I'm looking for the KH2 Ultimania with the FLOORPLANS of The World That Never was. which one yields that information? The Final Mix one? or the KH2 normal one. is Final MIX ultimania just an extention, or the same like the KH2 Normal one, with additional pages? Thanks in advance! P.S. if I get the Ultimania I'll be sure to scan them. if possible XD
I would like to request the 99 accessory & 99 item code. For Codebreaker or Gameshark if possible. I've tried to convert it myself to Codebreaker/Gameshark but it doesn't work for me. Code I've been trying to use is: 道具99 items 1C9AA334 1057DEB9 附件99 accessories 1C9AA33C 1057DE69 .. I cannot seem to get it to work with Codebreaker or Gameshark. Help me out please? P.S. sorry for making an entire new thread. I wasn't aware of the existing one. My apologies.
Ok now I used the Old Universal Mod. And now I have riku and sora in battle stance.. I assume there is an enemy nearby *must be limit xemnas* but I cant see him at all. Well it's better than BSOD.. Now to figure out how to get him to show up.. or anyone for that matter :D EDIT: XIGBAR SHOWED UP! I modified an object from *Land of The Dragon* And he showed up! Limit Cut It seems I found the problem.. the reason I thought nothing worked was because our good friend Xemnas was a skateboard ><; Hehehe.. well all the other chars work now! thanks!
That's ok, I'll check what else I can do. It might be the area's but I doubt it.. I've tried almost every area. I also rechecked every code.. Raw'd them then Put them through the converter and Codebreakered them with the 0001 Region Japan. Everything like I used to.. I'll try to use it without some other codes! Oh and I'll try your code for the action command. Thanks for your help! p.s. THE REACTION COMMAND WORKS NOW! He stays in battle, I'll keep on checking how to get Limit Cut to work for me! Thanks for helping me with the reactions!!
M Code: 903088E0 0C0C21E0 Cheat Device: Codebreaker 9.2 Every Limit Cut I use freezes Jokered or Not.
That would be 231 "Facedown" right? Well I've got that one covered the Reaction Command shows, so I guess I'll give it a try! Thanks for that! But, those Limit Cut Bosses .. how can I use those? I mean whenever I try I'll just BSOD? Anyway thanks for the quick response I'll give it a try and edit if I have anymore problems :china: EDIT: Well problems Indeed.. I've added all the possible reaction commands to the Shortcut Menu 0231 - Facedown. 0232 - Clash 0233 - Break Through 0234 - Finish When I got close to him when he tried to spell me I did the *facedown* one and the screen froze. So.. ><; I have no idea how I need to configurate this .. sorry if It's very simple. My absence has made me .. a complete newb.
Hey guys, I've been looking for a working Xemnas code all day. I've only been able to use Xemnas "1" but after he casts his spell on me he just vanishes. and stays away. I've been using those *Limit Cut* codes but whenever I use one of those *Jokered* *or not* I end up with the usual BSOD .. is there any code that'll make donald/goofy in the Xemnas from the skyscraper? Or do I need to be in a *Game Related* battle for the codes to get working? I've seen the Room Mod Video and Xemnas was there as well. so.. if anyone knows how to fix this for me please tell me.
Hey, I havent been here for some time! Not since the discovery of the Universal Mod.. *Yes that long* XD Anti-Weapon / Evil / Roxaz / Cloudstrife / anyone else who had a part into finding all the new codes Great job! .. I finally have time to play games again so I'll be active here again, if I can help with anything be sure to tell me.
D034D45C 0000FFFE 11C6CC22 00000239 Donald -> Savepoint press Select during screen changing.
