I'm glad you agree. Let's juts hope that those KH people in japan or whereever they are have been looking over the web at sites like this and saw this good idea of mine and then put it in KH3!
I wonder if those KH people saw my Sofia idea on here? What it could be is a mini game world like how winnie the pooh was in KH1 & KH2 also how The little mermaid world was in KH2. Seeing Sora bond with Sofia could be interesting cause they both have big hearts.:)
I would like to see Rinoa heartilly from FF8 make an appearance and finally have a voice.Also i wanna see the gargoyles from the old Disney animated tv series.They should already have been in KH2 a long time ago if they had just got that idea.Well maybe somebody from here could send that idea to them somehow maybe. And maybe even Sofia the first in her world or maybe just a summon for HP and MP like how bambi and stich were.