hey does the Inf hp, and max hp softlock the game at all when i use it on the psp emulator
what bad glitches could happen on the open up all words cheat code for this game how can i use a kingdom hearts 2 Final mix gamesave on the english patch
hey i am having trouble with this code Press R2 to Unlock All Drive Forms (With Antiform in Drive List) E006FDFF 0034d3c0 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF 1032EE24 00000029 1032EECC 00000029 1032EF04 00000029 when i press R2 nothing happens hey this all abilities code is non saveable E025FDFF 0034D45C 2032E074 81888189 2032E078 819481A5 2032E07C 81978197 2032E080 809E8195 2032E084 808A8052 2032E088 81080181 2032E08C 810D8061 2032E090 81118089 2032E094 8230810C 2032E098 018580C6 2032E09C 01828107 2032E0A0 819C8065 2032E0A4 810E00A2 2032E0A8 818F8110 2032E0AC 0238810B 2032E0B0 81958237 2032E0B4 8197822F 2032E0B8 819D0183 2032E0BC 00A38069 2032E0C0 00A300A2 2032E0C4 81098232 2032E0C8 810F8231 2032E0CC 8106810A 2032E0D0 0184821B 2032E0D4 818E806D 2032E0D8 0191818E 2032E0DC 8193819B 2032E0E0 81868198 2032E0E4 818C8192 2032E0E8 81A08195 2032E0EC 81888199 2032E0F0 819E018A 2032E0F4 8196819A 2032E0F8 018B818D 2032E0FC 8190821E 2032E100 8187819F 2032E104 821C8189 can you fix it to be save able please
i only had the max exp code active and thats it and that sword glitch comes up should i try using that max exp code after the roxas stuff is done and i take control of sora
here is the screenshot for the max exp code problem i am having View attachment 47244
hey does anyone have a better inf hp and max hp code for kingdom hearts 2 final mix that does not go all the way off screen please thanks hey can someone hack a new max exp code for this game, the old 1 glitches out the toy sword at very start of this game
hey what does this code do Press R2 to Fly Anywhere (KH1 Final Mix) -- Press L2 to deactivate E002FDFF 004E42DC 002C8130 00000008 002C6510 00000008 E002FEFF 004E42DC 002C8130 00000000 002C6510 00000000 is that a open all worlds code
hey when i played the kingdom hearts 2 english patch on the pcsx2 some cut sceans on it had there real voice over not working on it the voice overs on some cut sceans were muted is there anyway to fix that problem
hey is this unlock all word code safe to use yet on Kingdom hearts 2 Final mix Unlock All Worlds (don't save with this code, it'll cause a glitch that will prevent you from beating the game, i still have to come up with a way to fix that) 202BF668 0803FFCF 200FFF3C 3C0E0102 200FFF40 35CE0102 200FFF44 ACAE0000 200FFF48 00A0882D 200FFF4C 080AFD9B
hey thanks Elef, but i am using a codebreaker v10 cheat device on my pcsx2 emulator so can i have that same code in codebreaker v10 format please
hey where can i find a inf gummi ship hp code for this game?
Hey this code does not work for me when i try it on the pcsx2 emulator with kingdom hearts 2 final mix Press R2 to Unlock All Drive Forms (With Antiform in Drive List) E006FDFF 0034D45C 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF 1032EE24 00000029 1032EECC 00000029 1032EF04 00000029"