Nah no English patch. I used it originally but then I saw that the patch would not let some codes work, so I got the original.
I played around with the code for the past couple of days and I found that it doesn't work. I played around by setting Tough Enemies to partners (in The World That Never Was), just to see if the code changed ANYTHING at all (it does). But when I changed it to enemy, they did not react like normal enemies, party members still did chip damage. I came to realize, though, that the problem was Normal Enemies had high defense as well. Only the creepers and dusk had normal defense, the Assassin nobodies ( which fall under Normal Enemy had tough enemy like defense. Idk if you understand what I'm trying to say. I wonder if there is a way to change the Assassin and Berserker's roles to that of a creeper or dusk.
So do I set Tough Enemies role to enemy in order to get normal damage?
Bump. I registered for this exact question