яσω яσω ;; [Æ’ιgнт тнє ρσωєя!]

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, May 31, 2011.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    [Special thanks to FuzzyBlueLights for helping out with...everything, and to Plums Vi Britannia for the inspiration.]


    It started as an idea, proposed by the great leader of the Gurren Brigade. “To pierce the Heaven's!†It became the battle cry--the spoken in whisper's motto of the villagers tired of the mundane drone of the their underworld existence, tired of the earthquakes keeping them in constant fear. To the ones who knew in their heart of the wonders up above them they took these words to heart, and believe in this world above, despite having never seen them. Giha village was the first village to experience the passion of one who pierced the Heavens.

    That infamous trio, the mysterious flame haired Yoko, the natural born digger Simon, and the leader of the gang, the rebellious Kamina! Because their break for the surface, a spark was lighted. The infamous motto made more and more villagers want to leave. And the village couldn't keep quiet, you know how rumors travel, soon three other villages had villagers clamoring secretly to break the mold. Until finally, those with enough heart gathered enough courage to follow after Kamina. To the surface or die trying! To find adventure! To find something more! To see if there even is a surface! To pierce the Heavens!

    ...Yeah, so basically, you're either a villager who decided enough is enough, or one of the Beastmen serving Lord Genome. If you're a villager, you rebel, break out of your...village, and make it to the surface, where you will battle Beastmen, etc in order to survive/defeat Lord Genome and yaddayadda. If you are a Beastman, or any other bad guy, your goal is to fight back, protect your base, try to destroy the humans, all that good stuff.

    You don't have to know anything about Gurren Lagann to join. In fact, Fuzzy and I have yet to finish the series, so we're keeping this rather simple. If you want to play a character that really exists in the series, that's fine, just make sure you explain why they're there.

    The anime takes place in a semi-alternate reality, where Kamina, Simon and Yoko existed, but the events of their adventures are nothing much more than a myth, and the "battle" wasn't ever really resolved. Which means we still get to kick ass, without having to make up some weird story to go along with it. c':


    ☆ No godmodding, unless you’re Fuzzy or Jayn.

    ★ No graphic sex scenes, duh.

    ☆ No copapasta of any one elses work into your own role plays, Google will find you.

    ★ No killing anybody unless it's said, fights are cool though.

    ☆ And again, for the sake of my nerves and to prevent a seizure, please use some kind of pretty color for your font. Nothing hard too dark, nothing too blinding, or default.

    ★ I am requiring you to use something to signify someone is speaking, like using a different font color for quotes, or whatever.



    Of the three villages, this one is the farthest underground. In earlier centuries the area around this village was used to test radioactive things. Combined with the majority of the wildlife being able to produce their own light source, it is one of the most brightly lit village. Glowing light blue moss is what covers and lights most of the halls. Which are really the homes and walls that make a gigantic maze. This village is ruled by a monarchy, with the king at the center of this maze of mixed together walls and homes. A lake of phosphorescent green fish illuminate the front lawn of the king's home. The people of this village trade their accessory's made from the glowing materials around them for anything the village itself can't provide, since glowing material goods has grown in popularity over the years.


    The closest to the surface and the only village with a known pre made stairway to the surface. The citizens of this village have the best technology of the century their ancestors decided to live underground. In that respect, they have no contact with the dangers of the outside. Shock-absorber technology keeps the Ganmen made earthquakes at bay to the point of the villagers not even knowing about them. When the human race was forced underground, their ancestor's were well prepared in securing their future and their children's children future. So think of this village as a resort, of the three, it has the highest population, and it is the biggest. The structure is simple, water is only source of liquid and the food supply is selected from a touch-screen menu in the cafeteria. The village is lazy and peaceful, though the chief has always had a crew set aside to be the peacekeepers around the place. The doorway that leads to the stairs to the heaven's not even heavily guarded, just old, hidden, and forgotten.


