works ;D thanks man Edit Ported it to ps3 ;D thanks to you
Im sure requesting is bad but could someone port this Fly EVERYWHERE R2 on joker L2 off joker ~ TruthKey E003FDFF 004DD49C 002C2570 00000008 002C0950 00000008 E003FEFF 004DD49C 002C2570 00000000 002C0950 00000000 thanks :) also if someone could port the command menu mod that would be helpful Command Menu Mod 202DD3E4 ZZYYXXWW 202DD3F4 E6E6E6E6
Save modding can be done but i wont touch saves. sorry. im sure BFSD/xploder/gamegenie will have save edits when the game really comes out. i can tho take peoples saves (if kh1.5 isnt save protected) and give/edit what people want. wont do alot but ill do some.
Hello People of Today I bring you debugged .selfs for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and Kingdom Hearts Re-Chain-Of-Memory's! This is so you don't have to change the EBOOT.BIN when you want to play the other game! The Debugged selfs are usefull for dex only as they allow real time editing (prob the only way we'll beable to hack this game You NEED a jailbroken PS3 that is running a D-rex (CEX2DEX Convert) CFW like Rebug or PS3ITA dont ask for a tut on how to CEX2DEX there is a bunch out there. so just replace the selfs under USRDIR and mount the game as usual! Also here are the Debugger's Range values for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Note: IF you use the "modify sora/donald/goofy weapon code it will overwrite the item they were holding with the one you set it to. KH 1.5 Hack Addresses Misc Spoiler Code: Munny 0x0212B74C Current Health #for Sora //doesnt stick 0x0279ED54 Max Health #for Sora //doesnt stick 0x0279ED58 Yellow MP Bar #for Sora 0x0279EDD4 Current Mp #for Sora //doesnt stick 0x0279ED5C max mp #for Sora //doesnt stick 0x0279ED60 EXP 0x02115370 General Camera Stuff 0x02146ED4 - 0x02146FA4 Have Equipment Lines #set them to 00000001 0x02115818 Modify Shared Abilities #may go farther 0x021158C8 - 021158E0 Jokers #for PS3 Joker That 0x0279EAC4 0x0279EAD4 Sora Spoiler Code: Stats Lines #Sora 02115334 AABBCCDD 02115338 EE?????? AA = Player's Level BB = Current Health CC = Max Health DD = Current MP EE = Max MP ?? = Don't Edit Change Sora's Keyblade #Dont change YY XX is weapon id 02115364 YYYYXXYY Modify Sora's Current Equipment #08 Is slots replace xx with equipment id's 0x0211534C 08XXXXXX 0x02115350 XXXXXXXX 0x02115354 XX Modify Sora's Current Item's #dont change YY. ZZ is slots (0x10 is max) XX is items 0x02115354 YYZZXXXX 0x02115358 XXXXXXXX 0x0211535C XXXXXXXX 0x02115360 XXXXXXXX 0x02115364 XXXX Modify Sora's Current Abilities #may go farther 0x02115374 - 0x02115384 Donald Spoiler Code: Change Donald's Staff #Dont change YY XX is weapon id 0x021153D8 YYYYXXYY Modify Donald's Current Equipment #08 Is slots replace xx with equipment id's 0x021153C0 08XXXXXX 0x021153C4 XXXXXXXX 0x021153C8 XX Modify Donald's Current items #dont change YY. ZZ is slots (0x10 is max) XX is items 0x021153C8 YYZZXXXX 0x021153CC XXXXXXXX 0x021153D0 XXXXXXXX 0x021153D4 XXXX Modify Doland's Current Abilities #may go farther 0x021153E8 - 0x021153F4 Goofy Spoiler Code: Change Goofy's Shield #Dont change YY XX is weapon id 0x0211544C