holy crap well doesnt that gives suspense?
oh boy i cant wait for the final war,hey thus this mean that this story is coming to an END as well?!!!!!!!!!T_T
sweet code dude but one thing thats bugging me where did u get that code?
yo oh your good
im suprised dude im suprised i cant belive Ven is Soras brother oh my ****ing god,oh and i hope the is gonna be more cooler than the lord of the rings,ok destined write the war of the century!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BABY(no ofense)
question destined sir i have a question about what king mikey said "...they were all somebodies..."i mean is the army of sora nobodies or is some of then? (note:dont get mad about this question,its because i wanna know more about the kings reaction when Tsukasa put that card on the table
dont no well if i were a noob wich im not i would just do something to be something other thena noob or be a KHCOM champion (i dont im confused myself) oh the shame
im beginning to like make character more ande more,god destined your the best
alright dude i was awesome(tsukasa),hell,the story was awesome,that warden guy is pretty storng but i'm sure sora and his army will kick tha guys *** yea
KH2 ultimate keyblade (its SOOOOOOOOO cool)
jesus ****ing criste its on the desk duuuuuuuuuuuuh
i say that marluxia just wants to be the leader of organization XIII
pain i want to die
ok......? so u are talking about the books of harry potter 6 and eragon?right?
you bet dude
me too his the best charecter from all the games i have played
yeah u said it brother
what what do u mean cursed? is he cursed by the keyblade or roxas???