ℳγsτιc Яιsιηg

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Arch, Mar 17, 2013.

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  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    • [​IMG]

      In all of recorded history, humans have possessed powerful magical abilities. This was not always so however. Before this, godlike beings walked amongst the mortals. Humans were weak, ignorant, and lived pathetic short lives. The immortals felt pity for the humans and thus enlightened them with the gift of magic. This was the last time they were ever seen on the world of the living. History books now simply refer to these immortal beings as “Mystics” as their true name has been long forgotten.

      Humans called the world they lived in “Fa’Diel”. As years passed they formed colonies, colonies formed territories, and territories formed countries. Through countless wars the number of independent countries shrunk until there were just three separated by unclaimed territory. These countries were called Wendel, Lorima, and Tasnica. Even when just three world powers remained, the three countries clashed several times over the coming centuries with devastating wars that would leave no victor.

      Exactly three millennia ago marks the end of the last and most catastrophic war in Fa’Diel’s history. During that war Tasnica was completely wiped off the face of the world. After those events, Wendel and Lorima agreed to a truce to avoid having their own countries destroyed as a result of war. The details of Tasnica’s destruction were left out of all known records of the war.

      Nothing is left of the former country but its capitol which is simply named “Tasnica”. After the truce between Lorima and Wendel was made, an agreement was reached to restore Tasnica’s capitol and erect the most prestigious school of magic Fa’Diel had ever seen. The best and brightest of Lorima’s and Wendel’s population were to be educated as this new academy. If even a small portion of their children were raised together, then the new generation of adults would be more tolerant of each other and war would never happen again. As time passed, this proved to be a brilliant idea and even today the academy is still in use. Tasnica’s Academy of Magic sits at the very center of the restored capitol, reminding everyone of the peace they have achieved. Those who live in the city are extremely wealthy and consider themselves to not be a part of either Lorima nor Wendel.

      Though both countries have advanced technologically over the course of time, Lorima has made the greatest strides in the fields of science and employs a great deal of machinery in their military. Weapons used by Lorima’s military are often projectile-based. The military exists not for warfare, but to fend off Fa’Diel’s highly dangerous monsters that roam outside of civilization. Transportation is done through an extensive railway system. Lorima is an extremely urban area where most jobs are based on research on either magic or technology. This does not make them soft or any less involved with magic however. Technology is not used as a substitute for magic in Lorima. Those from Lorima are respected in Wendel for their intelligence and compassion.

      The military Wendel possesses is several times larger than Lorima’s due to the fact many graduates from magic schools are often chosen to become officers. Those coming from Tasnica’s academy are usually the first in line to be chosen. Due to the sheer size of their military however, their training is far from what would be considered to be strict. Wendel is home to dragons that have evolved to become used in everyday life by their military. These dragons do not breathe fire, as the trait was bred out of domestic dragons due to their habit of setting things on fire as young dragons so often do. Those from Wendel are respected in Lorima for their strength and kindness.


      Every year since the last war has been celebrated on the anniversary of its end. On the 3000th anniversary, the leaders of both Lorima and Wendel will arrive at the rebuilt capitol of Tasnica for the festivities. Students at Tasnica’s Academy of Magic and those living in the city will have a front row seat to the celebration.

    • [​IMG]
      Everyone born in Lorima and Wendel has been able to use magic. All known magic comes in one of five forms.


      Σlemental - Those born with this branch of magic have the gift to control five of the natural elements. Fire, earth, wind, water, and lightning are all at the disposal of those with this power. Most who are born with this ability are proficient with one or two elements. Only the most elite can hope to truly master all five elements.

      Ͼonjuration - Being born with this ability allows one to summon the elements of light and darkness to aid them. With the power of light, a Conjurer can heal the wounds of an ally or restore the strength to one filled with fatigue. With light, constructs can be made to serve various purposes with the only limit being the caster’s creativity and strength. The powers of darkness can be used for instantaneous travel as long as the Conjurer can reach a shadow to travel through. Those of greater skill have been known to possess the ability to turn invisible at will.

      sychokinesis - This branch of magic offers powers of the mind. Psychokinetics have telekinesis, the ability to move objects with their mind. Those with sufficient power and training are able to move living beings with this power and those who are more advanced have been able to achieve flight. Those born with this power have a heightened affinity to sensing magic, being able to pick out an exact location of a specific person miles away. Telepathy is also included in this branch of magic. Though some of the most powerful Psychokinetics have been able to read minds of others, this ability is so rare that it has not become illegal though it is looked down upon by many.

      Ϩhapeshifting - When a child is born, it is impossible to determine which branch of magic they have born into until he or she first uses magic. Magic is not genetic. Two possessing elemental powers will not necessarily have a child that shares their power. Those born with this ability however are easily identifiable. Children have little control of their powers and as such, Shapeshifters are almost always born with animalistic traits as they are unable to control their transformations. Shapeshifters can turn into any animal they desire or even partially if they choose to do so. Those with enough mastery over their power can permanently have heightened physical senses. This power also grants Shapeshifters the ability to control animals they run across and, with practice, even monsters as well as plant-life. Those with little control of their power however can often find it hard to stay...completely human. This leaves young Shapeshifters exposed to a great deal of bullying if they have little control of their own power.

      βiokinesis - The polar opposite of Psychokinesis. Whereas Psychokinesis is a power of the mind, Biokinesis is a power of the body. Those with this ability are naturally stronger, faster, and more durable than those with powers of the other branches of magic. Those with sufficient training are able to further enhance their abilities, multiplying them for devastating strength. Within Wendel, one elite master of this power has achieved the highest peak on record with the ability to multiply his strength up to 50 times. Advanced practitioners tend to “max out” at around 20 times their base strength. Going higher than 20 often proves fatal while anything above 10 provides a great deal of strain on the body.

      1. Magic causes fatigue. Use of magic that is beyond the level of the caster will either incapacitate or kill the caster.
      2. Magic can be sensed through a person’s aura, an invisible representation of their power. An aura can be consciously controlled in order to hide one’s presence or true power. Those with a massive amount of power have a visible aura, the color of which depends on the person. Exceptionally strong people can be sensed farther away.
      3. Magic is not limited to what a person is born with. Many forms magic can be used through either incantations or ritualistic spells. Nonhuman creatures often have their own variations of magic that are not found in humans.

    • [​IMG]

      1. KHV’s regular rules apply. That’s a given.
      2. No Godmodding/Power Playing.
      3. Obviously, you can’t kill someone’s character without their permission.
      4. You can have up to three characters max.
      5. If I see everyone joining for a specific branch of magic, I’ll make sure to troll you. Try to spread out evenly! There is no “best” branch of magic.
      6. Keep it PG-13. Anything further should be either rare or taken elsewhere.
      7. I will break my own rules when I need to. Sometimes the plot is just more important!
      8. I will kill your characters off if you are gone for two weeks without telling me that you can’t post. “I can’t think of anything to post” is not an excuse! There will be no warnings. You are free to join with new characters however.
      9. You will be ignored if you don’t post within a week. Anything your characters will have been doing will be dropped.
      10. You’ll notice a “weapon” space in the OC forms below. Your characters will not start with that weapon. They will be given later in the RP.
      11. Following rule 10, no gunblades or buster swords.
      12. I reserve the right to add or modify my rules at any time. THIS IS ARCH’S RULE.
      13. Bio’s are hard to make sometimes. I just don’t want everyone to be orphans. Get creative! Have your character be related to a rich person from Tasnica! Or the child of one of the two leaders! Just think of something that’d fit into the world and work with it!
      14. Don’t be afraid to contact me if you have any questions. If you need help making your OCs then come to me! Also, don't be intimidated by the fact that there's already several people registered! I'm always going to accept OCs!
      15. Unless I give you permission, all OCs will be students in the Tasnica Academy of Magic. Also, post the OCs here!
      16. Posts must be 10 or more lines in length.

