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  1. Govanify
    You should've searched more...Quote from SkybladeCloud site:
    So here y'go
    Post by: Govanify, May 26, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Govanify
    Ok so someone asked my help on twitter for this. And I want to say.....On what would you need help?
    The project didn't even yet beginned from what I saw and you're just planning shits, I'm a programmer/hacker not a texture/3d creator D:

    I don't really know on what I could help. Plus this entire project would be entirely in Square hands, by this I mean they'll have all rights on it, and could sue us as they wish.
    So yeah if y'want my help why not, but again for now I don't really see how I can help. And this project again is kinda risky(Oh yeah and did I already said this project kinda looks like OpenKH
    which had for purpose to make kh/kh2 run on pc using original files? ;p)

    Oh yeah and also don't make the game w/ the FMV Sora. JUST DON'T. Trust me, it'll be REALLY CRAPPY. But REALLY.

    Post by: Govanify, Apr 26, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Govanify
    The japanese voices are a choice made at the beginning of the dev. We're not going to change them. And after all that's just a translation of the 1st game, so we'll maybe add 2/3 things but it'll still be the same game(not like khr2 I'm developping w/ Kreiss atm).
    Post by: Govanify, Jun 22, 2014 in forum: Video Showcase
  4. Govanify
    For those that are wondering I created this trailer w/ the original creator of the game, I made the text just a little bit upper and I made the english translation. I just asked sora to create a new thread w/ this.

    I think I should present a little bit myself too.
    I(GovanifY)am a romhacker of several KH games. I created some tools for them and did a french translation of KH2FM available here: I helped sora6645 to create some translations for kh2fm w/ my tools. I'm actually working w/ Sora6645, jadentheman, Disgustor, SoraikoSan, Crazycatz00, Keytotruth, gledson, etc...
    This should be half a year I'm working w/ some of them on KH games in general and pretty happy of that(even if guys like crazy are MIA for now)
    W/e I was thinking it was a good way to present myself so I did it ;)
    Oh ya I did a while ago a tool that allowed Crazy's and others to extract the SDATA of KH1.5.
    I'll let ya w/ 2 of my old pastebins I created using IDA Pro and the ps3 sdk, I edited slightly the decompress one and letted the compression one without names at all
    So yeah...don't have much things to say anymore, so this could be a little bit "cliché" but w/e

    Enjoy, GovanifY

    P.S: Just sayin' but I'm a young french guy so my english isn't really THAT good, please don't care 'bout that, thanks!
    Post by: Govanify, Jun 21, 2014 in forum: Video Showcase
  5. Govanify
    Well this is a re-post of this thread: 'cause Jack advised me to re-post here

    Hello, I post this new thread 'cause I want to know how to repack graphics extracted with the tool kh2mapv:
    This tool can read many things like some string tables, wave sounds or imgd,imgz files from kingdom hearts 2.
    For exemple I take export\itempic\item-000.imd (with xeeynamo's unpacker tool) and I can see the picture wich his an imgd file.
    I can export this file to a png for modify it, for exemple but I can't repack him 'cause this tool can't do this.
    So I look on hexa but the png format have a signature and an encryption method who isn't the imgd(image) or imgz(a compress format for images in general)used for kh2
    So my request is simple: Someone can explain to me how to repack graphics or strings on a new file?
    I don't want someone who repack files for me I just want to know how can I do it by myself.

    The tool can be viewed here: (password is :"][" without quotations mark) and his source code here: (same password)

    Another little request if possible: I analyse quickly the file who can be viewed with xeeynamo's extractor on export\msg\jp and I conclude this file sets the fonts for the letters( in the same folder)but, apparently he contain some strings like "limit" etc... so if anybody can explain what define this file and how modify it(if this isn't hexa) this will be cool =D(I don't find this string but someone I know find him that's why I asked this)

    Thanking you in advance, Govanify
    Post by: Govanify, Oct 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Govanify
    Thread by: Govanify, Oct 26, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Code Vault