does anyone know ar max codes for dark cloud 2 : a 100% working infinite hp the one i have stay letting me die in chapter 6 an synthesis code formonica's bracelets and a code for all recruitng people that one to get by doing spheda kills me well the infinite hp code is not really necesarry the monsters probrably hit to much on me i will use max hp so i will not die hope it works but for the bracelet code im dying to get that one
there are some problems and more problem 1. armax only has ntsc and pal (atleast mine have) so if we put kingdomhearts 2 fm at ntsc how are we supposed to use japanese codes on a ntsc game problem 2. the codes on the first page if i try to convert it when i stay pressing convert whole different codess show up now can anyone say wat input i need becouse the max raw already didnt work i tested it that one the master code doesn't even work but that from the ar1v2 did do but those codes also dont work. so it might take a little longer to cheat on the game. axel8th i dont want to make you mad but when u posted the codes on the first page why didn't you converted them to armax and posted the armax codes of them ?
i dont know wat thing i gotinto my ps2 its not swap magic i know that but i can use action replaythings even wothout a modded ps2. ok did anyone tested my converted cheats or do i have to convert them frommaxraw to armax and ar2v1 or so and max raw are the only ones that can convert the codes into armax so if the ar2v1 doesn't work then max raw must work EDIT: the codes for final mix converted from max raw to armax ( raw(thus not max raw) cant be converted to armax with the codes from page 1 ) here they are all final mix master code V7PV-E57B-YCKT7 312T-UZV1-08R2Y could not translate 0HD7-K9WZ-8BW0J CQ7H-112V-QYB7A max ????? BBX9-9AVF-NF1X6 VX90-7U5P-XN29W When enemies are pushed down, everyone experience value reaches max (Final Mix) 8EC0-9RMM-99Z91 CD38-Z76R-3RBAT drive guage maxed 85X6-30PV-M8N39 5TUQ-DC9T-UWR5C 6TP4-ECRW-XNZUY mp not decrease 5RR8-8Q8A-EZV6Z CNR6-D5UW-WMDKP hp not decrease 4RYD-V8EQ-D7XFQ 9TNZ-H2UD-BHDEU R5EQ-12JB-N482Q HRVD-DNY5-55580 KNDP-7XYH-0WVGP items: drive recovery D74H-CH93-E08BM 7XPX-1JJJ-853C3 couldnt trnaslate 5YT4-DHAN-VMNXN JBP3-PF4V-C2KF6 power rise 684W-9RUT-3F6F7 V98X-D0MD-VATU4 magic rise 4UH4-VNJF-NUH1D 521D-3E64-QMQ89 guard rise 80PE-8N04-2Z1HG A514-VB3V-V4KUH ap rise A0PG-3WJ0-R4KNV 24TB-HZK4-C3J79 gives you 98 of a certain item 6EMR-CVA6-AH0KM JYYG-8EJD-RGFAE 98 ribbons T6EF-6VDB-0KVQ7 KVBU-V63Q-KQ1N3 something with guard 06C2-UVA0-M2NAX DMJJ-A2KT-BVX1R TFHE-4W4B-1QNPD 1CB7-9EAT-UC9UG EVU6-3NKR-GPRW8 568C-DTNY-35UJ7 5V0V-RNT7-8431R each weapon XK44-8ZWG-M84GY AZ7F-JP4Q-44ZAW BXV6-KX8T-V0B9T 77H6-JMCY-TXX7Y Q334-983N-MXRPY G6DH-NFN9-VCBVK JXXV-FBKM-DT61G Q334-983N-MXRPY XGE8-2UDQ-H1QW3 R8HU-YRUU-NG56F Q334-983N-MXRPY QVM0-BEEN-VAZNF HV0M-1J31-0VYGD VXDT-DQ3P-CWZUD JH1K-Z11R-3T30F Have all consumption items materials, key items, and dummies TH6V-7A14-EXFV2 DFZ8-0711-HFTGA DY6U-78MM-U9P9J KGKE-J8G3-P0MJW 4Y8G-TCXH-P8P64 0Y6X-A1RB-D3111 6CHU-G8M7-M4H4J 0RHD-7X0E-VCH2C N43A-RBMT-5V07B Q334-983N-MXRPY FPHV-09GH-9U4BN R1R6-RXGA-A1M02 KG5R-WN6M-F98B9 VEU9-T28U-REH0Z W6NA-7JNU-TEWVX 7RM9-8CAX-PUJPP 6U9F-R45H-FB760 ZNA9-P3C2-9VN68 materials