Hello everyone, think the topic says all. I want to link my PS2 to my computer, and then play PS2 on it with some programm, which should be able to record what I am playing. I thought KH-Vids.Net is a great place to start asking because it exactly does what I want xD So can anybody help me? Thanks! MoD EDIT: Didn't know wherew to post this, so please move it to the right location if it's wrong in here. :)
Reading is a nice ability, heh? I just said that my staff member made it and that I asked for (instead of?) him. If you don't believe, I can send the *.psd, just PN me.
I never said I did. Me and my staff-members are working on our site, and since we doesn't want to show our forums-members (because it's for the next Version of our site) we showed them here. It's made with Adobe Photshop CS3, and if you don't believe, I can send the *.psd. (I can't explain in English, I am German). => By my Staffmember xD
Coments & critism, please. (As always xP) Feel free to use it.
Hello everyone, I don't know where to put this, but perhabs somebody can help me. I wrote this Downloadingscript and it does work, when the urls are like this: HTML: <a href="download.php?location=images/test.jpg">link</a> but not like this HTML: <a href="download.php?location=http://www.kh-legacy.net/images/test.jpg">link</a> I need the second version because some downloads are at for example imagehack and photobucket. What I have to change so that the second link-example does work, too? Here's the script: PHP: <? $_GET['location'] = $location; function download_data($file,$download_speed = 256) { if(file_exists($file)) /* Existiert Datei überhaupt? */ { if(is_readable($file)) /* Kann sie auch gelesen werden? */ { $size_of_file = filesize($file); /* Größe der Datei */ $extension_of_file = strtolower(substr(strrchr($file,"."),0)); /* Datei-Endung filtern */ $name_of_file = str_replace(" ","%20",basename($file)); /* Leerzeichen ersetzen */ header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); header("Expires: 0"); /* KEIN cachen */ header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: private",FALSE); header("Pragma: public"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); /* Download eben xD */ header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); /* Uebertragungs-Art */ switch(TRUE) { case($extension_of_file == ".exe"): { $content_type = "application/octet-stream"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".zip"): { $content_type = "application/zip"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".rar"): { $content_type = "application/rar"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".doc"): { $content_type = "application/msword"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".xls"): { $content_type = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".ppt"): { $content_type = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".gif"): { $content_type = "image/gif"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".png"): { $content_type = "image/png"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".jpg" or $extension_of_file == ".jpeg"): { $content_type = "image/jpg"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".mp3"): { $content_type = "audio/mpeg"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".wav"): { $content_type = "audio/x-wav"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".wma"): { $content_type = "audio/wma"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".mpg" or $extension_of_file == ".mpeg" or $extension_of_file == ".mpe"): { $content_type = "video/mpeg"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".mov"): { $content_type = "video/quicktime"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".avi"): { $content_type = "video/x-msvideo"; break; } default: { $content_type = "application/force-download"; } } header("Content-Type: " . $content_type); header("Content-Length: " . $size_of_file); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $name_of_file ."\""); $copied_size = 0; $handler = @fopen($file,"rb"); while(!feof($handler) and !connection_aborted()) { set_time_limit(0); $part_of_file = fread($handler,round(($download_speed * 102.4),0)); echo $part_of_file; ob_flush(); flush(); $copied_size = $copied_size + strlen($part_of_file); usleep(100000); } fclose($handler); if($copied_size == $size_of_file) { $download_successfuly = TRUE; } else { $download_successfuly = FALSE; } $error = FALSE; } else { $error = "Die angeforderte Datei existiert zwar, ist aber nicht zum Download freigegeben!"; } } else { $error = "Die angeforderte Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden!"; } return array($error,$copied_size,$download_successfuly); } download_data("$location"); if($error) /* <- Gucken, ob ein Fehler aufgetaucht ist, wenn js... */ { echo $error; /* <- ...diesen Fehler ausgeben... */ } ?> Thanks! MoD
<a href="download.php?location=images/test.jpg">link</a>
<a href="download.php?location=http://www.kh-legacy.net/images/test.jpg">link</a>