YYYYXXYY Modify Goofy's Current Equipment #08 Is slots replace xx with equipment id's 0x02115434 08XXXXXX 0x02115438 XXXXXXXX 0x0211543C XX Modify Goofy's Current items #dont change YY. ZZ is slots (0x10 is max) XX is items 0x0211543C YYZZXXXX 0x02115440 XXXXXXXX 0x02115444 XXXXXXXX 0x02115448 XXXXXXXX 0x0211544C XXXX Modify Goofy's Current Abilities #may go farther 0x0211545C - 0x02115468 Equipment/Item/Weapon Id's Spoiler Code: 00 - null 01 - Potion 02 - Hi-Potion 03 - Ether 04 - Elixir 05 - null 06 - Mega Potion 07 - Mega Ether 08 - Megalixir 09 - Fury Stone 0A - Power Stone 0B - Enegry Stone 0C - Blazing Stone 0D - Frost Stone 0E - Lightning Stone 0F - Dazzling Stone 10 - Stormy Stone 11 - Protect Chain 12 - Protera Chain 13 - Protega Chain 14 - Fire Ring 15 - Fira Ring 16 - Firaga Ring 17 - Blizzard Ring 18 - Blizzara Ring 19 - Blizzaga Ring 1A - Thunder Ring 1B - Thundara Ring 1C - Thundaga Ring 1D - Ability Stud 1E - Guard Earring 1F - Master Earring 20 - Chaos Ring 21 - Dark Ring 22 - Element Ring 23 - Three Stars 24 - Power Chain 25 - Golem Chain 26 - Titan Chain 27 - Energy Bangle 28 - Angel Bangle 29 - Gaia Bangle 2A - Magic Armlet 2B - Rune Armlet 2C - Atlas Armlet 2D - Heartguard 2E - Ribbon 2F - Crystal Crown 30 - Brave Warrior 31 - Ifrit's Horn 32 - Inferno Band 33 - White Fang 34 - Ray Of Light 35 - Holy Circlet 36 - Raven's Claw 37 - Omega Arts 38 - EXP Earring 39 - null 3A - EXP Ring 3B - EXP Bracelet 3C - EXP Neckless 3D - Firagun Band 3E - Blizzagun Band 3F - Thundagun Band 40 - Ifrit Belt 41 - Shiva Belt 42 - Ramuh Belt 43 - Moogle Badge 44 - Cosmic Arts 45 - Royal Crown 46 - Prime Cap 47 - Obsidian Ring 48 - null 49 - null 4A - null 4B - null 4C - null 4D - null 4E - null 4F - null 50 - null 50 - null 51 - Kingdom Key 52 - Dream Sword 53 - Dream Shield 54 - Dream Rod 55 - Wood Sword 56 - Jungle Key 57 - Three Wishes 58 - Fairy Harp 59 - Pumpkinhead 5A - CrabClaw 5B - Divine Rose 5C - Spellbinder 5D - Olympia 5E - Lion Heart 5F - Metal Chocobo 60 - Oathkeeper 61 - Oblivion 62 - Lady Luck 63 - Wishing Star 64 - Ultima 65 - Diamond Dust 66 - One-Winged Angel 67 - Mage's Staff 68 - Morning Star 69 - Shooting Star 6A - Magus Staff 6B - Wisdom Staff 6C - Warhammer 6D - Silver Mallet 6E - Grand Mallet 6F - Lord Fortune 70 - Violetta 71 - Dream Rod 72 - Save the Queen 73 - Wizard's Relic 74 - Meteor Strike 75 - Fantasista 76 - null 77 - Knight's Shield 78 - Mythril Shield 79 - Onyx Shield 7A - Stout Shield 7B - Golem Shield 7C - Adamant Shield 7D - Smasher 7E - Gigas Fist 7F - Genji Shield 80 - Herc's Shield 81 - Dream Shield 82 - Save the King 83 - Defender 84 - Mighty Shield 85 - Seven Elements 86 - null 87 - Spear (Tarzan) 88 - No Weapon 89 - Sword (Aladdin) 8A - null 8B - null 8C - Dagger (Peter-Pan) 8D - Claws (Beast) 8E - Tent 8F - Camping Set 90 - Cottage 91 - null 92 - null 93 - null 94 - null 95 - Ansem's Report 11 96 - Ansem's Report 12 97 - Ansem's Report 13 98 - Power Up 99 - Defense Up 9A - AP Up 9B - Serenity Power 9C - Dark Matter 9D - Mythril Stone 9E - Fire Arts 9F - Blizzard Arts A0 - Thunder Arts A1 - Cure Arts A2 - Gravity Arts A3 - Stop Arts A4 - Aero Arts A5 - Shiitake Rank A6 - Matsutake Rank A7 - Mystery Mold A8 - Ansem's Report 1 A9 - Ansem's Report 2 AA - Ansem's Report 3 AB - Ansem's Report 4 AC - Ansem's Report 5 AD - Ansem's Report 6 AE - Ansem's Report 7 AF - Ansem's Report 8 B0 - Ansem's Report 9 B1 - Ansem's Report 10 B2 - Khama Vol. 8 B3 - Salegg Vol. 6 B4 - Azal Vol. 3 B5 - Mava Vol. 3 B6 - Mava Vol. 6 B7 - Theon Vol. 6 B8 - Nahara Vol. 5 B9 - Hafet Vol. 4 BA - Empty Bottle BB - Old Book BC - Emblem Piece BD - Emblem Piece BE - Emblem Piece BF - Emblem Piece C0 - Log C1 - Cloth C2 - Rope C3 - Seagull Egg C4 - Fish C5 - Mushroom C6 - Coconut C7 - Drinking Water C8 - Navi - G Piece C9 - Navi - G Piece CA - Navi - Gummi CB - Navi - G Piece CC - Navi - G Piece CD - Navi - Gummi CE - Watergleam CF - Naturespark D0 - Fireglow D1 - Earthshine D2 - Crystal Trident D3 - Postcard D4 - Torn Page D5 - Torn Page D6 - Torn Page D7 - Torn Page D8 - Torn Page D9 - Slide 1 DA - Slide 2 DB - Slide 3 DC - Slide 4 DE - Slide 5 DF - Footprints E0 - Claw Marks E1 - Stench E2 - Antenna E3 - Forget-Me-Not E4 - Jack-In-the-Box E5 - Entry Pass E6 - Hero License E7 - Pretty Stone E8 - null E9 - Lucid Shard EA - Lucid Gem EB - Lucid Crystal EC - Spirit Shard ED - Spirit Gem EE - Power Shard EF - Power Gem F0 - Power Crystal F1 - Blaze Shard F2 - Blaze Gem F3 - Frost Shard F4 - Frost Gem F5 - Thunder Shard F6 - Thunder Gem F7 - Shiny Crystal F8 - Bright Shard F9 - Bright Gem FA - Bright Crystal FB - Mystery Goo FC - Gale FD - Mythril Shard FE - Mythril FF - Orichalcum Give Your Self Items List #set to FF for 255 of them. Spoiler Code: Potion 021157Ca Hi-Potion 021157Cb Ether 021157Cc Elixer 021157Cd Invalid Item 021157Ce Mega-Potion 021157Cf Mega-Ether 021157d0 Megalixir 021157d1 Fury Stone 021157d2 Power Stone 021157d3 Energy Stone 021157D4 Blazing Stone 021157D5 Frost Stone 021157D6 Lightning Stone 021157D7 Dazzling Stone 021157D8 Stormy Stone 021157D9 Protect Chain 021157da Protera Chain 021157db Protega Chain 021157dc Fire Ring 021157dd Fira Ring 021157de Firaga Ring 021157df Blizzard Ring 021157e0 Blizzara Ring 021157e1 Blizzaga Ring 021157e2 Thunder Ring 021157e3 Thundara Ring 021157e4 Thundaga Ring 021157e5 Ability Stud 021157e6 Guard Earring 021157e7 Master Earring 021157e8 Chaos Ring 021157e9 Dark Ring 021157ea Element Ring 021157eb Three Stars 021157ec Power Chain 021157ed Golem Chain 021157ee Titan Chain 021157ef Energy Bangle 021157f0 Angel Bangle 021157f1 Gaia Bangle 021157f2 Magic Armlet 021157f3 Rune Armlet 021157f4 Atlas Armlet 021157f5 Heartguard 021157f6 Ribbon 021157f7 Crystal Crown 021157f8 Brave Warrior 021157f9 Ifrit's Horn 021157fa Inferno Band 021157fb White Fang 021157fc Ray of Light 021157fd Holy Circlet 021157fe Raven's Claw 021157ff Omega Arts 02115800 EXP Earring 02115801 Invalid Accessory 02115802 EXP Ring 02115803 EXP Bracelet 02115804 EXP Necklace 02115805 Firagun Band 02115806 Blizzagun Band 02115807 Thundagun Band 02115808 Ifrit Belt 02115809 Shiva Belt 0211580a Ramuh Belt 0211580b Moogle Badge 0211580c Cosmic Arts 0211580d Royal Crown 0211580e Prime Cap 0211580f Obsidian Ring 02115810 Invalid Accessory 02115811 02115812 02115813 02115814 02115815 02115816 02115817 02115818 