Hey guys guess what I found a rumor somewhere and it said there is going to be a kingdom hearts amumanet park in japan next to toko disney it will come in 2010
What if KH2 Was on the Nintendo DS it there would be more options to do with the double screens.
Infernape Lv80 Lefeon Lv41 Gigscar Lv43 Magnazone Lv59 Ryperior Lv72 Galade Lv51
ok i need to let you know somthing I WATCH POKEMON ON TV EVEREY DAY FOR THE LAST 4 YEARS.And plus it was in japan creator of pokemon.
They would not do a ride untill a movie or serries is made becuse i have never seen a video game turn to a ride.
Ok heres mine Matthew Maxwetth Watethx (Wa t eth ex) Power -Wind and Rock Wepon- Arial Rock Sheild My sister Emily Lemixy Power - Ice Wepon - Frozen wand My Brother Gabe Baxge Power - Fire Wepon - Blazer Sowrd
I would have a Keyblade with all 450 pokemon on it.:) [-------- [-------- [ copy the keyblade [ [ [\ [ \ [ / [/
What are the songs to these bosses Axel KH2 Luxord KH2 Gaurd Armor KH1 Data Bosses KH2 FM Plese post
Ok i do not know were the bosses are but i need help And who plays the minigames Luxord = Card Game
Im gussing Hal and Tackle or a distraction
Now i think the game will come out but it when it dose it will be hidden at a game store in New York becuse I have Final Mix 1 that i got two years ago and it is in full english but it is called Ultimante Kingdom Hearts I dont rember the store but sadley It broke and i payed 50 bucks for it so stay in ney york sone
who knows i beat just beat him with the ultimante that some other members told me were it was and you have to be lv99 at maxed and all abilitys Just attack him untill hafe way down then use trinity then use a finisher to finish it becuse i did it
You play thoses Stupit Toy Story Video games XD But It would be Buzz and his Limit would be Laser Combat Action or if it was Woody he would use his Limit Toy Army(Image it)
I need help on getting the ultimante evenen though Oblivion get me halph way down with sephorth so what do I Need and weres the Recipe or Moogle Becuse i nearly finished the journal so Any ideas becuse i see every one else with it and the use cheats and my cheat thing broke a week before got KH2 But I have the keyblade on the 1st and Com:D
Hi there i have some bosses that are in the games KH1 - KH2FM+ Catagortiezed Hardest - Xaldin Easiest - Axel Basment Mansion Weirdiest - Ground Shacker Funniesist - Grimreaper Longest - Xigbar Fastest - Siax(I beat the guy in 1:24 with Final and Trinity ) Stupitest - Pete Most Aireal - Stormrider Most Ground - Luxord Most anoying - Exsparement Unexspection - Solider(thought it was Xemnass FM2) Do any catagory injoy
I m not going to put up Marly unto May 1st Boss Kitty cat HP 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Attacks Purr - Sora Pets kitty Claws - kitty will Attack Sora with an non damaging attack Yarn - The cat will Play with yarn Reward - Kitty Cat Summon Startagy - Aww it so cute but Kitty has to mush HP Use the lasers to kill the kitty Side effect - Get arrested to Amanal Cops
Ok hers More on the underground re Bosses Floor Six - Use any limit on the door Floor Seven - Jump on the floating islands without falling of (There are enemeys like the cannons and Gunship) Floor Eghit-Moggle Save(You better use them becuse Marly and Lerxene are next Floor Nine Larxene Boss Area - Looks alot like the Castel Oblivion Crossroads with the Betweakx and Backwords(forgot name) Wall Paper(the floor is not gras or dirt it Castel oblivion floor Lv57 Key Blade - Savage Nyph(5 ST 5 MG Thunderboost) HP - 1800 Diffucluty - Around as hard about Meduim Hard(becuse she teleports) Attacks Larxene will start the battel out like Sephorith (Reaction Command) Sora will need to use the Savage Lighting To Dodge and bring on some serious damage Savage Lighting - This is her first and last attack wich will be the only way to defeat her with(instead of using combos) so when the reactoin command comes at the end time it and Larxene will lose 50 HP And she would be stuned so use her attacks aggisnt her Thundarga - Soras thunder attack Zap Cannon - She will rush around the room and make you come close use magnet to avoid this Multy Pile - Use the Doule Larxene Ability to stop this and if you dont she will double team herselph Lighting RAYS - These are thus the beams roxas used exept its lighting Knive Combo - Basic Combo Stratagy - Use a limit to hurt her then she will use Savage Lighting so attack her then Repet becuse she drops HP And Mana if you use a limit to get her to use Savage Lighting Staratgey 2 - Let her Do ZAP CANNON then use Reflectaga to use it all her lighting attacks will shoot at here full power leaving you onlu to Reflect everey Zap Cannon