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      OC Form

      Age: [16-19]
      Appearance: [Picture or description.]
      Home: [Tasnica, Lorima, or Wendel]
      Bio: [Brief background and personality.]
      Branch of Magic: [Elemental, Conjuration, Psychokinesis, Shapshifting, or Biokinesis]
      Other: [Optional.]

      • Username: Aiden Pearce
        Name: Kendric Stark
        Gender: Male
        Age: 19
        Appearance: Kendric
        Home: Wendel
        Bio: Kendric was born to a long and powerful familial line and thus was able to enter Tasnica’s Academy with no effort. Despite pressure from his lineage, he’s extremely laid back and passive about most things that come his way. His mother passed away when he was a small child but his father says that he takes after her with his lighthearted demeanor.
        Branch of Magic: Biokinesis
        Weapon: Folding Sword
        Other: N/A

        Username: Aiden Pearce
        Name: Taras Alkaev
        Gender: Male
        Age: 36
        Appearance: Taras
        Home: Wendel
        Bio: Taras has spent many years of his life in Wendel’s military, protecting his homeland from monsters that would breach its borders. As there is no wars to fight, as there hasn’t been in 3000 years, this has been his job for most of his life. Currently, he is an elite officer tasked with protecting Wendel’s own leader during the festivities at Tasnica. Taras is a man of little words and to those who work under him, he is a strict but fair commander. These days however, there seems to be more on his mind than his duties.
        Branch of Magic: Biokinesis
        Weapon: None
        Other: Taras is one of the most powerful masters of Biokinesis to date.

        Username: Aiden Pearce
        Name: Nadine Fay
        Gender: Female
        Age: 30
        Appearance: Nadine
        Home: Lorima
        Bio: A teacher at Tasnica’s academy. Though she is fairly new, many of the students there already know her. Nadine is kind and her classes are known for being easier than most. Before she started teaching, she had done research specializing in the history of Tasnica so she has spent little time in her home country once she left it. Nadine has no family to speak of. With the anniversary of the war’s end already arriving, she has grown distant from her students.
        Branch of Magic: Psychokinesis
        Weapon: None
        Other: Everyone’s favorite teacher.
      • Username: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        Name: Grace ‘Gingerbuck’ Cassardis
        Gender: Female
        Age: 16
        Appearance: http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy23/AnimeGirl10129/AnimeMagicalGirl.jpg
        Home: Wendel
        Bio: Daughter of the leader of Wendel, Grace has always strived to become the best with her magic despite being so young and ‘delicate’. Though she had struggled from a young age, she pushed herself to become one of the top of her classes. However, in doing so, it had a great impact on her personality, causing her to believe she is in a life of fantasy far more drastic than the world she lives in. At times, she runs around in different costumes, chanting and carrying various objects and refers to herself as Gingerbuck. She also believes herself to be an only child even with two younger brothers and a sister, and is said to be a Daddy’s girl, doing mostly anything he request and getting spoiled rotten. But despite this, she is nice to mostly everyone and really hard-working when it comes to being serious.
        Branch of Magic: Biokinesis
        Weapon: Bisentō
        Other: Believes Kendric to be her ultimate rival and tries many tactics of ‘fake’ magic in order to defeat him.

        Username: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        Name: Ayer Granz
        Gender: Male
        Age: 18
        Appearance: http://i.imgur.com/JaH4PwA.jpg?1
        Home: Tasnica
        Bio: Though coming from a poor family and working most his young life, Ayer had discovered his magical abilities when out doing some yard work. Shortly after, he had been discovered by chance and sent off to the academy. He is normally very focused on his training and teaching, but has a happy-go-lucky attitude towards his friends and loves having fun on his free time. Even though most of his friends are girls, he is very respectfully towards them from having nothing but sisters in his family. He knows very well that he may not be at the top of his class or a master but still does his best and enjoys learning new techniques to better master his element.
        Branch of Magic: Elemental[Water & Lightning]
        Weapon: Shaolin Spade
        Other: He is more skilled with water and lighting than most other elements, but drives to better himself at the other 3 as well.

        Username: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        Name: Naomi Lockhart
        Gender: Female
        Age: 29
        Appearance: http://i.imgur.com/99BXNjD.jpg
        Home: Lorima
        Bio: Despite being one of the younger teachers in the school, she is well skilled and has mastered her element of magic. She is very dedicated to her work and so is known to be very strict, some on the students dreading to be in her class. But others, males mainly, enjoy her looks and how she dresses most of the time. Although her teaching methods may be considered unorthodox, she gets many students who pass her course, causing her pride to grow even more and think herself better than some other teachers. Even with her mastery of elements, she can still be found practicing them around the campus when she has free time or using it as example or discipline in class. Other than that, she can seem quite cold at times, making people to believe she could be bipolar.
        Branch of Magic: Conjuration
        Weapon: N/A
        Other: Can be kind at times, if you figure out how to get on her good side.
      • Username: Myst Aiden Pearce
        Name: Shade
        Gender: Male
        Age: 33
        Appearance: Here
        Home: Tasnica
        Bio: A respected bounty hunter from the land of Tasnica. He lives on the outskirts of the academy. He has become a master of the magic of shapeshifting. He has taught those he has found worthy of his teachings. He is reclusive and serious. Things are usually to the point and clear with him. His students refer to him as the Dark Enforcer.
        Branch of Magic: Shapshifting
        Weapon: Sword and daggers.
        Other: He is a master of Shapeshifting.

        DECEASED - Killed by Tasnican police
        Username: Myst
        Name: Sora
        Gender: female
        Age: 16
        Appearance: Here
        Home: Lorima
        Bio: A happy and energetic girl who lives at the Academy. She is learning to use her magic as well as keep the peace in the world.
        Branch of Magic: Biokinesis
        Weapon: Herself
        Other: N/A

