Welcome to the KHV PYP Photo Match Game!! ☾ Round Three ☽Baby Photos ☾ Skyheart & Kuroso ☽ This will be a weekly contest in which users submit obscure photos of themselves via PM. Then, after the thread has been posted, everyone tries to match the pictures with the list of users. Whoever can match up each photo set correctly wins. I will post the correct order at the end of the week and announce if anyone got it right. The winner will be posted in the next week's thread. Along with this, there will be a poll up for suggested themes. Whatever suggestion has the most votes while be the theme for the following week. ❥ Themes will be decided upon by you, the users. You may submit theme suggestions in the thread. ❥ There will be a list of themes in the poll for each thread. Whichever has the most votes will be the next week's photo theme. In the event of a tie, I will flip a coin and post the winner in the thread. ❥ Anyone may sign up. Just post in the thread that you would like to participate in next week's contest before the thread closes. ❥ After the game ends, I will PM those that signed up with the selected theme and you have 2 days to submit a photo. ❥ Images must be appropriate and fit the theme. Just because I say 'obscure,' doesn't mean it can be indecent. If it is a theme dealing with a part of the body, it must be kept tasteful. Anything I deem inappropriate will not be submitted in the thread. You only get one warning. If you try to submit something indecent more than once, you will no longer be allowed to partake in the photo entry portion. ❥ The point of the contest is to test the other users and see how well they know the participants. Any photos that have face shots will be blurred. You can either black out the face prior to submission, or I can do it afterwards. Either way is fine with me. ❥ I would like to keep an average of at least 5 entries per contest. More is welcome. ❥ Now for the fun part: after the thread has been posted, there will be a list of photos and a list of users they belong to. Everyone has to try the best to match up the photos and users. Whoever can guess all of them correct is the winner. ❥ I reserve the right to add or subtract from these rules as I see fit. Users Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5 ~Phoenix~ C Midnight Star cstar LaRiA Graphics by: cstar
Huff puff I got the timezones mixed up and failed to submit oh well! Sign me up for the next one instead hehe Here are my guesses (I am terrible at guessing sobs) 1. Midnight Star 2. LaRiA 3. C 4. ~Phoenix~ 5. cstar
__// Bump __// Game ends Friday night 11:59 PM CST. __// Let's guess, guess, guess, and vote, vote, vote. Right now there is a tie between shoes and cosplay/Halloween.
I'm just gonna throw out my guesses because I totally know who all of these people are. Totally. 1. C 2. cstar 3. Midnight Star 4. LaRiA 5. ~Phoenix~
All right. Game ended last night. The correct answers were: Photo 1 - LaRiA Photo 2 - cstar Photo 3 - C Photo 4 - ~Phoenix~ Photo 5 - Midnight Star Winner is ..... a three - way tie between Nate_River, Dinny, and Skyheart. Congratulations. Shoes is the winning theme for next week. You have until 11:59 PM CST on Sunday night to turn in your photo if you wish to participate. Thanks for playing.