    The residents of this village are set very near a dormant volcano. These people descended from a slightly larger, more primitive above ground village. Over the centuries these humans have toughened up. More muscularly fit then the other village's, increased stamina and endurance. Tanner skin and weaponry made from dried magma. Dried magma is manipulated well in this village, and thus that is their major source of trading. In this village, the chief choose who's next to take his place, so bribery and favoritism and of course jealousy is high in this village. There is a water source in this village. Two miles away there's an underground cavern shared by member's of other volcanic villages. Bad things happen here, so most people come in groups of twos and threes.


    Gunman! The mecha fighter's that a randomly chosen few will receive if you're a human. If you are a beastman. You will automatically receive one. If it is destroyed, it will be replaced. If you're a human, you need purpose! Or a fighting spirit to pilot a Gunman. Beastmen only need to hop inside one, for they power it through the solar batteries used in every Gunman. Depending upon however many humans there are, that is how many Gunmen we will dish out. Not every human will get a Gunman. Meaninnnnng, the more humans we have, the more Gunmen the humans will get, but there will never be a Gunman for every human. For the humans that randomly get their Gunmen, me and Jayn will decide how you will get it, and when through PM to keep the roleplay moving. If you're a ****** human but you're randomly chosen, sorry good, kind-hearted humans, you're just not lucky enough. Some of you humans also don't get to choose what weaponry their Gunmen will have originally, as the story progress, there will be upgrades or complete weapon removal and then the installation of a new, CHOSEN weapon. If you do not like this system, Q.Q somewhere else, nancy.

    This is to prevent "GANMEN TRANSFORMATION SPAM POWER ON!" and other godmoddery. Also, it would be weird for everyone to have one. It's not an army of Ganmen, and this encourages teamwork. What I WILL allow, is for the teams to be able to...give someone else a Ganman. Meaning, to share. This is all randomized and stuff, for the sake of fairness.


    Beastmen are the primary antagonists of the first half of Gurren-Lagann. They are a blend of human and animal DNA, varying greatly in appearance; some are almost completely humanoid, while others are entirely inhuman-looking. These hybrids served Lord Genome, their creator. They cannot produce Spiral Energy (the energy human's possess naturally that allows them to pilot Gunmen), so solar powered batteries are installed into every Gunmen and thus Beastmen are allowed to pilot Gunmen, unfortunately, only during the day. They also cannot reproduce and need coma-like sleep to stop from cell degeneration, unless they have an immortal body like the one given to Viral. Due to their inability to produce spiral power, they pilot Gunmen by using solar powered batteries, which prevents them from operating at night. However, larger Gunmen(such as Dekabutsu or the hot spring gunmen) can supply smaller ones with power, allowing the Beastmen to work at any time of the day.


    ➟ Name; Bellatrix "Vilani" Star.

    ➟ Appearance; Here.

    [Disclaimer--Artist: Noguchi]

    ➟ Age; Unknown.

    ➟ Personality; Rational, quiet.

    ➟ Village; N|A

    ➟ Alliance; Beastmen.

    ➟ Name; Kina Authart.

    ➟ Appearance; Here.
    Discalimer -- Artist: Gabiran.

    ➟ Age; Twenties.

    ➟ Personality; Impatient, serious, impulsive.

    ➟ Bio; To be revealed.

    ➟ Village; Bunkanl.

    ➟ Alliance; Humans.

    ➟ Name: Mina

    ➟ Appearance:
    ➟ Age: 16

    ➟ Personality: Mina is a humble, quiet, and hardworking young girl. She is rather gullible at time and often made fun of in the village, but she keeps hope. A great cook, Mina tries to cheer up those who are down.

    ➟ Bio; Mina was the first one to meet the trio when they appeared in the village. She doesn't believe Kamina at his claims but has developed a crush on Simon, watching him from a distance. Also, she looks up to Yoko as a sister figure, now Mina wants to see the surface more than ever.

    ➟ Village: Bunkanl

    ➟ Alliance: Human

    ➟ Name; Jet Chaser

    ➟ Appearance; http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z129/deven5/85_anime2Bboy.jpg

    ➟ Age; 17

    ➟ Personality; Upbeat. Wise.

    ➟ Bio; Knows more then he'll tell. Believes there's more to life then the constant fighting and politics of his village. Comes equipped with swordsmanship and latent mechanic skills.