        DECEASED - Killed by Tasnican police
        Username: Myst
        Name: Zillia
        Gender: female
        Age: 19
        Appearance: Here.
        Home: Lorima
        Bio: She is the older sister of Sora. Although Sora does not know this yet, Zillia tries to keep a close eye on her. Zillia is caring and acts like a mother figure to some of her friends. She is at the top of her class when it comes to magic, but still nowhere near that of a master.
        Branch of Magic: Conjuration
        Weapon: Staff
        Other: She has a fear of coming into contact with men but still has attraction to them.
      • DECEASED - Killed by Sarah
        Username: Nilin
        Name: Albina "Abi" Kegan
        Gender: Female
        Age: 17
        Appearance: Here
        Home: Tasnica
        Bio: Her family has been living in Tasnica as far back as their records show and thus they consider themselves from the survivors of the war, even if their family turns out to have moved there after it had ended. Therefore they care little for the other countries, maybe even to the point of resentment, though never speak of this in public. Albina hardly cares for this though, keeping her focus on school rather than family affairs. She's a bright student and despite not being advanced she is still proud of her skill, though has no idea what she wishes to do with it in the future. In fact she has no plans or wishes at all, forcing her to focus solely on the present.
        Branch of Magic: Conjuration
        Weapon: N/A
        Other: N/A
      • Username: cstar
        Name: Meara Ward
        Gender: Female
        Age: 16
        Appearance: Here
        Home: Lorima
        Bio: Meara was raised for the first half of her life by her father who was a shape-shifter who, although calmed down by Meara's mother, lost his ability to control his human side after her death. Meara self taught herself Earth abilities at her younger age to help track down her father who turned into the form of a wolf. When she was taken in by her uncle at age 6, she experimented with water based abilities, which she found much more enjoyable and relaxing. Due to her background she is more accepting of differences and things deemed "Strange" and tends to have a more layed back and friendly persona. However, if she does not like a person, she makes it clear she does not like them. Kindly or not.
        Branch of Magic: Elemental[Earth & Water]
        Weapon: N/A
        Other: Although human, she adapted some wolf-like skills from when she was younger. Her sense of smell tends to be stronger and she can see in the dark almost immediately when light is put out. However, she tends to shun herself for animal-like instincts she received before age six.
      • Username: D i n n y
        Name: Celeste Abelard
        Gender: female
        Age: 17
        Appearance: Here
        Home: Wendel
        Bio: The Abelard family is a family known to be great contributors and warriors to the Wendel military. The entire family is trained especially well in combat. Their magical abilities always compliment and come second to their combat - great biokinetic individuals are famous for being Abelards. Also, as great military leaders. Celeste's uncle was elected to be an officer almost immediately upon graduating from the academy. She has the same dream. She wishes to join the army after she graduates. However, her magical ability may hinder her from doing so. Celeste is the first Abelard to ever have Shapeshifting abilities. Though incredibly skilled in combat, she fails with her control in her magic almost completely. Celeste beats herself up about it constantly and often gives up on magic. Aside that, she is kind, slightly laid-back and enjoys company.
        Branch of Magic: Shapeshifting
        Weapon: Rapier Edged Hand Cannon
        Other: Her weapon (is the one in the image) and works both as a range and edge weapon perfect for combat.
      • Username: Riku1186
        Name: Alastair Vaun Trios
        Gender: Male
        Age: 17
        Appearance: Alastair is 180cm tall and has pail skin. He has raven black hair and dark blue eyes. He isn’t well built and is not able to stand long in a fight.
        Home: Tasnica
        Bio: Alastair was brought up by his parents who were historians of Tasnica, they researched the truth behind Tasnica’s destruction and were apparently close to it when Alastair witnessed his mother kill his father and vanish after making a major breakthrough in their research, she destroyed all the research leaving nothing to be salvaged. Afterwards he was adopted by the Academy of Magic’s then headmaster before enrolling himself.
        Alastair was once a bright and curious person but after witnessing his father’s murder and his mother’s escape he became quiet and secluded as he studied to control his magic and figure out where his mother went after she escaped, he has speculated that she went to the location of her last major breakthrough, though she is the only one who knows its location, for the moment. Alastair usually keeps to himself but is capable to opening up to others if they gain his trust.
        Branch of Magic: Elemental[Water & Wind]
        Weapon: A handgun and combat knife.
        Other: N/A

        Username: Riku1186
        Name: Sarah Alicia Trios
        Gender: Female
        Age: 42
        Appearance: Sarah stands at 142cm and is well built, though she present herself as frail. She has long raven black hair and dark blue eyes.
        Home: Tasnica
        Bio: Once a famous historian Sarah vanished some years ago after murdering her husband during a massive breakthrough. Since vanishing she has returned from the unknown wilderness as if a different person and now seeks something…….
        She was once a caring woman who loved her son and was always curious and energetic but after killing her husband she has become a merciless cold blooded killer who would kill her own son.
        Branch of Magic: All Elements
        Weapon: Sarah has a standard long sword as her weapon, as well as two backup pistols.
      • DECEASED - Killed by Taras
        Username:The Hero of Time
        Name: Luna
        Gender: Female
        Age: 16
        Appearance: Click
        Home: Tasnica
        Bio: The youngest of 3 sisters, Luna is the most cheery. Her sisters have done all they can to preserve her innocence, because they know if she ever discovered what caused their father's death, it would drive her insane. Luna is always there for her friends, and her priorities are really mixed up. Even if she gets in trouble, she doesn't mind as long as her friends make it out okay. This has led many people to take advantage of her kindness. Luna also really loves flowers.
        Branch of Magic: Conjuration
        Weapon: Staff
        Other: "Even if I get in trouble, as long as my friends are okay, I'll be okay too."

        DECEASED - Killed by Taras
        Username: The Hero of Time
        Name: Angela
        Gender: Female
        Age: 18
        Appearance: Click
        Home: Tasnica
        Bio: Angela is the middle of three sisters, and therefore tries to keep the order. Her older sister, Julia, is lazy and cruel, while Luna, her younger sister, is just a naive child. She shows the most maturity, and takes her job protecting Luna very seriously. As opposed to her younger sister's many friends (whom she hates because they take advantage of her kindness), she has one. When Julia attempted to kill Luna, it was Angela's idea to keep what happened that day a secret.
        Branch of Magic: Elemental[Water & Fire]
        Weapon: Gun (specifically the one in her picture)
        Other: "I look after Luna because I want to, not because I have to."

        DECEASED - Killed by Nadine
        Username: The Hero of Time
        Name: Julia
        Gender: Female
        Age: 19
        Appearance: Click
        Home: Tasnica
        Bio: Julia, the oldest of 3 sisters, is the opposite of what you'd expect. Being her father's obvious favorite, she blames Luna for his death and hates her littlest sister. Julia is manipulative, lazy, and overall plain cruel. She finds it hysterical when her youngest sister's friends ditch her, and finds it even more hysterical that Angela only has one friend. Julia has no friends, because to her they're a waste of time. You go to school with them, graduate, and sometimes never see each other again. Julia tried to kill Luna when their father died, but Angela stopped her, claiming that Luna was just a baby and she'd learn to control her magic eventually.
        Branch of Magic: Psychokinesis
        Weapon: Whip
        Other: "It's a cruel world out there, what can you do except survive?"
      • Username: Master of Keyblades
        Name: Zelos
        Gender: Male
        Age: 16
        Appearance: Zelos
        Home: Wendel
        Bio: Zwei is reckless boy who normally doesn't think twice about his idea's. He grew up in a family were training with a sword was something of a daily routine. Though his methods were different like his sword, he still managed to get by.
        Branch of Magic: Conjuration
        Weapon: Broadsword
        Other: N/A

