Well I believe the world won't end there but at some point past 2015 (if we don't change what we're doing to the environment) the world could stop life but then past 2300 or something life could begin again. That's my opinion.
Looks like this will reveal more of the story but which system will this one be for? looks like a PSP game to me
Well I found out about KH first back when COM came out, I was going to rent it because the song in the commercial was great. But I didn't get a chance. Then when all my friends were playing COM and KH2 they got me into it and I loved it and played all the games in order.
I'd be a Berserker or Dusk. Though the Berserkers are stronger so I'd rather be that.
I'd say Roxas cause he holds 2 keyblades
I don't think the next game might take place in the past but maybe half of it like in KHII with Roxas in the beggining.
I like it but I need to see eps 4-17
Thanks for the help I beat them by using reflega alot and gliding away from Cloud. Tifa was the only one I used blizzard on to finish her off.
Thanks I'll try soon ^^
Can somebody tell me a way to beat them, because every time I fight them I never beat 1 of them.
Love Hina, I would say it wasn't that perverted but in some ways it was. But those 2 shows aren't enough, what about the other anime? If they get rid of anime Tv-MA and TV-14 American shows should be gone too.
That was in RE:COM though
Use blizzard cards, try some lvl9 cards and get some strong ones if you can use them. If you don't have enough strong cards, start over and play again cause that's what I did.
Reasons why it is fake: 1 PS3 game boxes are not like that 2 KH doesn't look like a T rated game 3 And Nomura already said the next KH won't be called 3 But the title is perfect
KHX is not a good title Probably used that because they think people might read it
Thanks for the news and the info
I can see all of the changes but 1 question Who are the 12 new enemies?
This final boss looks hard, I wish they kept him, like when you fight shadow in KH1
Wow so they planned making Chain of Memories for PS2
Thanks these will help me out if I get the game soon