Zexion stuck his head out of the window and looked at Luxord. "Mind rounding up the idiots so we can get to wherever we are staying?" He was so far the only on in the limo set to drive them to their hotels. Somehow Zexion knew that he would end up rooming with Demyx or someone equelly as unwanted.
Zexion walked past all the chaos, wishing he didn't notice and met Luxord outside the airport infront of the limo. At least they would be comfortable. Luxord, however, seemed a little to exited about the trip. Zexion thought it was as good a time as any to ask the question that he had been wondering about. "Luxord, did you win this vactaion with just Lady Luck, " He said the words almost mockingly. "Or did you cheat." With that Zexion opened the door and went inside the limo. He had to admit it was nice.
Zexion left the plane, glad he could catch up on reading and sleep farther away from the rest of them. The stewardess who had greeted him gave hims a sad look as he left. He still didn't understand what he was doing here. He had work to do. With a sigh he walked off the ramp into the Vagas airport.
Zexion had already made sure to switch with some sorry soul so that he was separate from the mess that he knew would unfold amongst the Organization and Keybladers. With a sigh he looked through his carryon. He had everything he needed. The stewardess smiled at him as he passed. "You're flying alone?" Zexion hated being mistaken for a child. "My parents died last month. I am flying to Nevada to meat my foster family." The look on her face was priceless. Zexion walked away smirking. As he passed Luxord he turned and said, "Remind me again how you talked me into this." As he spoke he scan the seats. He had managed to be 3 rows behind the rest of them and on the other side of the plane. Good. He waited for Luxord's response of a moment. Then he would move to his seat.
Never really done a comedy before, can I be Zexion?