Did somebody say staff permissions? *laugh track*
Is this the real life?
Oh right, this is why I hate coming here ¬ ¬
You never know what you might find out here, though.
Playing chess with my dood. I suck at chess. In hindsight? Shouldnt have bet my parrot on this game....
Honestly? Same
They call me.....a very dangerous man.....
“Cringy” and “adorable” are hardly the same thing, sweets. Hope you’re doing well.
Anything’s real in the context of your headcanon, my bro.
I came back just so y’all could remember your place in the presence of my coolness.
Nyogen's Midnight Town Its on the Darker Than Black: Ryusei no Gemini OST.
*reads old thread* HA! Two years later and I still kill me. Classic. ....... ........Oh! And it;nice to see you up and about again, Bush-man~
You'd have to lean into your steps more to keep the water from falling out of the bucket while trying to keep the floors from creaking, I'd imagine it's pretty hard. Just wait until he gets to the foot of the staircase, put the empty bucket on your head, and dive into him when he gets in range. It's a fairly safe procedure, I hear.
I think the bucket would help keep your neck in place just enough to keep it from from splitting and breaking on impact, so go with that. Also, there are far, far better ways than resorting to personal injury to get out of being around that girl in Spanish class, jack :\
She thinks you're cute, Holmes. Don't question it, just go with it.
[x] stab that dude
lol Yeah, I get that a l- YEAAAAAH, I get that a lot *sigh* .....I get that a lot....
Yeah, you did what you could. :\ Better to let go before the situation gets out of hand and both parties do something they're both going to regret. My opinion, it seems like things went down as smoothly as they could have and, given the situation, it's probably for the best.
*runs a full Fire team* Good to know! Thanks magical Hawaiian lion! *sees post date* UUUUUUUUUUUGGHH!!!!!