ya but I ment the games - not evry game is ported yet. I tried crunchbang once wats it like?
i hope so. I love the idea behind XIII, and i hope to see some really good charectar designs. Im that type of person who realy enjoys character designs along with the gaming.
Now id never run linux on a desktop (at least untel valve ports most of steam to linux lol) but what distro do u like? My server runs Debian. Its nice but i miss upstart from ubuntu. :(
Why thank u for welcoming me. I plan to get a playstation once i pay off my website server and get a job lol.
hey dude wats up. i added u to skype.
Yo wats up my name is Alex. I am an 18 year old web designer and slight kingdom hearts fan becus i dont have a playstation but ive played it a bit before. I run a website for a anime/gaming club for my friend but i wont shar it here. I am from the usa, guess where lol. My non kingdom hearts videogames i like are crysis, team fortress 2 and simcity. I love to chat with every one so if u wanna chat feel free to start a conversation. If anyone has skype id love to add them also. Thank u for reading.
Just joined this site and it looks cool o-o