I didn't know where it went, it kind of confussed me a little since there is no thing that I saw that said about videos or anything.
"I don't think I am going to buy anything from you today Larxene." Saix said, and started to head into school.
"Yeah.... "Saix said with stright face. "What are you guys up to?"
Saix woke up and noticed that he had over slept again. Great that means he is really going to have to suck up to the teacher this time. He got up and got dressed and hopped on his bike and peddle all the way to school. When he finally got to school he noticed that Larxene, Demyx, Luxord, and Roxas was already there. And he noticed that Larxene had bought her suit case to school again. He hoped if he made a stright face she wouldn't say anything to him. He made his way up the steps to where the other guys were.
These three were made by me with Window Movie Maker. All videos footage is from KH-Vids.net. :) Please tell me what you think about them. Also I hope I put this in the right place as well. Here in Your Arms ---Very first video ever made Funny Moments in Kingdom Hearts ---Second video I made trying to figure out how to make scene go from one to another really. Axel Sings Prince Ali ---My third one and I was told that this is the best I have done. And that it is really funny. Hope you enjoy watching them all. :D
3988 "You don't hear me say."
The last one is the best just doing more lighting for Marluxia face like they said and it should be fine really. :)
Those are really nice. I like the last three the best though. And with the one with the border you really can't tell that it has one. :p
It is good for your first try. Better then what I could ever do.
I have seen that render. And of course he is so cute. :)
They are nice but a little plain for the background. Maybe you should try to do something with the back ground and see if they turn out better.
I seem to also get lucky when I go against him really. You usually gets me in a corner and that is not were you want to be. And usually I am around level 50 when I go against him. :P Maybe I just suck at playing this game. But I never have died though when I went against him which is pretty good at least I think so.
To me Axel would wins hands down. He is just a little more cunning then Demyx. Plus Axel can do that teleport type of thing and come up behind you and pretty much do damage really quick. So my choice has to be Axel.
I don't like Larxene either. And plus you toke the words right out of my mouth. Everything you said about her I agree with.
I would have to go with Ursula. I have always liked her song that she sings in the Little Mermaid. And plus that is one of my all time favorite Disney movies.
I don't think he was a jerk really. If you think about Riku was the one who opened the door. Sora just went along for the ride. He couldn't control what happend to his island. So I say that he is not one.
To me it has to be Sora, like some else said Roxas is only half of Sora. And Sora was all by himself in the first game. So I would have to say Sora is stronger then Roxas.
It is just to hard to choose really just one! If I had to choose just one it would have to be Axel. I didn't like the fact either that he had to fade away. He didn't have to do that attack that he did. But if I could save them all I would.
To me you are jumping to much every where. You got a good idea going. You just need to make it flow a little better.
Name:~Axel_Riku~ Charcter:Saix Why: Saix is one the members that I think is so laid back, but once you get him mad, there is no mercy for you.