02115819 Kingdom Key 0211581a Dream Sword 0211581b Dream Shield 0211581c Dream Rod 0211581d Wooden Sword 0211581e Jungle King 0211581f Three Wishes 02115820 Fairy Harp 02115821 Pumpkinhead 02115822 Crabclaw 02115823 Divine Rose 02115824 Spellbinder 02115825 Olympia 02115826 Lionheart 02115827 Metal Chocobo 02115828 Oathkeeper 02115829 Oblivion 0211582a Lady Luck 0211582b Wishing Star 0211582c Ultima Weapon 0211582d Diamond Dust 0211582e One-Winged Angel 0211582f Mage's Staff 02115830 Morning Star 02115831 Shooting Star 02115832 Magus Staff 02115833 Wisdom Staff 02115834 Warhammer 02115835 Silver Mallet 02115836 Grand Mallet 02115837 Lord Fortune 02115838 Violetta 02115839 Dream Rod 0211583a Save the Queen 0211583b Wizard's Relic 0211583c Meteor Strike 0211583d Fantasista 0211583e Invalid Staff 0211583f Knight's Shield 02115840 Mythril Shield 02115841 Onyx Shield 02115842 Stout Shield 02115843 Golem Shield 02115844 Adamant Shield 02115845 Smasher 02115846 Gigas Fist 02115847 Genji Shield 02115848 Her's Shield 02115849 Dream Shield 0211584a Save the King 0211584b Defender 0211584c Mighty Shield 0211584d Seven Elements 0211584e Invalid Shield 0211584f Spear 02115850 Invalid Weapon 02115851 Sword 02115852 Invalid Weapon 02115853 02115854 Dagger 02115855 Claws 02115856 Tent 02115857 Camping Set 02115858 Cottage 02115859 Nothing 0211585a 0211585b 0211585C 0211585d Ansem's Report 11 0211585e Ansem's Report 12 0211585f Ansem's Report 13 02115860 Power Up 02115861 Defense Up 02115862 Ap Up 02115863 Serenity Power 02115864 Dark Matter 02115865 Mythril Stone 02115866 Fire Arts 02115867 Blizzard Arts 02115868 Thunder Arts 02115869 Cure Arts 0211586a Gravity Arts 0211586b Stop Arts 0211586c Aero Arts 0211586d Shiitake Rank 0211586e Matsutake Rank 0211586f Mystery Mold 02115870 Ansem's Report 1 02115871 Ansem's Report 2 02115872 Ansem's Report 3 02115873 Ansem's Report 4 02115874 Ansem's Report 5 02115875 Ansem's Report 6 02115876 Ansem's Report 7 02115877 Ansem's Report 8 02115878 Ansem's Report 9 02115879 Ansem's Report 10 0211587a Khama Vol. 8 0211587b Salegg Vol. 6 0211587c Azal vol. 3 0211587d Mava vol. 3 0211587e Mava vol. 6 0211587f Theon vol.6 02115880 Nahara vol. 5 02115881 Hafet vol. 4 02115882 Empty Bottle 02115883 Old Book 02115884 Emblem Piece 02115885 Emblem Piece 02115886 Emblem Piece 02115887 Emblem Piece 02115888 Log 02115889 Cloth 0211588a Rope 0211588b Seagull Egg 0211588c Fish 0211588d Mushroom 0211588e Coconut 0211588f Drinking Water 02115890 Navi-G Piece 02115891 Navi-G Piece 02115892 Navi-Gummi 02115893 Navi-G Piece 02115894 Navi-G Piece 02115895 Navi-Gummi 02115896 Watergleam 02115897 NatureSpeak 02115898 Fireglow 02115899 Earthshine 0211589a Crystal Trident 0211589b Postcard 0211589c Torn Page 0211589d Torn Page 0211589e Torn Page 0211589f Torn Page 021158a0 Torn Page 021158a1 Slide 1 021158a2 Slide 2 021158a3 Slide 3 021158a4 Slide 4 021158a5 Slide 5 021158a6 Slide 6 021158a7 Footprints 021158a8 Claw Marks 021158a9 Stench 021158aa Atenna 021158ab Forget-Me-Not 021158ac Jack-in-the-Box 021158ad Entry Pass 021158ae Hero License 021158af Pretty Stone 021158b0 Invalid Item 021158b1 Lucid Shard 021158b2 