in action.

    He had flaming red hair that fell down his shoulders slightly, yet stayed upright without aid.He wore long sea boots and long, hard-wearing linen trousers.A knotted stripped-red sash was tied around his waist, where is flintlock pistol was stowed with naught but a single shot left in it.He wore a long brown coat, also having a faded blue waistcoat with a lightly-coloured back area and a torn white undershirt that made up the rest of the ensemble.The left cuff of the undershirt was ripped, and it was through that hole that he had let slip his left hand, and a red bandanna was wrapped around his head..which made it seem a bit comical.Red hair, red bandana..you get the gist.

    Looking down as he heard a torrent of water, the man noticed that his little boat was starting to sink as it filled with water.It had become apparent to him that plugging holes was not always an effective way to keep a ship afloat, but it isn't as if he'd pay for repairs on such a pathetic means of transportation.

    He leaped down, kicking up water as he finally touched onto the wooden base.He immediately grabbed a bucket and began to fill it with water, dumping it out of his boat in a pathetic attempt to keep it afloat until he arrived in port.As he raised his head repeatedly to throw the water out, he saw three skeletons hung by the neck, along with a sign telling all pirates to beware.

    Clearly no one wanted Pirates around.

    In respect, or mockery, whichever you'd see in him, the man grabbed his tri-shaped pirate hat and placed it against his chest while keeping his eyes on the three poor souls who fell pray to 'Justice'.Pity.

    But this man had what few Pirates did...

  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel was in her usual place. One of her shoes being used as a place for donations. Her, sitting against the wall of the town tavern. Hopefully some kind people would give her enough change to buy breakfast. So far the shoe was empty and no one seemed eager to donate. Or maybe through to the afternoon, enough to buy lunch if not breakfast. Still no one dropped a single coin. Or maybe....just enough to buy dinner. Her stomach rumbled loudly. She was used to the feeling now. Oh well. At least she had found a nice place to sleep at night recently.
  19. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    It was another day, another bright morning to face in the small town of Port Royal, one known for taking pride in establishing justice to those who were owed such respects. Although at the head of every force of justice lies a strong willed person who believes with all their heart that they were allowed to breathe and live all for that course of action.

    Norrington...or to his fellow high ranking naval men or friends commonly referred to as Marluxia. He was a dashingly handsome man, a slightly sensual and romantic touch noticeable to those women who admired and adored him. However it was rather funny to hear the opposite from the jealous townsmen who would mock behind his back because of his soft personality and clearly using his light pink hair as an excuse as well. His overcoat a dark royal blue, a frilly and thin white shirt, cufflings covered in gold linen, and his swift and sharp blade on his left hip waiting for the ready.

    He gazed gently out at the the sea, finding a calm and reassuring feeling that seemed to wash over him just as the waves washed over the pure white sand that surrounded Port Royal. The beauty of the scenery reminded him of the beauty and love he held for miss Namine Reinholde who happened to be the governor's daughter. However in her father's eyes he also held Norrington in high respect, and honestly believed that he had means for her to marry him.

    He removed his dark black tricorn, gently running a hand through his pink locks, letting the breeze blow it slightly. He turned his soft blue eyes towards the preparations of the ceremony for his inauguration as Commodore of the navy of Port Royal. He smiled gently before trailing his eyes to the governor's mansion, he really couldn't wait to see miss Reinhold again.
  20. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Just another beggar....>_>.....filler post.

    BIC- The marketplace was in a frenzy. Everyone seemed charged about something. But what? This place was a peaceful port. Besides the occasional pirate and holidays, there was no excitement. Thankfully Angel overheard a conversation between the nearby fruit seller and a customer. Something about a new commodore. What's a commodore? Is that supposed to be a new fruit? She was about to ask them when the customer answered that question. Since it seemed the fruit seller was just as oblivious to news. The navy? Hmm.....well.....I wonder what the guy's going to do with it now. I wonder what it's like to go out to sea. She sighed as she closed her eyes, seeing the sparkling waters she knew that lay behind these houses and shops.
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