        Username: Master of Keyblades
        Name: Drei
        Gender: Male
        Age: 17
        Appearance: Drei
        Home: Tasnica
        Bio: Drei is a quiet man mainly due to being an orphan. The only companion he had was a puppet that he hand made.
        Branch of Magic: Elemental[Fire & Lightning]
        Weapon: Dual Pistols (in picture)
        Other: Carries around a puppet with him (in picture)
      • DECEASED - Killed by Tasnican police
        Username: HeartlessOfLight
        Name: Sophia Hima
        Gender: Female
        Age: 17
        Appearance: Here.
        Home: Wendel
        Bio: When Sophia was born, her magical ability was immediately apparent. Different things around the room she was born in were being lifted and thrown left and right. Her parents had a very challenging experience trying to take care of Sophia as a baby, due to her Psychokinesis constantly breaking or throwing things. Luckily, during her toddler years, she quickly gained control over her powers, perfecting them more and more as she grew older. While Sophia has always been intelligent in almost every field, her main strengths computers and technology. This is mainly due to her parents working in some of Wendel's most prestigious technological science labs, which Sophia has been to many times over the years. Her experiences at the labs, plus her own personal research, has given her a vast knowledge on tech-related subjects. However, she rarely steps foot outside unless it's for school-related reasons. Not due to shyness, but due to having more interest in expanding her knowledge than making friends. Despite that, Sophia has made one friend, one she holds very close to her.
        Branch of Magic: Psychokinesis
        Weapon: None
        Other: N/A
      • Username:jackdaniel0
        Name: Poke
        Gender: Male
        Age: 17
        Appearance: This is his waist-up. From the waist-down, he wears dark-blue jeans and white-black shoes.
        Home: Tasnica
        Bio: Born with no knowledge of his family, Poke was raised in an orphanage with no name, although many would call him 'Pokey' for his tendency to poke people out of interest. He then decided to don the name Poke. He's a fun lover, and he likes to help others. He's happy when others are happy, but he knows when to get serious. He's especially loyal to his friends.
        Branch of Magic: Psychokinesis
        Weapon: Detachable double-ended sword(just like a double-ended light saber)
        Other: N/A
      • Username: Heartless_angel
        Name: Mya
        Gender: Female
        Age: 17
        Appearance: http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h97/Fair_One_Of_The_Last_Dusk/Female Anime/0TourquoiseWarrior.jpg
        Home: Lorima
        Bio: Being born in Lorimia, Mya had a extreme interest in technology and the ways it can help humanity as a small child. She even created many fancy gadgets and trinkets growing up. Her parents were both wealthy and influential in the Lorima government, but she doesn't use that as an excuse to act arrogant. At a young age, she was once kidnapped and used as a hostage for a large sum of money, but was rescued with no harm. This gave Mya to have an extreme fear of people taller than her and shady looking people. She then was taught to use firearms, but Mya was an extreme pacifist, even if her life was at stake. Her parents now always track her with a wireless sensor to makes sure she isn't missing every time she goes out of the house for any reason.
        Branch of Magic: Conjuration
        Weapon: A nuclear missile than can end the fate of humanity as we know it
        A simple Handgun
        Other: Being extremely fearful of like 80% of the population, she always has a stance like she's about to run away when talking to someone she doesn't recognize.
      • Username: Marushi
        Name: Alayah Crowfest
        Gender: female
        Age: 16
        Appearance: Here.
        Home: Tasnica
        Bio: Alayah and her twin brother Rogan come from a very old family of Mages, The family of Crowfest have lived in Tasnica for many generations and are prominent members of society. Alayah enjoys the prestige, but feels she must prove her worth as a Crowfest. She is outgoing and friendly, but not obnoxiously so, and she is proud.
        Branch of Magic: Elemental (She specializes in lightning, but practices using wind)
        Weapon: A handgun made of a specially engineered material, which focuses magical energy and charges the bullets with the infused energy. Since Alayah is an Elemental Mage, the bullets can be charged with electrical energy.
        Other: N/A

        Username: Marushi
        Name: Rogan Crowfest
        Gender: male
        Age: 16
        Appearance: Here.
        Home: Tasnica
        Bio: Rogan, although born to the family of Crowfest, never cared much for being in the public eye. He instead prefers to keep to himself; he has more control over his Shapeshifting abilities if he is in a small group as opposed to large crowds. He prefers to let Alayah be in the limelight; her Elemental powers make her more “acceptable” to the family. Yet, he sometimes feels a little jealous of her abilities, and feels that he got the raw end of the deal as far as magic goes. He is friendly, but quiet, and tries to take a calm approach to everything. He is more likely to transform if he is stressed.
        Branch of Magic: Shapshifting
        Weapon: A small dagger that retracts at a push of a button, to be used in emergencies.
        Other: N/A
      • DECEASED - Killed by Tasnican police
        Username: Kanji Tatsumi
        Name: Artan Everette
        Gender: Male
        Age: 18
        Appearance: Artan has short yet fluffy bright ginger hair with a middle parting, his hair splitting so that it just leaves his eyes in view. However, tilting his head forward can create a full fringe, hiding his eyes completely from view. His eyes are a bright brown colour and he has light freckles underneath them both. Artan’s skin is very fair as he doesn’t go out and prefers to stay indoors mostly. Artan dresses in a green button-down dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a brown waistcoat and a red bowtie. This is otherwise covered by the baggy cream v-neck jumper he wears. Along with his he wears gray jeans with green trainers. In his pocket, he has a pair of glasses and attached to his belt on a chain is a small pocket mirror.
        Home: Tasnica
        Bio: From the capital of Tasnica, Artan grew up in a high-society environment yet never fit in with the other children, leading him to be bullied constantly throughout his life by the children who believed they were better than him. This has led Artan to have constant security and trust issues, often found keeping to himself rather than trying to befriend anyone. Having conjuration abilities, since he had lots of time to himself, he has mastered the aspect of turning invisible, it having helped escape bullies many times. Otherwise, Artan is a rather happy and friendly guy who has a geek passion for any forms of technology and often found tinkering with any forms of electronics he can get his hands on. Strangely enough, Artan is also often found peering at himself in the mirror suspiciously as if he was looking for something other than his reflection.
        Branch of Magic: Conjuration
        Weapon: Dual calibre pistols
        Other: Artan seems to suffer from split personality disorder or at least an extreme case of bipolarism. This is evidenced by how you can be talking to him and he will be happy and nice yet an hour later, he would snap at you and shove you away before storming off. An obvious way to spot the difference is his hairstyle – when he’s his nasty side, his middle parting changes to be on the left of his head.
      • Username: Barakon-King
        Name: Lucas Di’Marze
        Gender: Male
        Age: 18
        Appearance: Twins (On the Right)
        Home: Wendel
        Bio: Lucas is one of the Di’Marze twins. Their father is a well-known weapons designer in Wendel and runs a business that works as a supplier to the military. The twins grew up in wealth, but Lucas was always pushed aside by his father in favor of his more athletic and aggressive brother, Berial. Feeling neglected as a youth, Lucas would usually hang around in the poorer sections of Wendel with vagabond children. Feeling a kinship with them, Lucas has preferred more simple living since then and doesn’t partake in most of the luxuries he could. Lucas focuses on his studies and mastering Psychokinesis in hope of gaining his father’s attention.
        He has a much softer disposition than his brother and seems more desperate for friends.
        Branch of Magic: Psychokinesis
        Weapon: Wakizashi
        Other: N/A

        Username: Barakon-King
        Name: Berial Di’Marze
        Gender: Male
        Age: 18
        Appearance: Twins (On the Left)
        Home: Wendel
        Bio: Berial was always the favorite of the twins’ father because of his proficiency with athletics and his physical strength. Because of his father’s nature as a weapons maker, Berial was always encouraged to become a soldier and has been trained by some of the best swordsmen money could buy. Dismissive of his brother, Berial tries his best to avoid him whenever possible and never mentions him. He seeks to achieve a level beyond the “max output” with Biokinesis one day and as such studies less by reading and more by doing.
        He has a bit of a sadistic streak, but typically doesn’t speak often.
        Branch of Magic: Biokinesis
        Weapon: Engine Sword - This sword is Berial’s father’s dream project. He is allocating a good portion of funds to developing it for Berial. The sword contains an engine that is triggered when its wielder uses Biokinesis. The blade adapts to the increased strength and, corresponding to the level of Biokenisis, vibrates intensely. This gives the blade a “sawing” function.
        Other: N/A
      • Username: Boy Wonder
        Name: Zauriel l'Zrael
        Gender: Male
        Age: 18
        Appearance: http://s1220.photobucket.com/user/RPBueno/media/ZauriellZrael_zps8b4c0a27.png.html (obviously doesn't always have wings, but keeps his horns constantly).
        Home: Lorima
        Bio: Zauriel was born to a secondary branch of the ruling family of Lorima. His family is much lower in status than the actual ruling family and, due to a familial dispute long ago, his direct bloodline has no influence in the government, is disgraced by the main bloodline, and is connected to government only through genetics. When Zauriel was born, his shapeshifting powers were obvious. Even as an infant, he was constantly changing small detials such as his eye color, hair color or length, skin tone, etc. As he grew, he was unable to control his growing powers and often found himself with scales, horns, or even a tail when he did not want to. His parents believed that this meant he had a great source of magical ability that they could one day use to reclaim a prominent role in Lorima's government and sent him to the Academy in order to master his powers. Due to the pressure placed on him, Zauriel actually hates political affairs and the "big picture" and would much rather enjoy himself. He takes joys in little things and has an abstract view on every thing. He is quite hopeful and rarely frowns, but is often tired as he is constantly using bits of magic, unable to turn his shapeshifting "off."
        Branch of Magic: Shapeshifting
        Weapon: The sword in the picture. The long hilt is divided into two pieces with one piece actually being a small dagger with the blade housed inside the sword.
        Other: Zauriel contains an enormous amount of magical potential, but is unable (and semi-unwilling) to control it. He often finds his appearance imitating his environment such as gaining animal traits when he sees an animal or mimicking someone's eye colors, hair style, or skin tone. This gives him less stamina as he is always using magical energy. He is able to shapeshift at will when he wishes, but unable to turn his shapeshifting off completely. If he zones out or fixates on something, his body will imititate its appearance.

