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  1. kingudamu
    Hmm....Nice drawings ^^ I really like ven's, but, as for terra....he looks like he raided Riku's closet or something....

    *invisions riku chasing terra after he raids said closet*, that would make a good gag for a story/comic......^^

    Oh, and why is everyone picturing aqua having short , skimpy clothing???
    Post by: kingudamu, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. kingudamu
    My evil childhood has comeback to huant me....0.0!I never thought i would ever see Sonic/mario crossover with dBZ elements....Still pretty good, tho^^

    Yea, it's kinda funny, but only cuz i use to watch dbz everyday when i was little (about 7) and it sorta brings back memories....Plus, the five gang (the spice boys, i think) was the "Team rocket" of DBZ and with sonic playing Goku, it's too amuseing to resist-^.^-

    So in other word: a simple lol, but no ROFL ^^

    ps--Shadow makes an awesome vegeta ^^
    Post by: kingudamu, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone