yes he will be fine in heaven
yes i can because i am god
he will die
sighs "ok everyone...he will die just get over it ok"
Xarend turned around and faced roka "and why is that" ooc: ummm who are we fight...i forgot
a keyblade landed right infront of doxyc "o trust do"
Xarend screamed down to Doxyc "Doxyc...take Nuthura and leave...if anything comes for you...illl holds them off as much as i can...GOOOOOO!!!!!!"
Xarend stands on a builiding looking off into the distance
ok this is the only one that should matter to u use valdemort...he will rule the potter puppet palls are so frwakin awsome
ooc: ok so ill just find it...and ill make something up to make it go along
ooc: u want to find what i am looking for and we fight or what
ooc: hey you want to find the artifact im looking for and we fight...or do you just want me to find it
Xarend smirked "ooh fulish me"
Xarend throws his keyblades the Guardian heartless and yells "THUNDER" and aims it at his keyblades...the thunder hits my ketblades and they become static before they his the Guardian heartless
atacly that would be cheap because if ur arms where frozen then u couldnt grab the chain...and ur face would really hurt about now
ooc: thats still not fair my chain wil not just desovle like that and u said countiues to try to reach u never actully grabs me...much less my chain
ooc: that makes no cant just grab my chain and have it desolve in ur hands....thats just cheap
Xarend does a nifty move with his legs and gets one of the chains on his pants around Mixt's neck...then Xarend Made his legs go down toward the ground bringing Mixt's neck with them
Xarend swing his keyblade aiming for mixt's side
Xarend smirked "try to win" Xarend charged at Mixt