Seeeeexy, I love that you used part of the image for one of the letters. The colours and effects are superb, I don't like the "{" but that's just me, looks weird there, but maybe it'd look empty without it, idk. +10.
GURREN HARD ON Sexy, plain and simple. The text, the image, the depth, and the effects. The only thing I think could be better is having slightly more color going on.
I reallllllllllllllllllllly like this piece... like, severely (it hurts man ;-;). The text, the blending, the image itself, the effects... omg it's all so great. With the text, it's a "half-half" relationship though. I really like that the 'evolve' is behind the image while the other words are in front... gives it a nice effect. However, I have to agree with Vivi and say that I don't really like the '{' either. Maybe it's too big, I don't know. It just feels... outta place a little. x: BUT ANYWAY I still love this, keep up the lovely work Plums! :'D