i know but they so look alike may be its his twin brother lol
ok look at the bottom right of the scan do u know who that is ? its zack from ff7 crisis core http://hachikaze.ddo.jp/bbs/up2/src/up0028.jpg_DIgtxAfeFFJQ7Nmevlxx/up0028.jpg and compare it in my sig. do they look alike ? and sorry if its been mentioned before.
tried this code for my codebreaker v4 Enable Code (Must Be On) 902F2C70 00832021 and it did not work at all =[
this is a sephiroth vs angel vs genesis fight with a re do of one winged angel :) low quality ! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3149180794459090105
thanks for the help this can be locked now
help i need to know how to play as riku/ ps. im done with soras story and im at the end screen right now with the battle report and all there is two buttons X and O which one do i press for rikus story ? never mind i figured it sorry for the post it can be locked now.
i bought mine since July the 27th and its been 6 days, i hope i will get it today or tomorrow before school starts next week.
if u guys want to see the movie again on the internet go here -edited-
can i have codebreaker virsion 4.0 codes for gh2 ? my codebreaker disc got snaped in half =[
i bought 2 of them a long time ago so can u convert the code to me ?
convert to codebreaker virsion 4
rhis code needs to be converted "Limit Form" Drive into Kingdom Hearts 1 Sora PGY9-A45N-9G2ZZ UXHM-DA83-1P6X1 my codebreaker disc doesnt work any more so now i only have virsion 4 and look what ive done here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b21KJybpzOU
heres a little clip from the movie i did http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8OIDqJuWFA WARNING: low quality and sound.
PGY9-A45N-9G2ZZ UXHM-DA83-1P6X1 can any one convert this code to codebreaker format ? *EDIT* nvm got a code converter and the code doesnt work.
bring me to life,cant remember the group of it.
thats becouse you need to register.
thats weired well i just founded a code that works for the gummi ship. Inf HP (Gummi Ship) 200C0220 8C820008 200C0224 03E00008 200C0228 AC820004 D1F663C0 000004A8 21F663BC 0C030088
can any body convert this code in codebreaker format ? its for the gummi ship Invincibility XRT3-XFG3-TND1A AG76-5HJR-RR4TY RHR7-G9Z0-66XK5
is there a code for inf. health for the gummi ship ? i used this one but it freezes Gummi Ship Infinite HP 2B27D2C8 00000000
i got board so i went ahead and upload this video. please comment or you can just view it.note : the sound and video will be in a low quality so here it is;) http://video.kh-vids.net/video/6c05f0d3-9c30-4ded-8160-993b00eba5bf.htm cheat version.http://video.kh-vids.net/video/8d35300f-93e0-47ba-88d8-993b014a28ec.htm