each 98 (recollection 4 kind, serenity 4 kind and illusion 2 kind,) 06MC-A8F5-YGZEY 7TJR-2JWD-MVNBG UNZ6-KXY6-TVY8J Q334-983N-MXRPY 13PG-VTJ0-M28FC PWQG-ZV7G-2PNRT R1RV-5D0E-2G7DN 5EGK-2EXJ-3Q1Y0 M58Q-8KV3-U8HXE R36R-4GNA-GQRQM TNT2-DNRP-YCBT4 6MTE-C0VJ-M5B9T WA1U-AB30-35RK7 BF8J-85XE-9454M V1CG-CT4U-849GQ 1N1A-MQFK-J24Q3 DB1Y-R0F1-FRXUK XGP3-F1D4-5JRC1 XBQE-63GN-6DZR0 N02D-ED0T-ZAZH6 2XY6-Z9EY-RKCEZ 5J68-UY6Y-G7B5K YFDM-MARC-C8P1V CYF0-E14G-V1QM1 D6EC-CPWW-0MBGZ ap 999 FN1Q-5HJD-C9U0H E4GW-XR01-Q2NZX try them i need to go to school now good luck
imjust new here like 30minutes but i converted all those codes from the first page i hope they work master code(final mix): 2TTY-QW55-B9JQW KA66-5D2Z-5GDMA hp never decrease(final mix): BAQH-UNMW-0FYJ6 6JNR-63EU-XQNRR F961-FUEK-JPGYX RNUU-VUZ3-MAN4Z KK03-W2JP-ZCV8W (sorry guys, I couldn’t translate this text but I know it’s for Final Mix): VVQ2-3MRT-30NNJ ZXR3-TFWJ-VJ38C MAX (that’s all I could translate so could someone test this and see what gets maxed) ; 6N5Q-UGG8-RRW0F 1GR9-VKQ5-UAZ0B When enemies are pushed down, everyone experience value reaches max (Final Mix) 7NEQ-2YDT-7GWUH MCBA-KHCN-04HFX drive guage is maxed (final mix) BEB0-4F35-39XZG XG30-9CQC-DEDZ7 7E5H-4AQ9-0QFN0 mp does not decrease(final mix) FCCM-730H-NGK8U XTVV-ZTFZ-D3K4K items (final mix) drive recovery: 55EM-81RU-RR3YQ AGDN-0RK4-X03XK couldnt translate sry: 1Q4E-8E9V-TG29H 9UJE-PKM6-N2E62 power rise: C82V-97DF-C7FT6 V0XN-GJVD-FDGFU magic rise: 5JAK-GT3Y-5YP3X 43AG-HPHQ-9J2A0 guard rise: EKWP-QFKU-9HRR6 54DP-MD2Q-0NM77 ap rise : ZNZY-ANA6-RZXP5 MZTC-UQ8D-GMTRD 98ribbons (final mix) GF76-JTV5-EVM7K ZHDN-V7GG-PUAX9 the only word i could translate was “guard†so it has something to do with that (Final Mix) KBUG-TKXE-XE5NG 9M19-ZWMG-ZF4TB 6TUE-634T-8DYGA Z1RZ-PZX8-EVG30 9TJQ-ET4U-F1ARH H2DE-AJDZ-44MQ8 KUN5-HQVW-WPRND each weapon (final mix) 7YEF-EWH2-VJFQT EP2X-HFT4-2XH21 DCZV-XDRQ-474Q0 ZY16-7TMY-VYYZP 9MZ1-XZT1-YB1FP RV6H-PQ1N-1R9E4 80J4-M45T-TKYRC JTB5-C6HD-KK74D F2D3-6FG1-40GCR XQCA-8ACZ-UG2MB 9MZ1-XZT1-YB1FP RBZB-EZEP-PEV1X PU7T-KUYM-V74VQ AKWZ-FWYZ-DM849 MEP1-0F9F-P6KJN Have all consumption items materials, key items, and dummies (Final Mix) UEY4-Q2HM-M919K DU1H-A6K8-VXZ1B X6CY-C1X9-F3J2V JGQB-CGQD-XW88W V28C-8G7F-6X7ZB 9864-499Q-G4KM6 TFUX-Y5KW-AV5F6 7ZAA-0W2H-VVBJB VRR7-WY6T-08GH1 R32F-ED3B-ZW7KF ZY97-5VGN-TKZ8F ARCR-F8DU-BZRNQ Q2R6-ZNVF-YDJF9 YM39-8UYE-3A8AH DK5Q-TFDW-XKMHA 245J-1FZ0-Q9AA6 HWY4-NVN2-D36TK 5CN2-H8A9-J5E1Z materials each 98 (recollection 4 kind, serenity 4 kind and illusion 2 kind,) (Final Mix) HXMQ-TK2D-R2D9H JK1M-D1HY-NN05F XJME-77Y8-BTE0U 8QR5-KTNP-Q98PB TXUU-D1B5-Q3W9P 7HX1-6JZX-QJ6J2 QC64-V1ZG-H4HCW GE96-TR5P-XJ797 QJVF-7TM9-HYNNM 25A1-EVW6-02325 DMT5-XEZ3-AWHVG 7UWT-25ER-GRCEX ZP5W-9TNQ-GPFBV 50UW-WY94-JUNFQ 65AP-ATEB-NZPVD N533-QYGV-J397D QEVJ-MGAH-DTH6F U8WJ-1DAM-3VU9M 2U1B-MKZ2-HJFQ2 XMX9-8KR0-140E1 Z22W-T4N9-02GEM BCX4-H9KZ-8Q2FM FU90-E8QM-7AZ5G U4UE-CM7V-MX2FR ABX0-FDX9-XT5AB 999 ap (final mix) MMUP-R0UP-41HGT FXDX-7WN1-C9W95 oh and check them for me i dont have any timeleft i converted them from ar2v1 to armax was that the good way becouse ''the one that started the topic'' said that u have to do something with raw so i dont know i hope they work for you