    ➟ Village; Volcana

    ➟ Alliance; Humans

    ➟ Name; Felix "Helix" Syndrome

    ➟ Appearance; http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z129/deven5/554138.jpg

    ➟ Age; ???

    ➟ Personality; Cold. Calculated.

    ➟ Bio; One of the leader maker/pilots of the Gunmen. He knows the workings and mechanics of them all. His Gunmen expertise is so wide that with Genome's permission, his average sized Gunman is able to operate at all times of day, due to his special conditioning upon it. Through choice or Lord Genome's command, he is able to do the same for any other Gunmen. Is seen mostly only speaking to other Commanders, Leaders, and Bellatrix Star.
    ➟ Village; NlA

    ➟ Alliance; Beastmen

    6. ➟ Name; Viola Farron

    ➟ Appearance; Viola is around 5"5. Blue hair that falls to her neck like ocean waves. she has soft blue eyes, but when feeling empowered, her eyes gain a sharper, more confident looking edge. Commonly wears black shorts and a cloak, with a white t-shirt beneath it.

    ➟ Age; 17

    ➟ Personality; Charismatic. Viola is, in contrast to her appearance, incredibly outgoing. However, she is also critical of those around her, causing her judgment to become clouded. Viola tends to bottle her feelings up inside, believing that if anyone saw her as weak, if only for a second, the entire person she wants to be will be forever destroyed in the eyes of those around her. As such, Viola seeks approval from her peers, and tends to, despite her moral beliefs, works together with the antagonistic villagers to further her position, at the cost of making real friends for herself.

    ➟ Village; Volcana

    ➟ Alliance; Humanity

    ➟ Name; Wetch "Will" Markna

    ➟ Appearance; 5' 10", wears a plain black bandana and has spiky brown hair that is just short of his shoulder. His top is simply a black vest, and he has a bit of a 6 pack. He wears battered camouflage pants with several rips, and wears no shoes. Has brown eyes that always look confident.

    ➟ Age; 17

    ➟ Personality; Extremely sarcastic, kind, caring and very protective although he doesn't show it. Keeps his feelings to himself, because seriously, who likes somebody who's gloomy all the time? Immature although can be mature under special circumstances, and slightly hyper at times. Doesn't listen to others opinions, and sometimes zones out.

    ➟ Village; Volcana

    ➟ Alliance; Humans

    8. [color="#blue"]
    ➟ Name; Simon

    ➟ Appearance;

    ➟ Age; 14

    ➟ Personality; Simon is a shy, withdrawn boy. After finding Lagann and fighting a Ganmen for the first time, he was less shy but was still incredibly scared of all the pressure to fight and the pressure to be brave for the rest of the team. Kamina however is the one who always inspires him and allows Simon to show his true power and personality.

    ➟ Bio;
    Simon was born in Jeeha Village, one of many subterranean civilizations on Planet Earth in the far future. Unlike other villages, Jeeha Village had supplies of fresh water, animals (Mole pigs) for food and electric generators for light. In spite of this, there was an ever-present threat of cave-ins from earthquakes, so the village chief employs diggers from the energetic and maneuverable youth to create new routes for the city to expand. Simon became one of them, and quickly distinguishes himself as one of the best diggers.
    At age seven, Simon's parents were killed before his eyes in a cave-in during an earthquake. The incident traumatized him and gave him a phobia for earthquakes. Simon then devoted his entire existence to his job, earning him the scorn from his peers. Only Kamina, the local gang leader and juvenile delinquent, reached out to Simon. Kamina "recruited" Simon into "Team Gurren" by dragging him along on outrageous schemes to escape Jeeha Village to the surface, which Kamina claimed he had visited as a young boy. Though Simon was an outcast, he would always feel more comfortable around Kamina. In one instance, Kamina and the other members were trapped in a small hole caused by an earthquake; everyone was scared, but Kamina's pep talks to Simon motivated the digger to drill a tunnel out of the barricade. After this incident, Kamina and Simon grew so close that they could have been called brothers.
    One day, during digging of a new tunnel, Simon discovers a small drill-shaped object that periodically glows, an item known as the Core Drill. On the same day, he unearths a large "face" in the ground, and shows it to Yoko and Kamina after Jeeha Village is attacked by a large Gunmen. The face is revealed to be a miniature Gunmen, and the Core Drill Simon dug up is the key to starting it. With the aid of this mech, which Kamina names the "Lagann", Simon destroys the large Gunmen attacking Jeeha and rises to the surface world.
    After helping Kamina capture his own Mecha 'Gurren' and being the driving force behind Team Gurren as they merged their mecha's together to become the now legendary Gurren Lagann, Team Gurren made a big name for themselves in the rebellion. However, Gurren Lagann suddenly vanished in a flash of green energy, and he, Kamina and Yoko found themselves in the underground village of Bunkanl, not knowing what happened to the other members of Team Gurren. Kamina is constantly bragging that he is the Leader of Team Dai-Gurren, but alas... no one in the village believes him. Meanwhile Simon and Yoko themselves are trying to keep hush about their identities while they try to find a way back to the surface.