Lucid Gem 021158b3 Lucid Crystal 021158b4 Spirit Shard 021158b5 Spirit Gem 021158b6 Power Shard 021158b7 Power Gem 021158b8 Power Crystal 021158b9 Blaze Shard 021158ba Blaze Gem 021158bb Frost Shard 021158bc Frost Gem 021158bd Thunder Shard 021158be Thunder Gem 021158bf Shiny Crystal 021158c0 Bright Shard 021158c1 Bright Gem 021158c2 Bright Crystal 021158c3 Mystery Goo 021158c4 Mythril Shard 021158c5 Gale 021158c6 Mythril 021158c7 Orichalcum 021158c8 DOWNLOAD: VIRUS SCAN: DEBUGGER RANGES: Spoiler Code: Kingdom Hearts 1.5 00000000 - 0318FFFC 10000000 - 100CFFFC 20000000 - 2003FFFC 30000000 - 390FFFFC 40000000 - 40000FFC C0000000 - CF8FFFFC Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of memory's Code: 00000000 - 00AFFFFC 10000000 - 1009FFFC 20000000 - 2002FFFC 30000000 - 3B8FFFFC 40000000 - 40100FFC C0000000 - CF8FFFFC Credits to Badger41 For a big amount of the addresses! All Cheats Found using NetCheat PS3 located HERE
Munny 0x0212B74C Current Health #for Sora //doesnt stick 0x0279ED54 Max Health #for Sora //doesnt stick 0x0279ED58 Yellow MP Bar #for Sora 0x0279EDD4 Current Mp #for Sora //doesnt stick 0x0279ED5C max mp #for Sora //doesnt stick 0x0279ED60 EXP 0x02115370 General Camera Stuff 0x02146ED4 - 0x02146FA4 Have Equipment Lines #set them to 00000001 0x02115818 Modify Shared Abilities #may go farther 0x021158C8 - 021158E0 Jokers #for PS3 Joker That 0x0279EAC4 0x0279EAD4
Stats Lines #Sora 02115334 AABBCCDD 02115338 EE?????? AA = Player's Level BB = Current Health CC = Max Health DD = Current MP EE = Max MP ?? = Don't Edit Change Sora's Keyblade #Dont change YY XX is weapon id 02115364 YYYYXXYY Modify Sora's Current Equipment #08 Is slots replace xx with equipment id's 0x0211534C 08XXXXXX 0x02115350 XXXXXXXX 0x02115354 XX Modify Sora's Current Item's #dont change YY. ZZ is slots (0x10 is max) XX is items 0x02115354 YYZZXXXX 0x02115358 XXXXXXXX 0x0211535C XXXXXXXX 0x02115360 XXXXXXXX 0x02115364 XXXX Modify Sora's Current Abilities #may go farther 0x02115374 - 0x02115384
Change Donald's Staff #Dont change YY XX is weapon id 0x021153D8 YYYYXXYY Modify Donald's Current Equipment #08 Is slots replace xx with equipment id's 0x021153C0 08XXXXXX 0x021153C4 XXXXXXXX 0x021153C8 XX Modify Donald's Current items #dont change YY. ZZ is slots (0x10 is max) XX is items 0x021153C8 YYZZXXXX 0x021153CC XXXXXXXX 0x021153D0 XXXXXXXX 0x021153D4 XXXX Modify Doland's Current Abilities #may go farther 0x021153E8 - 0x021153F4
Change Goofy's Shield #Dont change YY XX is weapon id 0x0211544C YYYYXXYY Modify Goofy's Current Equipment #08 Is slots replace xx with equipment id's 0x02115434 08XXXXXX 0x02115438 XXXXXXXX 0x0211543C XX Modify Goofy's Current items #dont change YY. ZZ is slots (0x10 is max) XX is items 0x0211543C YYZZXXXX 0x02115440 XXXXXXXX 0x02115444 XXXXXXXX 0x02115448 XXXXXXXX 0x0211544C XXXX Modify Goofy's Current Abilities #may go farther 0x0211545C - 0x02115468
