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  1. Zach Osborn
    hi can someone please help me??? ive been searching all over for specific gummi ship codes and ive found them buuuuuuuuttttt the issue is that they are for regular KH2. can someone please convert these to work with KH2FM?????? or point me in the direction of doing it myself??????? the codes are as follows they are gameshark 5.1 codes

    gummi ship limit to 1200 mod
    05901669 B474D1EA
    (don't use cost converter)

    Points for teeny ships 500 cost mod
    05D01669 B474D3E8

    EDIT: ive found the ARMAX versions of the codes but i still dont know how to convert them for KH2FM

    Gummi ship limit to 1200.
    (don't use cost converter)

    Points for teeny ships 500 cost mod

    EDITEDIT: also does anyone have codes for gummi ship 99 ap? none of the others ive tried have worked
    Post by: Zach Osborn, Jan 23, 2020 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Zach Osborn
    Is there a code that can give you 5 or 10 of each support ability for each character? That's would be awesome for sailing through the game :)
    Post by: Zach Osborn, Jun 6, 2014 in forum: Code Vault