    ➟ Village; Bunkanl

    ➟ Alliance; Humans

    ? ? Name; Viral

    ? ? Appearance;
    ? ? Age; Unknown

    ?? Personality; Very cocky and headstrong. Hates humans, like all Beastmen.

    ? ? Bio; A shark-type Beastman with feline genetics. His appearance is more humanoid than most other Beastmen, except for his cat-like eyes, shark-like teeth, and large clawed paws in place of hands. He hates Kamina more than any other human, since being beaten, and having his Gunman's helmet stolen by him in Gurren-Lagann left his honour stained. He pilots Enkidu, his personal Gunman.
    ? ? Village; N/A

    ? ? Alliance; Beastmen

    ? ? Name; Kani

    ? ? Appearance; ? ? Age; 19

    ?? Personality; Strong-minded and bold, but also very caring of others.

    ? ? Bio; Though she's lived in the easy, carefree village of Bunkanl all of her life, Kani has always felt that something was wrong about the way that humans live. She's heard of the tales of Team Gurren, and believes them to be absolutely true, but she doesn't yet realise that the trio are living in the same village as her.

    ? ? Village; Bunkanl

    ? ? Alliance; Humans


    Please post your character in the OOC thread.


  2. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    With unfocused and glazed over eyes, the strawberry-haired girl stared down at her blade quietly. Her wrists moved with routine, a blue fabric clutched between her palm and her pink-tinted fingertips, gently gliding over the cool silver metal while her other hand held the weapon in place. She continued running the cloth up and down the blade, cleansing and polishing while (in reality, and as usual) she was paying little to no attention at all.

    The villagers amongst her often raised their eyebrows and shook their heads at her semi-obsessive daily ritual, but she paid them no mind. If what Yoko and the other three of her group claimed was true above the surface, she would be ready. She had always wondered what lurked above them. Itching for adventure, and hanging onto the words and promises of the other villagers, the ones who believed those three anyway, she would prepare and train. No matter who thought she was crazy for it.

    Kina had always been reserved and kept to herself. Thinking nothing much of it, of her forgotten family, or of how large this village really was. Quiet, lazy and peaceful, but filled with a variety of different people and beliefs. Not to mention the latest technology, though Kina wasn't much of a fan of it, being more of the old-fashioned type and a bit technologically challenged. Though, with all of the hordes of people, she was still in happy solitude. A smiley, calm, introvert, and quite content with it.

    She sighed to herself, the back of her hand resting to her forehead for a moment as she stared up into the large rocky mounds above her. The tip of her sword sank into the earth beneath her as she lifted herself up, directing her red eyes back in front of her and deciding it was time to go find something to eat for herself.



    Pink lips pressed together in thought, and a single cold, dead, icy blue eye peered down at the creature before her. Her chin lifted upward, the stench of the open air hitting the tip of her nose with a vengeance. Not much thought had gone into the hunt, and it annoyed her that any thought had gone into it at all—that she had been the one sent out to find the days meal. She was out, searching, with a colleague of hers and their temporary base was just a while away from her current location. Even so, he could have come with her. Her annoyance outweighed any desire to eat. Especially whatever the hell this thing was.