00 - null 01 - Potion 02 - Hi-Potion 03 - Ether 04 - Elixir 05 - null 06 - Mega Potion 07 - Mega Ether 08 - Megalixir 09 - Fury Stone 0A - Power Stone 0B - Enegry Stone 0C - Blazing Stone 0D - Frost Stone 0E - Lightning Stone 0F - Dazzling Stone 10 - Stormy Stone 11 - Protect Chain 12 - Protera Chain 13 - Protega Chain 14 - Fire Ring 15 - Fira Ring 16 - Firaga Ring 17 - Blizzard Ring 18 - Blizzara Ring 19 - Blizzaga Ring 1A - Thunder Ring 1B - Thundara Ring 1C - Thundaga Ring 1D - Ability Stud 1E - Guard Earring 1F - Master Earring 20 - Chaos Ring 21 - Dark Ring 22 - Element Ring 23 - Three Stars 24 - Power Chain 25 - Golem Chain 26 - Titan Chain 27 - Energy Bangle 28 - Angel Bangle 29 - Gaia Bangle 2A - Magic Armlet 2B - Rune Armlet 2C - Atlas Armlet 2D - Heartguard 2E - Ribbon 2F - Crystal Crown 30 - Brave Warrior 31 - Ifrit's Horn 32 - Inferno Band 33 - White Fang 34 - Ray Of Light 35 - Holy Circlet 36 - Raven's Claw 37 - Omega Arts 38 - EXP Earring 39 - null 3A - EXP Ring 3B - EXP Bracelet 3C - EXP Neckless 3D - Firagun Band 3E - Blizzagun Band 3F - Thundagun Band 40 - Ifrit Belt 41 - Shiva Belt 42 - Ramuh Belt 43 - Moogle Badge 44 - Cosmic Arts 45 - Royal Crown 46 - Prime Cap 47 - Obsidian Ring 48 - null 49 - null 4A - null 4B - null 4C - null 4D - null 4E - null 4F - null 50 - null 50 - null 51 - Kingdom Key 52 - Dream Sword 53 - Dream Shield 54 - Dream Rod 55 - Wood Sword 56 - Jungle Key 57 - Three Wishes 58 - Fairy Harp 59 - Pumpkinhead 5A - CrabClaw 5B - Divine Rose 5C - Spellbinder 5D - Olympia 5E - Lion Heart 5F - Metal Chocobo 60 - Oathkeeper 61 - Oblivion 62 - Lady Luck 63 - Wishing Star 64 - Ultima 65 - Diamond Dust 66 - One-Winged Angel 67 - Mage's Staff 68 - Morning Star 69 - Shooting Star 6A - Magus Staff 6B - Wisdom Staff 6C - Warhammer 6D - Silver Mallet 6E - Grand Mallet 6F - Lord Fortune 70 - Violetta 71 - Dream Rod 72 - Save the Queen 73 - Wizard's Relic 74 - Meteor Strike 75 - Fantasista 76 - null 77 - Knight's Shield 78 - Mythril Shield 79 - Onyx Shield 7A - Stout Shield 7B - Golem Shield 7C - Adamant Shield 7D - Smasher 7E - Gigas Fist 7F - Genji Shield 80 - Herc's Shield 81 - Dream Shield 82 - Save the King 83 - Defender 84 - Mighty Shield 85 - Seven Elements 86 - null 87 - Spear (Tarzan) 88 - No Weapon 89 - Sword (Aladdin) 8A - null 8B - null 8C - Dagger (Peter-Pan) 8D - Claws (Beast) 8E - Tent 8F - Camping Set 90 - Cottage 91 - null 92 - null 93 - null 94 - null 95 - Ansem's Report 11 96 - Ansem's Report 12 97 - Ansem's Report 13 98 - Power Up 99 - Defense Up 9A - AP Up 9B - Serenity Power 9C - Dark Matter 9D - Mythril Stone 9E - Fire Arts 9F - Blizzard Arts A0 - Thunder Arts A1 - Cure Arts A2 - Gravity Arts A3 - Stop Arts A4 - Aero Arts A5 - Shiitake Rank A6 - Matsutake Rank A7 - Mystery Mold A8 - Ansem's Report 1 A9 - Ansem's Report 2 AA - Ansem's Report 3 AB - Ansem's Report 4 AC - Ansem's Report 5 AD - Ansem's Report 6 AE - Ansem's Report 7 AF - Ansem's Report 8 B0 - Ansem's Report 9 B1 - Ansem's Report 10 B2 - Khama Vol. 8 B3 - Salegg Vol. 6 B4 - Azal Vol. 3 B5 - Mava Vol. 3 B6 - Mava Vol. 6 B7 - Theon Vol. 6 B8 - Nahara Vol. 5 B9 - Hafet Vol. 4 BA - Empty Bottle BB - Old Book BC - Emblem Piece BD - Emblem Piece BE - Emblem Piece BF - Emblem Piece C0 - Log C1 - Cloth C2 - Rope C3 - Seagull Egg C4 - Fish C5 - Mushroom C6 - Coconut C7 - Drinking Water C8 - Navi - G Piece C9 - Navi - G Piece CA - Navi - Gummi CB - Navi - G Piece