<? $_GET['location'] = $location; function download_data($file,$download_speed = 256) { if(file_exists($file)) /* Existiert Datei überhaupt? */ { if(is_readable($file)) /* Kann sie auch gelesen werden? */ { $size_of_file = filesize($file); /* Größe der Datei */ $extension_of_file = strtolower(substr(strrchr($file,"."),0)); /* Datei-Endung filtern */ $name_of_file = str_replace(" ","%20",basename($file)); /* Leerzeichen ersetzen */ header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); header("Expires: 0"); /* KEIN cachen */ header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: private",FALSE); header("Pragma: public"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); /* Download eben xD */ header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); /* Uebertragungs-Art */ switch(TRUE) { case($extension_of_file == ".exe"): { $content_type = "application/octet-stream"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".zip"): { $content_type = "application/zip"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".rar"): { $content_type = "application/rar"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".doc"): { $content_type = "application/msword"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".xls"): { $content_type = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".ppt"): { $content_type = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".gif"): { $content_type = "image/gif"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".png"): { $content_type = "image/png"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".jpg" or $extension_of_file == ".jpeg"): { $content_type = "image/jpg"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".mp3"): { $content_type = "audio/mpeg"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".wav"): { $content_type = "audio/x-wav"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".wma"): { $content_type = "audio/wma"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".mpg" or $extension_of_file == ".mpeg" or $extension_of_file == ".mpe"): { $content_type = "video/mpeg"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".mov"): { $content_type = "video/quicktime"; break; } case($extension_of_file == ".avi"): { $content_type = "video/x-msvideo"; break; } default: { $content_type = "application/force-download"; } } header("Content-Type: " . $content_type); header("Content-Length: " . $size_of_file); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $name_of_file ."\""); $copied_size = 0; $handler = @fopen($file,"rb"); while(!feof($handler) and !connection_aborted()) { set_time_limit(0); $part_of_file = fread($handler,round(($download_speed * 102.4),0)); echo $part_of_file; ob_flush(); flush(); $copied_size = $copied_size + strlen($part_of_file); usleep(100000); } fclose($handler); if($copied_size == $size_of_file) { $download_successfuly = TRUE; } else { $download_successfuly = FALSE; } $error = FALSE; } else { $error = "Die angeforderte Datei existiert zwar, ist aber nicht zum Download freigegeben!"; } } else { $error = "Die angeforderte Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden!"; } return array($error,$copied_size,$download_successfuly); } download_data("$location"); if($error) /* <- Gucken, ob ein Fehler aufgetaucht ist, wenn js... */ { echo $error; /* <- ...diesen Fehler ausgeben... */ } ?>
EDIT: Sorry, wrong thread oO"
Hi you all, I'm currently designing a header-image for my ImageViewer and need some help. It should have some simplicity, but also be flashy. The main thing is, that I don't know what to do for the "Imageviewer" on it xD. So please comments :) Lg, MoD
@Akuseru: The background effects OVER the characters oO? That would look strange xP; @splitoverload: Yeah, the dotts are a bit (lol) missplaced. @rest (xD) Thanks for all your comments. You sure can use them if you want =P And thanks for all of the compliments also!
Hello everyone, I just made a few new icons. The backgrounds took me so long, you wouldn't believe it oO; Comments please ^^! MoD Post scriptum: Yeah, I love green today x]
OMG, big thanks to you =D Any critism, anyone?
I don't like both, but I still have the *psd(s). So please suggestions :) Next one xD
KH-Legacy.Net is not only a forums, it's a German Kingdom Hearts Site. The Site itself went offline through hackers, that's why I put up this Hiatus. The site will come back within the next week.
I changed certain things then I loaded it up. I didn't changed much, because I have so few time the next two weeks =| http://www.kh-legacy.net/ Thanks for all the answers! And you a all right xD
Great idea! I'll do that :)
I agree. I tried the Photofilter, but it didn't really help. Sadly I found no image that would fit also =|
Uhm, I scaned it out of my Another Report =P If you want, I'll upload the render. Thanks for your comment. No critism oO?
Hello everyone! Because my site will be a bit longer offline then expected, I designed this hiatus. What do you think? http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa178/KH-L/hiatus_prev7.jpg MoD
Yay, that's what it should look like *g* The shadow is because of that, too.
Hello everyone! I decided to open a thread, where I put in all my gfx for you to comment. So... here it is xD! After I made this last signature you all know, I made this icon. I didn't know where to add text... and... so... yeah xD MoD Post scriptum: More will come soon :)
Can anyone give me some good Photoshop tutorials? I don't know where to find and Google brings me no good things xP