    One hand equipped with long, curled, thick, naturally white fingernails reached out to thrust the creature over her shoulder. Though she didn't look like much, she equipped an extremely high amount of strength, not to mention agility. Her dirty blonde locks, curved cheeks and slender, feminine figure would lead those to believe she may have been human, but that was far from the truth.

    Beastmen varied in all body types, and she had been blessed with a near human one. But the perfection of her appearance might have given her away. A slate blue iris, perfectly crafted lips, bones. Blemish-less skin, and a soft, beautiful voice. She knew it, too. She wasn't afraid to use her appearance to her advantage against the humans especially, no matter the case or consequences. She could always defend herself, and her empathetic emotions were few.

    Her black boots glided over the rocks and wasteland of the venue, eyes scanning the premises for her partner but landing instead on the huge mecha before her. Sleek and modern in design, it shimmered gloriously in the sun. She dropped the meal from her shoulder and ran a hand over the material of the mecha instead, irritation subsiding for a soft moment. Her pride and joy, her destruction. Her beautiful Ganmen. It was pain to pilot for some people, but she could well beyond manage it.


  3. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Kamina stormed through the village of Bunkanl as he was in a heated debate with a few of the other villagers, one who had just claimed that he was clearly a fraud trying to take credit for the real Kamina's efforts.
    "The reputation of Team Gurren echoes far and wide. It's badass leader a man of spirit, a paragon of total masculinity... as if there could be more than one of the Mighty Kamina!?" Kamina roared out raising a finger to the ceiling.
    A young girl made a remark about how Kamina was 'clearly' lying and acting up.
    "Listen up pit-chick." Kamina began as he took a deep breath.
    "'Cause I don't wanna have ta repeat myself ya hear! Although, I will say it as many times as needed!" he continued completely contradicting himself.
    "Far beyond the farthest horizon, I crawled out of the village of Jiha! I have defeated a Ganman for every star in the sky! When they tell stories of Team Gurren's badass leader, it is I, Kamina, of whom they speak!"


    Simon sat next to Yoko as she worked on her gun among a few other things. "...Bro's at it again." he said, although of course it was obvious as the entire village could probably hear 'Team Gurren's Badass Leader'.
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Mina sighed, 'That guy's soo loud. But I don't want to tell him that.' She walked around the village for a bit and saw Simon and Yoko, Yoko was sort of her idol as she looked up to her, and Simon, well, since Mina was the first one to meet the trio when they arrived, she had developed a little crush on him. Some of the other girls took the moment to tease her.
  5. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Hearing the words of the man, but not seeing him, Kani assumed at first that the speaker was simply a pretender, hoping to gain some attention by pretending to be a man that few knew much about. Sure, he sounded like the man that had led the fabled Team Gurren, and had obviously done a lot of research into his character, but it wasn't the man himself. How could it be?
    Assured as she was, the white-haired teen was too interested in the subject to simply walk by without checking at all. The source of the voice was nearby, and its volume would only make it that much easier to find in a village where almost everyone was calm and quiet. But then she saw the source with her own eyes.
    Bright blue hair, spiked and sloped slightly to one side. A stark, red cape that frayed out at its base into flame decals, which appeared real as the entire cape billowed with each of the mans steps. The emblem on the cloak, a crimson skull surrounded by more flames, with the iconic sunglasses over its eyes. And the orange sunglasses themselves, below which Kani was certain she would spot piercing red eyes, were the angle right for her to see through them. This man was either an incredible fake... or the real deal.
    "How can you be the real Kamina?" she said aloud, unintentionally, more in shock than disbelief. Just how long had this man been around without he noticing so far?
  6. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Lamps hovered above her like a ghost. She always liked to think of them as the spirits of the deceased, guiding her through the dark breeches of the unknown. They were her personal guides; a makeshift parental figure. Ever since her parents died, she'd think of them watching over her from a land without strife, a land built on expansion. It was her wish that their spirits, and the spirits of others, found solace beneath the fabled ocean sky of the Overground.
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Yoko couldn't help but smile, one eye closing while the other stared quietly through the scope of her gun, before she decided to polish it a bit more. She leaned back against the smooth oak and shrugged.