Ok now im going to create an everey organization thirteen boss re - battel and yes i know kingdom hearts final mix 2 has that re battels but these are how i wish to fight them becuse im a reley good video gamer for kingdom hearts (I beat KH2 saw the secret movie and got through the journal and beat sephorth proud) So the area it is in is TWTNW Its in the proof of exsistence (a new path) It looks like the area were Zexion and the other members were talking at on KH2FM So there are 50 rooms and each of them get harder and harder (this dose not include bosses) Each boss you win you will get a keyblade and before a boss theres a save and moggle. So here twilghts secret XIII Lair!!!! Level - Level 50 and up Party - Riku,Goffy and Donold Secret - Proof of exsitsence When - Beat Xemness once Room one - All you have to do is get the Hi - Poitoin Room two - Find your way out through a trap full maze Room three -Exsamine the Twilght Shard(Key to Destiny) Room Four - Moggle and Save Room Five Roxas Boss Battel Battel Feild - Were sora fought him Level - Lv 52 HP - 1240(Same as prison keeper from Halloween town) Diffucluty - Normal boss Ok heres roxas now his element is twilght but i may add some new attacks from his battels and this is the first time Donold or Goffy been to something like the bateel feild Attacks Key Combo - Unleashes Powerful Combos Key Blader - The reactoin Comand Key Counter comes leaving stuned for thirty seconds and the attack is were he jumps and throws his keyblades at you Key of Hope - Roxas will get ride of Oathkeeper and recover by on HP Bar Key of Despair - Roxas will get ride of Oblivion to unleah power full attacks Light Walk - They battel ground will turn wight and it will rise in a firey blaze of light(glide to doge) Dark Portal - Roxas will teleport (use the Nightmare Stop reacton comand to stop Portalng) Oath of Oblivion - Roxas will Will throw his keyblades at ou and then for each hit he will recover Clear Light - This lets you take his keyblades Blue Revenge - Roxas will throw blue balls at you 13s Sorrow - Symbols of Nobodys will soround him and light bems will shoot at you Rewards - Key of Destiny So heres my first one so there wil be more(Orgnztion Bosses)
Heres anther one Xehonort AND Dark Clone (From seceret Movie) HP Xehonort/3500 Dark Clone/1500 Diffucluty Xehonort/Critcal Dark Clone/Proud Rewords Ansems Report 15,99,999 Munny,Ultamite Fenri Keyblade++,Save the princess++,save the prince++ Location Portal in TWTNW(Graveyard Place agin) Crossroads Attacks Xehonort Curaga Clone - Xehonort dose 120 damege to him selph and heals Dark Clone by 300 Thundarga - Super strong lighting blast Bilizaraga - Super strong ice attack Kingdom Power - Same as rikus Dark arua Fireaga - Super strong Fire attack Mountoin Rise - Creates a huge Mountoin Magic Drain - Xehonort Drains your Magic Cloud Bust - Throws a bomb in the air and creating that Moon thing like Kingdom Hearts and when the Bomb is ticking Soras Sucked in Reflect - A lightingSheild Cross the Dark - Turns All Drive Forms useless Wepon Combos - Wepon combos Strike Raid - Strike raid from kh1 Sorry - Summons one thousond keyblades to attack all party mebers(killingthem) Sorry take back - If sorry failed three random keyblades will help Xehornot Revenge - He starts Turning Invisable and Summing Every organzation 13s satrongest attack at you Dark Clone Wepon combo Fireaga Blizzaraga Thundaga Strike Raid Magic Drain Reactoin Comands Magic Stop - stops magic drain Mountoin Rush - Sora jumps and attacks xehornot following up withStun Bomber Stun Bombery - Stuning dark clone Sorry Revenge - strikes Sorry back at Xehornot(not killing him) Cure Revenge - Stops healing Permanitly Done Enjoy oh yeh thanks guys for saying this was a good idea so in order to thank you nicley im going to start adding an enemey form in theKH2 Forms so look out for that
Of course you can use charetors from that sora to xemness to the made up chartors in your head summons like Dumbo and Peter Pan are included to so if you wantto start at the wtnw with jimmny cricket go head but try not to go over the hedge