        Username: Boy Wonder
        Name: Dean Abel Regalis, the Relentless.
        Gender: Male
        Age: 43
        Appearance: Girl, I know you want this click.
        Home: Tasnica (currently and originally, but has lived in all three)
        Bio: A prodigy and magical genius, Abel Regalis is directly descended from the original dean of the academy. As a child, he was shown to be extremely skilled in magic and graduated from the academy early. He was handpicked by Wendel to join their military, but considered it a waste of his powers as there was no real reason for an army since war was now a thing of the past. During these days, he spent his days with Wendel's dragons, preferring to spar with them than with his fellow soldiers as they held more of a challenge. Seeing his potential go to waste in Wendel, however, Abel retired from WARD and moved to Lorima, hoping to help the country with its monster problem. Though he was a powerful soldier, able to lay waste to entire groups of monsters, he was unable to make a change for the better because of the sheer number and power of the monsters. One man, no matter how strong, is still one man. Abel realized that in order to actually make a difference, the world required more than a single man; it required an entire generation. If an entire generation of Fa'Diel's inhabitants could learn to wield their magic as efficiently as himself, there would be no end to the progress man could make. If the same generation considered everyone an ally, there'd be no war and the focus would simply be on bettering the world, such as protecting Lorima from monsters. This epiphany pushed Abel to realize and believe in the Academy that his ancestor helped build. Leaving his life as a soldier behind, Abel Regalis became a teacher at the Tasnica Academy, teaching his students how to effectively use magic like himself. Within a matter of years, he became the Dean (his familial line was definitely an influence). Stories of his magical skill, battle prowess, and strength in battle have earned him the nickname "The Relentless," a title which he holds proudly. However, while regular citizens and the leaders of Lorima and Wendel call him "Relentless" for his power, his students call him "Relentless" for his strict punishments and harsh treatment of juveniles.
        Branch of Magic: Biokinesis
        Weapon: A giant, double-sided battle-axe the size of an average man. Its extreme weight requires at least two strong men to carry it, but Dean Regalis can wield it singlehandedly. The axe can also split, giving Regalis a single blade for each hand.
        Other: N/A
      • Username: Ryou Misaki
        Name: Xane Tezoth
        Gender: Male
        Age: 18
        Appearance: Awesome purple-hair
        Home: Wendel
        Bio: Xane is the son of an Elemental and Shapeshifter, with Biokinesis abilities. Growing up Xane did not know why he did not get abilities like his parents, but he was able to make use of them. His father trained Xane how to use his magic since he was little, hoping to teach him enough to get him to work in the military when he was older. While his father wasn't famous like other soldiers, he was well known for being kind whenever possible, even stopping to help old citizens take food to their homes. However, Xane did not have the ambition to go into the military that his father wanted him to have; but seeing his father help others out gradually began to make Xane think that he could join for a different reason. He would join the military to fight off beasts, and protect the citizens of Wendel. He wasn't the fastest at learning his Biolinesis, especially since there wasn't anyone around who could use it all that greatly, but he manage to make do with what he had. Eventually Xane managed to fight on equal footing with his dad. What his dad didn't know was that Xane practiced in silence, increasing his skills even further, so that he would be able to fight when necessary. The one problem that Xane felt he had was that his hard training with his father all the time made him different than others. While there were plenty of kids like Xane, for some reason his parents could never figure out why he distanced himself so much. Xane helped other people out, but he never really had the heart to make friends, because he felt like he wasn't good enough to be friends with anyone. So Xane made a deal with himself that he would work as hard as possible to help others at a distance, even with the mental barriers he had created around himself. One day Xane hopes he'll meet someone he can call friend, but that will only happen when he's grown strong enough inside himself.
        Branch of Magic: Biokinesis
        Weapon: Katana in picture
        Other: Xane looks up to the Dean of Tasnica Acadamy, hoping to one day be able to gain his praise.
  2. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Username:The Hero of Time
    Name: Luna
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Appearance: Click
    Home: Tasnica
    Bio: The youngest of 3 sisters, Luna is the most cheery. Her sisters have done all they can to preserve her innocence, because they know if she ever discovered what caused their father's death, it would drive her insane. Luna is always there for her friends, and her priorities are really mixed up. Even if she gets in trouble, she doesn't mind as long as her friends make it out okay. This has led many people to take advantage of her kindness. Luna also really loves flowers.
    Branch of Magic: Conjuration
    Weapon: Staff
    Other: "Even if I get in trouble, as long as my friends are okay, I'll be okay too."

    Username: The Hero of Time
    Name: Angela
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Click
    Home: Tasnica
    Bio: Angela is the middle of three sisters, and therefore tries to keep the order. Her older sister, Julia, is lazy and cruel, while Luna, her younger sister, is just a naive child. She shows the most maturity, and takes her job protecting Luna very seriously. As opposed to her younger sister's many friends (whom she hates because they take advantage of her kindness), she has one. When Julia attempted to kill Luna, it was Angela's idea to keep what happened that day a secret.
    Branch of Magic: Elemental
    Weapon: Gun (specifically the one in her picture)
    Other: "I look after Luna because I want to, not because I have to."

    Username: The Hero of Time
    Name: Julia
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Appearance: Click
    Home: Tasnica
    Bio: Julia, the oldest of 3 sisters, is the opposite of what you'd expect. Being her father's obvious favorite, she blames Luna for his death and hates her littlest sister. Julia is manipulative, lazy, and overall plain cruel. She finds it hysterical when her youngest sister's friends ditch her, and finds it even more hysterical that Angela only has one friend. Julia has no friends, because to her they're a waste of time. You go to school with them, graduate, and sometimes never see each other again. Julia tried to kill Luna when their father died, but Angela stopped her, claiming that Luna was just a baby and she'd learn to control her magic eventually.
    Branch of Magic: Psychokinesis
    Weapon: Whip
    Other: "It's a cruel world out there, what can you do except survive?"
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    You're in, Hero. I've seen others viewing this RP too. Join if you want! Plenty of space open! 8D
  4. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Name: Zelos
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Appearance: Zelos
    Home: Wendel
    Bio: Zwei is reckless boy who normally doesn't think twice about his idea's. He grew up in a family were training with a sword was something of a daily routine. Though his methods were different like his sword, he still managed to get by.
    Branch of Magic: Conjuration
    Weapon: Broadsword
    Other: [Optional.]