    Typical, huh?” Her voice was loud and confident as she didn't care much if Kamina took the time away from his ego to hear her. She caught a glance of Mina in the distance and gave her a friendly wave, signaling a good morning before going back to her gun. She wondered briefly if other villages allowed such weaponry but dismissed the thought. This village was technology-based, so villagers tended to awe and swoon over their weapons and machinery rather than fear it. Besides, though most of the villagers thought the trio was crazy, they wouldn't hurt anyone.
  8. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    "How can I be the real Kamina?" he repeated her question. "Well, let me answer your question, with ANOTHER question!"
    He grinned.
    "JUST! Who the HELL do you think I am?!"


    Simon stood up from next to Yoko. "I wonder why Gurren Lagann just suddenly disappeared..." he muttered quietly to himself, but probably just loud enough for only Yoko to hear too.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    “Hm.†She hadn't put much thought into that herself. Why did Gurren-Lagann disappear? It was beginning to feel like, ever since arriving to this village, their adventures really didn't happen. It felt like they had been stuck in this village for ages, and Yoko was having a rather hard time distinguishing Kamina's elaborations and exaggerations from what really happened. So instead of giving a real answer back, the girl shrugged her shoulders with a long huff and sank back into her position to continue shining and polishing her gun, pressing her lips together hard with a short glance at Kamina.

    Finally, she pulled herself up, chin turned upwards to the cave's roof.

  10. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Once Kamina had said those words, she knew she was dealing with the real Kamina. No imposter, however good, could be as large a ham as Kamina. "You're really him... so why are you here?" Kani asked, hoping that the answer was that Team Gurren needed more members. She had always felt wrong living underground, after all, and what better way to escape than with 'The Mighty Kamina' of legend?
  11. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    His ears unwillingly perked up at the sound of that voice saying his name. With a drop of the device he was holding and a kick off the lip of her Ganmen, his billowing red tunic shouted out his obvious arrival until he landed with unnatural grace by her side on the sandy floor. Pupiless almost glowing green eyes focused on her own for a moment before flickering to that creature she carried.

    "Maintenance is done. Troops are restless." His light young voice was oddly pure despite it's cold formality. His sun brown boots stepped smoothly over the rocks and stones below them, onto the metal lift that allowed him to quickly and efficiently work on any part of the Ganmen standing behind it.

    "You're annoyed, Bellatrix."

    ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼


    Jet's lip curled up in a grin. "You ready for this?! Go!" Jet gave the boy plenty of time to kick off with his board of magma before he himself kicked off with a rougher thinner board. His arms held back and body arched forward as they sped down the sharp incline. Small bumps were used and abused to let Jet get even more of a lead.

    The crowd below was full of half disappointed and half excited faces. After all, Jet was the number one boarding champ in all the entire village. In fact his mind began to wonder over to the other kid, a boy who moved into the village a few months ago and wasn't treated very well by a good number of the other kids. But the rough crowd the boy fell in with had tricked and manipulated him into this foolish race. With a glance, Jet could tell the kid had potential to be just as good as him. But Jet was on another level at the moment, and with that thought, Jet crossed the finish line and a roar of losers and supporters. His grin was back on his place as he tucked his specially modified board under his arm and walked to the boy who slowed to a halt before he even crossed the finish line.

    He met the boy's glare with a smile and a few words of boarding advice. "You're good at this. But a good trick is too shift with the wind, and ride with the bumps instead of swerving around them.."

  12. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    "Ah! At last... someone who is a believer!
    You're not like the other pit chicks here are ya?"
    Kamina asked, completely paying no heed to her question.


