Hi, could you convert this BBS (PSP version on PPSSPP) cheat (60 fps) for 2.5 please ? : _C1 60 FPS Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Final Mix _L 0x21725EC8 0x00000000 _C1 60 FPS Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep NTSC U/C _L 0x21722E08 0x00000000 _C1 60 FPS Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep PAL _L 0x21722E48 0x00000000 _C1 60 FPS Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep NTSC J _L 0x21727548 0x00000000 And for 1.5 : // 60 FPS Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories NTSC U/C patch=1, EE, 004386B0, extended, 00000000 // 60 FPS Kingdom Hearts FM: patch=1,EE,002BBE0C,extended,00000000
So ? Could anybody help me with the issues I'm having with the 60fps cheat ?
Hi, i'm having some trouble with the 60 Fps cheat (with Netcheat) for Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HDReMix (PAL version, on a PAL console) on my CEX 4.65 Ps3 with Cobra CFW. I'm using CCAPI 2.60, but my Ps3 freezes every x minutes... I've read that the 2.50 CCAPI version was more stable (regarding the 60 Fps cheat) but from what I understand, I can't install CCAPI 2.50 on a 4.65 Ps3 ... Is there anyway I could play KH 2.5 in 60 Fps without it freezing ?