hey, enjoy your stay =D
I have sesonal allergies and it does suck. Mine start usually in late March, early April. But nuuuu... this year it started like a week after my birthday(early March) until the first week of May. I never suffered from my allergies that long >_>;;;
8191 beep beep bo peep
I'd get annoyed with all the poking. XDD
I hope mine won't hurt that bad
XDDDD True, so true
XDDD Mansex....XDDD I wondered what made them come up with that name. I laughed all day when I first heard it. XDDD
I'll play!
XDDD I bet you that's what'll happen. O_O Her dad doesn't even know yet. XD
Stone Temple Pilots- Interstate Love Song own. x3
Heh, I'll get my belly peirced too! =D When my cousin got her's done, she hid it very well; since she wasn't allowed to get one. She told me her mom, my aunt, saw it, and never said anything. Both of them are waiting for each other to say something about it...still...it's been a year now. XDDD
8090 -sings-
This Christmas? If so, lucky you! xD ._. I can't have tattoo yet >_>
8086 -listening to music-
8083 :( -swallows them whole again- No one but me can give me a massage. ;-; I don't help myself very good. xDDD
8079 -swallows them whole- I'm stressed for some reason....I don't know... >< I need a massage! Dx
I'm gonna get a tattoo. A rose on my lower back and my zodiac sign Pisces writted on my wrist I dunno about the second one, but I'm going to get the first one =D
8075 My head hurts and my back aches...ahhh...><
You're welcome ^^
Here you go: Siggy