Nope actually old member
Anyone remeber what level you get second Chance in KH2FM? I've been leveling up for a while and still can't seem to get it
You should watch this one then. from the same guys
Not really Chain of memories for the GBA had Multplayer
Just a funny episode of Team Dattebayo's Deathnote abrigded Christmas Special: That one is funny especially at the end
I hope that it comes on Iphone or somthing
10 year-olds on Xbox live thinking they are SO tough just to get owned and start complaining about you cheating and saying thet they are going to hack you even though if they could.they wouldn't because of telling you so that you report them.even though this mostly happens in halo 3
If they do put in multi-player, It would be playing together and not a versus mode
Pokemon trainer was Extremely funny
Crisis core was set 7 years before Final fantasy 7. It can work and zack could be a party memeber or something
What If Genesis from crisis core was the optional boss
This is something to look foward to....
Its acutally pretty good. You may want to sharpen it though
The same one that 00roxas00 posted
codebreaker-swap magic-kh2fm
It starts normally. The farthest i got was up to booting up KH2FM with swap magic
Same thing happaning
Its the mastercode, I tried it with only it on and same result
I need a working mastercode for Codebreaker 10.1 every mastr code I try doesn't work and gats me a BSOD
soul eater may have been given to him by malificent as his weapon and it maby transformed in way to dawn when he no longer resided in darkness