i kno this is off topic but thats a nice shirt that guy on the lower right has, i wonder where to get it... (in the picture "The Interview Team" the guy with a pirate symbol on his sleeve)
thanks ;D at least someone likes my work! j/k
there really not supposed to be huge... but on this site for some reason, theyre big! i uno. thank you for your words of criticism
i know its not all kingdom hearts but i thought u might like to see all of em since i only did like three kh sigs (most of em are star wars cause im a star wars nerd) if this should be moved to another section of the forum, go right ahead admin... i am new here so i dont kno if this is the right place to post these: comments would be nice
actually i just watched it... not bad for the first try... if u want my honest opinion, that wasnt a very good song to choose, and the timing could have been a little better... but it was good for the first try
nope its actually my third attempt... link me with ur vid and ill watch it when i can
thanks for all the comments guys and gals ;)
thanks for the comment... its only my third video and i kno the video transitions were unecissary but i thought it would look cool... and the scene where it shows the sunset at twilight town was only a filler, i didnt kno what else to put there
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MoUOAsUGM8 comments please!