CC - Navi - G Piece CD - Navi - Gummi CE - Watergleam CF - Naturespark D0 - Fireglow D1 - Earthshine D2 - Crystal Trident D3 - Postcard D4 - Torn Page D5 - Torn Page D6 - Torn Page D7 - Torn Page D8 - Torn Page D9 - Slide 1 DA - Slide 2 DB - Slide 3 DC - Slide 4 DE - Slide 5 DF - Footprints E0 - Claw Marks E1 - Stench E2 - Antenna E3 - Forget-Me-Not E4 - Jack-In-the-Box E5 - Entry Pass E6 - Hero License E7 - Pretty Stone E8 - null E9 - Lucid Shard EA - Lucid Gem EB - Lucid Crystal EC - Spirit Shard ED - Spirit Gem EE - Power Shard EF - Power Gem F0 - Power Crystal F1 - Blaze Shard F2 - Blaze Gem F3 - Frost Shard F4 - Frost Gem F5 - Thunder Shard F6 - Thunder Gem F7 - Shiny Crystal F8 - Bright Shard F9 - Bright Gem FA - Bright Crystal FB - Mystery Goo FC - Gale FD - Mythril Shard FE - Mythril FF - Orichalcum
Potion 021157Ca Hi-Potion 021157Cb Ether 021157Cc Elixer 021157Cd Invalid Item 021157Ce Mega-Potion 021157Cf Mega-Ether 021157d0 Megalixir 021157d1 Fury Stone 021157d2 Power Stone 021157d3 Energy Stone 021157D4 Blazing Stone 021157D5 Frost Stone 021157D6 Lightning Stone 021157D7 Dazzling Stone 021157D8 Stormy Stone 021157D9 Protect Chain 021157da Protera Chain 021157db Protega Chain 021157dc Fire Ring 021157dd Fira Ring 021157de Firaga Ring 021157df Blizzard Ring 021157e0 Blizzara Ring 021157e1 Blizzaga Ring 021157e2 Thunder Ring 021157e3 Thundara Ring 021157e4 Thundaga Ring 021157e5 Ability Stud 021157e6 Guard Earring 021157e7 Master Earring 021157e8 Chaos Ring 021157e9 Dark Ring 021157ea Element Ring 021157eb Three Stars 021157ec Power Chain 021157ed Golem Chain 021157ee Titan Chain 021157ef Energy Bangle 021157f0 Angel Bangle 021157f1 Gaia Bangle 021157f2 Magic Armlet 021157f3 Rune Armlet 021157f4 Atlas Armlet 021157f5 Heartguard 021157f6 Ribbon 021157f7 Crystal Crown 021157f8 Brave Warrior 021157f9 Ifrit's Horn 021157fa Inferno Band 021157fb White Fang 021157fc Ray of Light 021157fd Holy Circlet 021157fe Raven's Claw 021157ff Omega Arts 02115800 EXP Earring 02115801 Invalid Accessory 02115802 EXP Ring 02115803 EXP Bracelet 02115804 EXP Necklace 02115805 Firagun Band 02115806 Blizzagun Band 02115807 Thundagun Band 02115808 Ifrit Belt 02115809 Shiva Belt 0211580a Ramuh Belt 0211580b Moogle Badge 0211580c Cosmic Arts 0211580d Royal Crown 0211580e Prime Cap 0211580f Obsidian Ring 02115810 Invalid Accessory 02115811 02115812 02115813 02115814 02115815 02115816 02115817 02115818 02115819 Kingdom Key 0211581a Dream Sword 0211581b Dream Shield 0211581c Dream Rod 0211581d Wooden Sword 0211581e Jungle King 0211581f Three Wishes 02115820 Fairy Harp 02115821 Pumpkinhead 02115822 Crabclaw 02115823 Divine Rose 02115824 Spellbinder 02115825 Olympia 02115826 Lionheart 02115827 Metal Chocobo 02115828 Oathkeeper 02115829 Oblivion 0211582a Lady Luck 0211582b Wishing Star 0211582c Ultima Weapon 0211582d Diamond Dust 0211582e One-Winged Angel 0211582f Mage's Staff 02115830 Morning Star 02115831 Shooting Star 02115832 Magus Staff 02115833 Wisdom Staff 02115834 Warhammer 02115835 Silver Mallet 02115836 Grand Mallet 02115837 Lord Fortune 02115838 Violetta 02115839 Dream Rod 0211583a Save the Queen 0211583b Wizard's Relic 0211583c