that game was one of the best ff ever. Great gameplay, great story and I really did like the characters. I'm really sick of some people saying that the story was bad. The story was bad because they probably didn't understand it. They all want the emotional story that ffx has, but this one is to mature for them. It's awesome if you understand it fully. this ff rocks
guess I'm the only one who never killed himself. Well I'm off now, have fun
It's weird how people always kill themselves on this forum, but they still come back to write something. Weird
not mine, I wanted to give RP to anniexo_lexa, but the button didn't work. And now no button for karma works like it should.
hi CTR. A question, does everybodys karma button work. Mine doesn't, and I can't figure out why 18576
18574 anybody on...on...on. Oh, an echo. Guess nobody's here
18421 Well I'm off now. Gota go eat (dammit, we have no lasagna) and other stuff. Bye, see you again sometime
now you made me hungry. Whoah looks like your lasagne is really, really, really good. 18419
as long as I know how to make spaghetti and toast, I'll be okay. 18416
the only way I know how to make lasagne is by ordering it (yes, i know, I can't cook). Yay, more people 18414
lasagne, I love it...*drolling* damn, it's on my keyboard 18411
18407 I know it has good gameplay, but I also know it's bloody. And I don't like that much blood in games. I would ask somebody I know, but nobody has a ps2. Oh well. Anyways, what'cha doing?
18405 hello. Can I ask you something, did you play god of war 2? If you did can you please tell me how bloody it is?
anniexio_lexa you really love cats, don't you? You were also the first to answer my cat thread. Anyways, cats are teh masters
I acidentally owerwrote 68 hours of gameplay (why, why?!) but before that dante easy: 20 normal: 20 hard: 20 very hard: 20 dmd: 8 hoh: / note: I replayed the 13 and 20 mission over and over again, I just love the fights and the music in those two missions i didn't play with vergil much, but when I did I owerwrote my dante gameplay
yes, I know I do
...Devil may cry 4 is said to be even harder. This is from the newest testing
House is on. Just had to say that, now I'm off
18189 summer storms, they are cool actually, I like it when it rains. Well I'm getting tired, bye for now
huh, It's raining 18187