    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Name: Drei
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Drei
    Home: Tasnica
    Bio: Drei is a quiet man mainly due to being an orphan. The only companion he had was a puppet that he hand made.
    Branch of Magic: Elemental
    Weapon: Dual Pistols (in picture)
    Other: Carries around a puppet with him (in picture)
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    You're in, mok. There's someone(you know who you are!) who's planning on joining with an Elemental character. So... no more Elementals will be allowed.

    The numbers of people in each branch are:

    Elemental - 6
    Conjuration - 4
    Psychokinesis - 2
    Shapeshifter - 2
    Biokinesis - 4
  6. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Username: HeartlessOfLight
    Name: Sohpia Hima
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Here
    Home: Wendel
    Bio: When Sophia was born, her magical ability was immediately apparent. Different things around the room she was born in were being lifted and thrown left and right. Her parents had a very challenging experience trying to take care of Sophia as a baby, due to her Psychokinesis constantly breaking or throwing things. Luckily, during her toddler years, she quickly gained control over her powers, perfecting them more and more as she grew older. While Sophia has always been intelligent in almost every field, her main strengths computers and technology. This is mainly due to her parents working in some of Wendel's most prestigious technological science labs, which Sophia has been to many times over the years. Her experiences at the labs, plus her own personal research, has given her a vast knowledge on tech-related subjects. However, she rarely steps foot outside unless it's for school-related reasons. Not due to shyness, but due to having more interest in expanding her knowledge than making friends. Despite that, Sophia has made one friend, one she holds very close to her.
    Branch of Magic: Psychokinesis
    Weapon: None
    Other: N/A
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    You're in. Maybe...maybe we'll start today. Or tomorrow. I want to wait on one person first.
  8. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    Username: jackdaniel0
    Name: Poke
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Appearance: This is his waist-up. From the waist-down, he wears dark-blue jeans and white-black shoes.
    Home: Tasnica
    Bio: Born with no knowledge of his family, Poke was raised in an orphanage with no name, although many would call him 'Pokey' for his tendency to poke people out of interest. He then decided to don the name Poke. He's a fun lover, and he likes to help others. He's happy when others are happy, but he knows when to get serious. He's especially loyal to his friends.
    Branch of Magic: Psychokinesis
    Weapon: Detachable double-ended sword(just like a double-ended light saber)
    Other: Wouldnt psychokinesis mean you could move a few elements like water and earth?
  9. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Ohh Lemmie join 8D

    Username: Heartless_angel
    Name: Mya
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Appearance: http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h97/Fair_One_Of_The_Last_Dusk/Female Anime/0TourquoiseWarrior.jpg
    Home: Lorima
    Bio: Being born in Lorimia, Mya had a extreme interest in technology and the ways it can help humanity as a small child. She even created many fancy gadgets and trinkets growing up. Her parents were both wealthy and influential in the Lorima government, but she doesn't use that as an excuse to act arrogant. At a young age, she was once kidnapped and used as a hostage for a large sum of money, but was rescued with no harm. This gave Mya to have an extreme fear of people taller than her and shady looking people. She then was taught to use firearms, but Mya was an extreme pacifist, even if her life was at stake. Her parents now always track her with a wireless sensor to makes sure she isn't missing every time she goes out of the house for any reason.
    Branch of Magic: Conjuration
    Weapon: A nuclear missile than can end the fate of humanity as we know it
    A simple Handgun
    Other: Being extremely fearful of like 80% of the population, she always has a stance like she's about to run away when talking to someone she doesn't recognize.
  10. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Sorry I'm so late! It appears that in my decision to draw at least one OC on my own, I bit off far more than I could chew. I promised not to go to bed tonight until Id posted, so here I am, 12:08, keeping my word! 8D

    Username: Marushi
    Name: Alayah Crowfest
    Gender: female
    Age: 16
    [​IMG] The drawing is a very far cry from perfect, I simply ran out of the time and energy to continue, and discovered I no longer cared. I did, however, come up with a creative excuse for why she looks so bad. She just so happened to be wearing this outfit when she decided to help her father paint the walls of a room in the house, and spilled paint primer all over herself by mistake (especially her boots) and then her best frined snapped a picture of her with a blurry cell-phone camera and, using the special effects provided by her server, completely removed the background and replaced it with a boring grey one.
    Backstory aside, I think you get the gist of what she looks like. XD
    Home: Tasnica
    Bio: Alayah and her twin brother Rogan come from a very old family of Mages, The family of Crowfest have lived in Tasnica for many generations and are prominent members of society. Alayah enjoys the prestige, but feels she must prove her worth as a Crowfest. She is outgoing and friendly, but not obnoxiously so, and she is proud.
    Branch of Magic: Elemental (She specializes in lightning, but practices using wind)
    Weapon: A handgun made of a specially engineered material, which focuses magical energy and charges the bullets with the infused energy. Since Alayah is an Elemental Mage, the bullets can be charged with electrical energy.

    Username: Marushi
    Name: Rogan Crowfest
    Gender: male
    Age: 16
    [​IMG]I didn't have tie to draw this one at all, so I just found a pic I liked on Google. So... Yeah, this is Rogan.
    Home: Tasnica
    Bio: Rogan, although born to the family of Crowfest, never cared much for being in the public eye. He instead prefers to keep to himself; he has more control over his Shapeshifting abilities if he is in a small group as opposed to large crowds. He prefers to let Alayah be in the limelight; her Elemental powers make her more “acceptable” to the family. Yet, he sometimes feels a little jealous of her abilities, and feels that he got the raw end of the deal as far as magic goes. He is friendly, but quiet, and tries to take a calm approach to everything. He is more likely to transform if he is stressed.
    Branch of Magic: Shapshifting
    Weapon: A small dagger that retracts at a push of a button, to be used in emergencies.
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: jackdaniel0, no a person with psychokinesis wouldn't be able to move water. As for earth, as long as its not sand(or a mountain) they can lift rocks. Don't give your character the power to do everything. These are students, not full fledged adults trained for real combat. You're in though.

    heartless_angel, nice to see you again. 8D You're in too.

    Marushi! You're in.

    Oh guys, I decided to cancel the RP. ...Kidding. We're starting now.



    Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

    Kendric flipped through the pages of the book he was supposed to be studying as he absent-mindedly tapped his fingers against his desk. Today was the celebration of the three thousandth year of the War's end. True, everyone was being let out early to head back to their families and have some fun, but the fact that class was in session at all today annoyed him to no end.

    'Well it's not all so bad. I get to see some of my friends. Maybe if they don't have plans...' The teacher rose his voice as Kendric was not the only student not paying attention.

    "...And this is why the words in a spell must be enunciated properly." The teacher spoke, showing a rather disturbing image on the holographic projector. Many students said "ew" aloud. "Sadly, because of a few mishaps, spells and rituals are only learned after you graduate and this has been the case for a decade now." The teacher shook his head. He was an elderly man who probably thought things were always better in the past than they were now. Actually, many of his classes were spent reminiscing about the "old" days. This class was only for upperclassmen and it was merely a course on spell safety and such even though it was next to useless since they weren't taught within the academy.

    Kendric slipped a book out of his bag and looked back at the teacher for a moment, waiting until his back was turned before he put it on his own desk. It was his father's old book back from when he was at the academy. This one actually contained things that weren't taught in the academy. Explanations on many things were brief, but it was just a sort of "General 101" book for nearly everything. As such, the book was quite huge. Even for being so old it was still in great condition. His father rarely cracked it open when he was a student.

    'He always wants me to train instead of study.' Kendric thought to himself as he flipped through its pages. His father was in the Wendel Army of Defense(or WARD for short) and always tried to nudge Kendric in that direction. There were no wars to be fought however. Only beasties to keep out of their borders. Plus, Kendric wasn't a fighter. He was too..."gentle" as his father put it. Still, that didn't stop the man from trying to get Kendric to apply for an officer position as soon as he graduated.