Meteor Strike 0211583d Fantasista 0211583e Invalid Staff 0211583f Knight's Shield 02115840 Mythril Shield 02115841 Onyx Shield 02115842 Stout Shield 02115843 Golem Shield 02115844 Adamant Shield 02115845 Smasher 02115846 Gigas Fist 02115847 Genji Shield 02115848 Her's Shield 02115849 Dream Shield 0211584a Save the King 0211584b Defender 0211584c Mighty Shield 0211584d Seven Elements 0211584e Invalid Shield 0211584f Spear 02115850 Invalid Weapon 02115851 Sword 02115852 Invalid Weapon 02115853 02115854 Dagger 02115855 Claws 02115856 Tent 02115857 Camping Set 02115858 Cottage 02115859 Nothing 0211585a 0211585b 0211585C 0211585d Ansem's Report 11 0211585e Ansem's Report 12 0211585f Ansem's Report 13 02115860 Power Up 02115861 Defense Up 02115862 Ap Up 02115863 Serenity Power 02115864 Dark Matter 02115865 Mythril Stone 02115866 Fire Arts 02115867 Blizzard Arts 02115868 Thunder Arts 02115869 Cure Arts 0211586a Gravity Arts 0211586b Stop Arts 0211586c Aero Arts 0211586d Shiitake Rank 0211586e Matsutake Rank 0211586f Mystery Mold 02115870 Ansem's Report 1 02115871 Ansem's Report 2 02115872 Ansem's Report 3 02115873 Ansem's Report 4 02115874 Ansem's Report 5 02115875 Ansem's Report 6 02115876 Ansem's Report 7 02115877 Ansem's Report 8 02115878 Ansem's Report 9 02115879 Ansem's Report 10 0211587a Khama Vol. 8 0211587b Salegg Vol. 6 0211587c Azal vol. 3 0211587d Mava vol. 3 0211587e Mava vol. 6 0211587f Theon vol.6 02115880 Nahara vol. 5 02115881 Hafet vol. 4 02115882 Empty Bottle 02115883 Old Book 02115884 Emblem Piece 02115885 Emblem Piece 02115886 Emblem Piece 02115887 Emblem Piece 02115888 Log 02115889 Cloth 0211588a Rope 0211588b Seagull Egg 0211588c Fish 0211588d Mushroom 0211588e Coconut 0211588f Drinking Water 02115890 Navi-G Piece 02115891 Navi-G Piece 02115892 Navi-Gummi 02115893 Navi-G Piece 02115894 Navi-G Piece 02115895 Navi-Gummi 02115896 Watergleam 02115897 NatureSpeak 02115898 Fireglow 02115899 Earthshine 0211589a Crystal Trident 0211589b Postcard 0211589c Torn Page 0211589d Torn Page 0211589e Torn Page 0211589f Torn Page 021158a0 Torn Page 021158a1 Slide 1 021158a2 Slide 2 021158a3 Slide 3 021158a4 Slide 4 021158a5 Slide 5 021158a6 Slide 6 021158a7 Footprints 021158a8 Claw Marks 021158a9 Stench 021158aa Atenna 021158ab Forget-Me-Not 021158ac Jack-in-the-Box 021158ad Entry Pass 021158ae Hero License 021158af Pretty Stone 021158b0 Invalid Item 021158b1 Lucid Shard 021158b2 Lucid Gem 021158b3 Lucid Crystal 021158b4 Spirit Shard 021158b5 Spirit Gem 021158b6 Power Shard 021158b7 Power Gem 021158b8 Power Crystal 021158b9 Blaze Shard 021158ba Blaze Gem 021158bb Frost Shard 021158bc Frost Gem 021158bd Thunder Shard 021158be Thunder Gem 021158bf Shiny Crystal 021158c0 Bright Shard 021158c1 Bright Gem 021158c2 Bright Crystal 021158c3 Mystery Goo 021158c4 Mythril Shard 021158c5 Gale 021158c6 Mythril 021158c7 Orichalcum 021158c8
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 00000000 - 0318FFFC 10000000 - 100CFFFC 20000000 - 2003FFFC 30000000 - 390FFFFC 40000000 - 40000FFC C0000000 - CF8FFFFC
00000000 - 00AFFFFC 10000000 - 1009FFFC 20000000 - 2002FFFC 30000000 - 3B8FFFFC 40000000 - 40100FFC C0000000 - CF8FFFFC