They come from a stork. O k end of discussion.
Well when my mom or dad have to pick me up at school, they always bring out wiener dog. My class loves her.
Why are you asking me?
I love dogs!:D I have 12 of them!!!
Riddles aren't my favorite but I still do them.
Oreos are okay i don't like the cream inside of them.
omg that must of hurt!!! But you wont have bad luck, but if you do trow salt over your shoulder!!!!:)
yeah they make me think a long time!
I like asking hard ones that people have to think about for a long time.:D
Question #1 Do you like asking questions?
well Gamefreak103 has been on sense September.
I think he is one of the weirdest members of organization 13.
Your mean:(
I'm Gamefreak103's sister!!!!!:D
Yah, he told everyone to stay away from me But everyone is talking to me :D
Thanks lol I'v heard you met my brother! He he :D
Hello everyone I am new here!