    Simon also looked up at the ceiling. "Are you worried about the others? Leeron etc?" he asked her.
    He looked down again, as he fiddled with his Core Drill around his neck.
    He glanced next to him at the sword Kamina usually carried with him, Kamina had just tossed it to him telling him to look after it while he explored the village and looked for a way out.
  13. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Kani had to think about what Kamina had just asked her. Was she like the others underground? "No, I guess I'm not." she responded at last. "I don't exactly know how to explain but... this village it's just too..." she trailed off for a moment, trying to think of the correct word. "...too perfect, I guess. Life is too easy here for it to be real." Knowing the stories behind Kamina and the rest of Team Gurren, she figured that the man would understand what she meant.
    Of course, she also knew that it was just as likely for him to respond with a 'Who the hell do you think I am?!' again, which seemed to be his answer to just about everything in the stories.
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    The lunch line wasn't particularly long today, but it still annoyed her that it wasn't grab and go like it usually was. She could see Kamina and the others in her vision, but she ignored them. She wasn't positive, nor did she care, if what they claimed was true. What bothered her was how loud and obnoxious they had to be about it. How they had to storm in and make themselves known. Like they were better than everyone, or something.

    She squirmed, crossing her arms and glaring out in front of her. She finally made it to the front, snatching a tray and continuing to gather the food she was interested in. She was mostly interested in the fruits, and ignored the slop. Some may have wondered where the fruits came from, but she just assumed it had something to do with their great technology. She wasn't fond of the 'surface' theory, though she was all too prepared for it. Her eyes glanced down at her sword, before she shook her head and huffed.



    “Understatement.†Her voice was clear, crisp and defined. She dropped the creature, her eye settling on Felix for a moment longer, before boot kicked the creature closer to him. “You can deal with the clean up and division.â€

    Her arms crossed, leg shifting restlessly. She was ready to go. Ready to do something. She was so bored of being unproductive.


    Her eyes grew sad, body slouching slightly as she wrapped her arms around herself with a slight shrug and a small smile as she remembered the times on the surface, with the others. Of course she was worried about the others. Simon should know that. She spent so much of her life dedicated to her team, and to working together. Being stuck here in this underground, though peaceful, was nothing in comparison to her days on the surface. It was hard for her to grasp that those days with Leeron and the others might be over. She nodded, in response to Simon's question, fair to prideful to admit just how much it was effecting her.
  15. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Kamina nodded and nodded. But then he said something unexpected. "While I can see what you mean... I cannot relate.
    Life in our village was to be honest... LAME!
    This village is a haven. But regardless... it's not the surface!
    On the surface! There is no ceiling! There is a great expansive sky that looms over you!
    he shouted.
    Kamina looked over at Simon and Yoko.
    "Come on guys! You tell 'em too!
    We're gonna bust outta here again!
    Because we are Team Gurren!"


    Simon looked over at Kamina as he and Yoko were called.
    He pointed at himself, almost as if in asking... Me or Yoko? before realising that Kamina meant both of them...
    Simon just sorta sat against the wall still... looking down and trying not to draw attention to himself.
    He and Yoko had been, as impossible with Kamina around as it was, trying to keep a low profile...
  16. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "'Bust on outta here'?" Kani repeated, attempting to make sure she understood. "You mean you're going back up to the surface?" She had to think for a long moment. She didn't have any real ties to the village anymore, and the surface had always been said to have been either nonexistant or extremely dangerous. But she didn't belong in the village. She knew that much, and so she knew what she would have to do. "I'm coming with you. Dangerous or not, you say the surface is where we should be, then that's where we should be." She was being incredibly reckless, joining a man many claimed to have been a madman on a quest that could just end with them all dead, but she felt that it was the only option in her heart. It was the right thing to do, and she had no doubt about it at all.
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Yoko's brought her eyes back down to Simon's sunken expression and smiled to herself, nudging the boy gently, with encouragement before turning back towards Kamina and waving. She cupped her hands around her lips and yelled back.


    She turned back to the sulking boy with a small smile, "Right, Simon?"
  18. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Simon looked back and forth between Yoko and Kamina before smiling a little before giving a sharp nod. "Right!"

    Kamina then looked at the girl who had pretty much demanded that she join them. "Heh! I like you kid. You got spunk." he smirked.

    OOC: Sorry that short post is short... lol
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