    His book would have to wait though as an announcement over the speaker came on.

    "These students will report to the front of the building..."

    'Are they in trouble?'

    "Kendric Stark."

    '...Am I in trouble?' He quickly stuffed his belongings back into his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. In either case, it meant leaving class even earlier. Trouble or not, that only made him smile. "Later guys!" He shouted happily, waving as he reached the door in the blink of an eye and headed out into the hall.

    "Grace Cassardis."

    'It's that one girl who acts weird around me. Hm.'

    "Ayer Granz. Sora. Zillia Albina Kegan. Meara Ward. Celeste Abelard."

    'Celeste too? Great! I'll just make a quick stop by...' He changed direction, knowing exactly where her class was. Celeste's own family was a little like his own. Except Celeste was much more open to actually joining WARD than he was. Kendric stopped by the door and waved through the window upon seeing his friend.

    "Alastair Vaun Trios. Luna. Angela. Julia. Zelos. Drei. Sophia Hima. Poke. Mya. Alayah and Rogan Crowfest. Artan Everette. Lucas and Berial Di'Marze."

    There was a pause. That was a lot of people who were called. Kendric could only wonder why they were. Of course, this was soon answered.

    "Congratulations. All of you have been selected to have front row seats at today's festivities. Professors Nadine Fay and Naomi Lockhart will be supervising. Be on your best behavior and have a nice day!"

    Kendric fist pumped. That was great news. This was really out of the blue. He wondered if their parents had been informed about it. Though that thought was quickly gone from his mind as excitement took over. "Best. Day. Ever."


    Class Schedules: This will determine what OCs your character is in class with right now. Sorted by age.

    Spell Safety
    Kendric Stark

    Magical History
    Ayer Granz
    Artan Everette
    Lucas Di'Marze
    Berial Di'Marze

    Monster Anatomy(why would this be a class? BECAUSE SCIENCE.)
    Albina Kegan
    Celeste Abelard
    Alastair Vaun Trios

    Legendary and Modern Monsters(moshi said what this class teaches)
    Grace Cassardis
    Maera Ward
    Alayah Crowfest
    Rogan Crowfest
  12. Kanji Tatsumi Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 18, 2013
    me on ma way to steal yo guurl
    HELVETE! -DIVES FOR THIS- Just on time, I presume?

    Username: Kanji Tatsumi
    Name: Artan Everette
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Artan has short yet fluffy bright ginger hair with a middle parting, his hair splitting so that it just leaves his eyes in view. However, tilting his head forward can create a full fringe, hiding his eyes completely from view. His eyes are a bright brown colour and he has light freckles underneath them both. Artan’s skin is very fair as he doesn’t go out and prefers to stay indoors mostly. Artan dresses in a green button-down dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a brown waistcoat and a red bowtie. This is otherwise covered by the baggy cream v-neck jumper he wears. Along with his he wears gray jeans with green trainers. In his pocket, he has a pair of glasses and attached to his belt on a chain is a small pocket mirror.
    Home: Tasnica
    Bio: From the capital of Tasnica, Artan grew up in a high-society environment yet never fit in with the other children, leading him to be bullied constantly throughout his life by the children who believed they were better than him. This has led Artan to have constant security and trust issues, often found keeping to himself rather than trying to befriend anyone. Having conjuration abilities, since he had lots of time to himself, he has mastered the aspect of turning invisible, it having helped escape bullies many times. Otherwise, Artan is a rather happy and friendly guy who has a geek passion for any forms of technology and often found tinkering with any forms of electronics he can get his hands on. Strangely enough, Artan is also often found peering at himself in the mirror suspiciously as if he was looking for something other than his reflection.
    Branch of Magic: Conjuration
    Weapon: Dual calibre pistols
    Other: Artan seems to suffer from split personality disorder or at least an extreme case of bipolarism. This is evidenced by how you can be talking to him and he will be happy and nice yet an hour later, he would snap at you and shove you away before storming off. An obvious way to spot the difference is his hairstyle – when he’s his nasty side, his middle parting changes to be on the left of his head.
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    You're in, Kanji. Lots of people to edit in. You're in class 2.
  14. Kanji Tatsumi Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 18, 2013
    me on ma way to steal yo guurl
    Awesome. I'll start then (and name the second class whilst I'm at it).
    But just before I do, your first post, does that include Artan's name?
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Yes. Yes it does. I probably should have named these classes myself but I'm just going to let everyone edit based on whoever posts first. B(
  16. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 5, 2009
    Nowhere and everywhere

    'What in the world could this possibly be about?' Grace pouted as the announcement started, having been fidgeting with a voodoo doll she was trying to make from a magazine. She never really liked paying much mind in class, already knowing, as far as she was convinced, all there is to know about Legendary and Modern Monsters. She had been 'trying', after all, to turn people around her into them with no prevail.

    She pulled another pin out of her hair when she suddenly stopped, hearing Kendric's name being called out. Putting the pin back, she turned to pay close attention now.

    "Grace Cassardis."

    A large grin now spread across her face, instantly shoving of all her belonging into her bag and rushing out of the classroom. Not only was she being out of that dreadfully boring class, but she was to be in the same room... with Kendric. 'Tis would be an excellent time to test out some new spells I've been working on~ Just you wait..'

    Although she was teased constantly for having 'feeling' towards him, Grace knew the true purpose behind her many attacks on Kendric. She was destined to defeat her upper class man and finally be able to exceed everyone else in the magic of Biokinesis! He was the only thing that stood in her way and she would destroy him with any means necessary, even digging into her so called 'Dark Magic'. She giggled now as she skipped along with glee, pulling out a folder labeled 'Spells' and flipped through it as she made her way off to the office. She ignored the rest of the announce, not really caring much what it was about.

    'If it's any trouble, Daddy would get me out of it easily.' She beamed with happiness now, not seeming to notice she was heading in the wrong direction from the rest of her classmates that had been called out as well.

    Ayer noted down ever single world his teacher had said, never having like to miss anything even if he got side-tracked and would go completely off topic. Although today's lesson in Magical History was something they had already learned in class 4, he never had a problem with it, knowing each teacher taught differently. 'Everything said could be something I could use in the future or something new to learn. I can't miss one thing.' He said to himself happily before his thoughts were suddenly interrupted with the announcements. Hearing his name being called, he slowly began to pack his things, surely being bummed about not being able to finish up. He hated whenever he had to miss out on lessons but he had no control over it.​
    'Who knows, this could turn out to be a lesson too...' He told himself, trying too look at the positives as he always would. Was what his mother had taught him to do in any situation. But hearing Angela's name put a smile on his face. He turned around, looking to her with a grin. She had always been so interesting to him. Not only was she an elemental just like him, she was also much more mature than most the other girls in class.​
    Picking up his things and making sure his desk was clean, he made his way out of the class, deciding he would wait for her outside.​
    However, as he stepped out, he heard another name that struck his curiosity. 'Artan?' He looked back to the quiet boy who sat away from most of the class. Now this trip had really caught his attention.​
    "Why were we selected? It doesn't make much sense. Was it some kind of raffle?' Ayer thought about it for a moment as he waited out the door. Maybe he was putting too much thought into it when it could just very well be a fun time but he just couldn't put it into the back of his mind.​
    "Everything happens for a reason..."
  17. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?

    Rogan listened absently as his teacher continued to talk on and on, and he wasn’t the only student not paying attention. Today was the three-thousandth anniversary of the war’s end, and the entire school body was impatiently awaiting for class to let out. Only, Rogan wasn’t waiting because he was excited for the evening. In fact, he was dreading it.