Strange result from the Moveset + Riku's Keyblade codes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMsNWVjQJh8 Suddenly this happend ._. and it didn't T-Stance or anything. PS: Willi Raw to MAX -> I think those were raw.. anyway: GBYM-XQH6-WB738 BF7B-GBFT-ZK5VY R70Q-1NW1-4BMMK TRYP-XTHZ-ATG4N MZV6-6A0J-JU6D7 6VWT-N6AZ-E8YU7 YQBN-KCDC-9NATY DYJX-C1VG-9XGX6 3AR1-YX4B-582EJ ACXY-D27G-DWQG7 78NF-NA90-0GQH4 35EX-V2A4-PF4YN 1J4H-HDMA-216T6 ZKJ2-ZDF9-XYENK TTVU-N4CH-AAAQ4 XJUW-BH0U-KETX1 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7
This is better for the DW Roxas. Instead of using sora. in the YY part use this one: 055 = Valor Form Sora -> Better choice for DW Roxas since it'll allow you to use the keyblades skills better then with 1. PS: Sora = Mickey freezes if you do not jump before attacking. Very annoying. but it's still funny because sometimes it works alright. I thought maybe if I put Weapon to air a.k.a. 01 it would stop the need of jumping. but it didn't work so... If there are no monsters around do not swing your keyblade or you'll T Shape instantly and you'll hear a grinding sound on the background. Also it's funny to see "Normal" Sora using DW Roxas moveset. his keyblade tries to spin. Just trying to tell how much the testing went. The Dark Realm Keyblade works perfectly. without that T Shaping was Instant. P.PS: Larxenes Universal Digit: 0962 - Larxene (Absent Silhouette) The other Larxenes either have the text: "T Shapes when Load" and "Doesn't Fight back"
Is it possible for anyone to get me a FM+ savefile Like before the first battle with Terra? .. in .cbs format if possible? Thanks! :D
Nvm! I doctored for a little while but I finally got why it didn't work.. Wrong mastercode.. I now got myself a Gameshark 2.4 and every code I convert works! .. lots of fun getting Sephiroth in Disney Castle .. Thanks a lot for all these great codes!
Can someone make me a Jokered Roxas code for AR-Max? If possible the Select Button.. because when I use the R1+R2+Square+O the Donald -> Terra Code also starts working and the game Hangs. >< and I'm a real n00b at this, and whenever I try to search the forums they seem down.. so that's why I'm asking :P .. don't kill me !
Seems I'll have to post anyway.. I'm sorry if this has been said often.. After 4 hours of searching a good Mastercode it was right under my nose "Why is this so hard for everyone?" < Hero of the Day had spoken. Then I found out.. that you can play as Roxas now. <WTFANYONE?!> So I added that code to my codebreaker 9.2.. But now for the questions. Does the Roxas code not work in Roxas his storymode? <AKA Dual Wield> Edit: Somehow I managed to convert some Action Replay Max codes to Codebreaker. and got Terra and Roxas <Boss> in my team. I was happy with that! but I really wanted Roxas. So I've like searched for another 4 hours for the right convertion. And I've tried like all the Roxas codes <With Joker/ Without Joker> with 1 keyblade with 2 keyblades. and it just keeps me with a black screen. Or just nothing at all.. and I wonder .. could someone provide me with the perfect converted DW Roxas / Jokered or not. Goofy -> Terra Donald -> Boss Roxas For Codebreaker 9.2? I've really done my best, and maybe it's very very easy but up till now I've rebooted my PS2 45 times if not more .. Sorry for all the whining and stuff but all I need is Roxas & the Goofy -> & Donald ->
Hm.. such contribution.. I wish I had a medal right now.. J/K .. Give the guy a break, he probably never learned the difference between PS2 Cheats and Codebreaker/AR MAX Codes.
You use a cheat device called "Codebreaker or Action Replay Max" www.codebreaker.com www.codejunkies.com There you purchase the requested Cheat Device. You then use these codes in those devices to activate the requested cheat/hack. Cheat Device is how it is normally said to be. But it's just a normal CD-R that you put in your PS2 it loads the content just like a DVD. Hope I have informed you enough.
Gratitude. Thank you for all the codes you have provided, these beat the living hell out of the original cheats from CB & AR MAX. It kind of shows how poor the people at Codejunkies & Codebreaker are.. leaving so many fun and handy cheats untouched.