    Don’t get me wrong, Rogan was happy to say that there had been no war for 3,000 years. (I mean, who wants war, right?) He just wasn’t quite looking forward to the festivities that would take place later that night.

    The festivities themselves weren’t the problem, Rogan enjoyed the anniversary celebration hosted by the town each year, and this year would be even more grand. He just wished he could go to the festivities with his friends, and hang out back away from the crowds and the unattended children and all the prying eyes.

    But Rogan and his twin sister Alayah were Crowfests, after all. The Crowfest family was a very old family of mages, living right here in Tasnica, and they were very prominent members of society. Every year, the Crowfest family all gathered together and watched as close to the front as possible, where everyone could see them dressed in their splendor and proudly proclaiming their joy at the prospect of peace.

    Afterwards, there was a grand ball in their manor, lasting well into the night, with all the other aristocrats and powerful mages and prominent guests. And Rogan would be expected to be present and enjoyable, and above all else, NOT furry. Not that he had to worry much anymore about transforming accidentally, he had learned to keep it under control, mostly. Sometimes, he still got rather close, but he hadn’t fully lost control in years. His mother just never learned to let things go.

    After all, who could forget the grand ball celebrating the 2,991’st anniversary of the war’s end, when seven year old Rogan got into an argument with his snob cousin and ended up clawing him on the face with actual cat’s claws? Certainly not the cousin, nor the cousin’s mother, who still hated Rogan for clawing her baby.

    And so Rogan was reminded every year that he was expected to be present for the entirety of the ball, except for if he felt like he was about to lose it.

    Still though, they meant well. And they were family, so he would just have to put up with it.

    Suddenly, a voice spoke through the intercom, catching the attention of all the excited students.

    “These students will report to the front of the building,” it said. “Kendric Stark. Grace Cassardis. Ayer Granz. Sora. Albina Kegan. Meara Ward. Celeste Abelard. Alastair Vaun Trios. Luna. Angela. Julia. Zelos. Drei. Sophia Hima. Poke. Mya. Alayah and Rogan Crowfest.”

    Rogan looked up at the intercom, now curious. Why had he been called? Had he done something wrong? Had he done something commendable? But he’d been called along with Alayah, who was now squirming in her chair, looking at the intercom as if she were begging it to keep speaking. He often was grouped with Alayah, and she was sometimes grouped along with him. People seemed to think that since they were twins, they automatically spent all of their time together. If you wanted one, you had to invite the other. Maybe she had done something?

    “Congratulations,” continued the voice over the intercom. “All of you have been selected to have front row seats at today’s festivities. Professors Nadine Fay and Naomi Lockhart will be supervising. Be on your best behavior and have a nice day!”

    Alayah let out an excited shriek and jumped out of her seat, along with several other lucky classmates. “Ohmygosh,” she said. “I get to sit in the front row! This is so exciting! We’re going to see everything!”

    And everyone will see us, Rogan thought with a sigh as he slowly put his stuff away and stood up. There goes any hope of seeing my friends.

    But, it would all be over soon enough, and he would just try to enjoy himself in the meantime. After all, the front row seats would make it so he would be able to see everything, even if he felt like he was being stared at the whole time. He could have fun with this. If he put his mind to it.
  18. Kanji Tatsumi Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 18, 2013
    me on ma way to steal yo guurl
    [briljant! And it's fine - gives way to creativity.]

    Artan sat at the back of the large class, completely ignoring the teacher at the front of the lecture theatre drone on and on about History. His hands working quickly under the table, he carefully began to use a screwdriver to pull apart the useless plastic casing upon a phone he had found in the corridor. In all honestly, the fair haired boy should of handed it in to the lost property box like a good student of the school; yet the prospect of opening and fiddling about with one of the latest phone models circuits and backing was all too appealing for him to do so. It was something that he often pondered upon as being immoral. Someone would be looking for this phone, probably upset that they had lost it and here he was destroying it with his trusty number 2. "To be fair, whomever dropped this should of been taking better care of it. They shouldn't of even brought it to school in the first place." Artan reasoned, popping away the plastic to stare at the different coloured wires with a look of a kid at Christmas who had got the presents he wanted.

    "...Artan Everette..."

    Artan looked up, eyebrows raised as he looked up towards the small speaker that was located by the door. His name had definitely been called, along with other names of the student body if his memory was serving him correctly from how much he was half listening. Sighing, he stuffed his playthings into his bag as he stood up to head towards the door - all the while ignoring the looks of confusion upon his classmate's faces. Some of them were snickering. They probably thought he was in trouble. But that didn't trouble Artan, just like any other day. Other students were a mystery to him and he had resolved early on in life that other people were really just baggage. With a slight spring to his step to be out of the glares of his peers, he began down the almost empty corridor asides from other students walking along. This was confusing. His eyes surveyed the room with interest before him freezing, noticing the condition of the floor. The laminated wooden boards had been freshly cleaned, leaving a glimmer of reflection on the floor. 'Oh no... Not that...' A cold sweat began to form upon him, his legs instantly quaking to cause him to stumble back towards the boy who had followed him out - Ayer.
  19. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Meara was always bored in Legendary and Modern Monsters class
    Maybe it was just because she knew about most of the modern monsters they were learning about so far from firsthand experience with them. Not that she knew how to fight one, she just knew how to get away and hide.
    At this point she was struggling to stay awake, listening to the teacher just barely to keep material in her head that she already knew about. Her head shot up just as the announcement speaker came on.
    "These students will report to the front of the building..."
    Wow that tone is scary.​
    "Kendric Stark, Grace Cassardis, Ayer Granz. Sora. Albina Kegan. Meara Ward..."
    Whoa wait what, me? Okay!
    Meara packed up her bag and waved at the class slightly as she walked out of the room, she was now awake and was glad to be out of the class regardless whether or not the news if would be bad. She walked as the ignored the other names called and finally paid attention when she heard,
    "Congratulations. All of you have been selected to have front row seats at today's festivities. Professors Nadine Fay and Naomi Lockhart will be supervising. Be on your best behavior and have a nice day!"
    Huh... okay!
    She had walked by another class at that moment and heard the uncalled students let out a pissed off growl. She actually started to laugh and scratch the back of her head when she heard it, she felt bad that they were all trapped in class, but front row seats for festivities? That is something she wouldn't give up even if she was offered money.
    When she got up to the front of the school she found herself almost about to howl and quickly covered her mouth and shunned herself for even trying to attempt to. You are a female, not a wolf. If you were a shape shifter it could slide but you are not.
  20. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Sora was bored from the class. She sat there drawing on her notepad. An announcement was made saying that he and several other students in her class as well as the others were chosen for the special festivities. A light smile came onto her face. She was filled with joy that she had been chosen. It wasn't always that they wee in the front row seat. She and many of the others were excused to go.

    "I am one lucky girl. Hopefully today will continue to be great." She said as running out the door. She walked towards the hall where the festivities would begin. Other classmates seemed to be very disappointed that they were chosen instead of the others students. Along the way, a man in a dark cloak passed by her. He gave her a dark chill. He wasn't one of the teachers so why was he here? She chose to ignore it for now and continued to the location.

    Shade had been invited by the dean to come for the festivites for the school. He probably wanted to higher him once again. He was an assassin shapeshifter. Surely the dean knew this so why would he invite him? No matter, maybe he would accept the offer. These times of peace have left him without much work. Passing down his knowledge may be best.

    Shade walked through the school towards the festivities area. He passed by some students ignoring them completely. He entered the area and leaned against the wall to await the reasoning he was called.
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