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  1. Szarketh the silent king
    Although most people say that gen2 was the end of the nostalgia trip you are wrong, my first pokémon game was ruby for the gameboy, i loved it because it was a big step from the black and white colours (i am british, dont make fun of my spelling) and how emerald added gifs, slightly glitchy, but it was a step, then diamond and pearl came and that was probably the start of the downfall, you now had to use wifi (or cheat) to get anything decent, i had to beg my freind for his ar card so i could get arceus (to this date my favourite legendry) now almost every wifi is WPA whereas DS' only worked on WEP and this was the worst thing for black and white.

    The other thing while in on the subject is black and white's pokémon, all self evolving (hoen did this as well) sinnoh has the least amount of no-evo pokémon bar legendrys and had II and III gen pokemon being basic or stage one evolutions for them. Making it feel like pokémon generation weren't a boundry to the game (i know 2 gen did this as well, but not as much as sinnoh)

    Finally i come to the least important thing in the rant, legendry pokémon.

    In first and second gen it was easy: mew created all pokémon and ho-oh and lugia created entei, zaptos and all that lot with celebi and mew2 not really being mentioned untill they got a full flicking movie about them. By gen III god's 2nd and 3rd day was shortend to 3 pokémon raining war on everything and creating soliders to fight. Then gen IV cane and turned the entire tree on poké life on its flicking head, saying that pokemon created time, space and a demension which it could destroy the other dimension, and if you think it could get any worse, BOOM! POKÉGOD!! a pokémon that created seven pokemon (really creepy huh? seven days, seven pokémon) to create EVERYTHING, even humanity was created by pokémon mespirit, uxie and azelf.
    By now i thought, everything has been covered, how is black and white, gonna top this? Answer, it didnt.
    Yes the plot was great but what were plasma fighting for? Pokémon liberation? World domination? A flicking peice of crap legendry pokémon? because it is never said what reshiram, zekrom and kuyrem were legendry for. Only that they all had a human partner and fought to the death over somthing. Genesect and keldeo are'nt even legendry. Genesect is a fossil pokémon that has been given a lazer and keldeo is a apprentice to the accual legendry pokémon cobalion, terrakion and virizion.

    Disclaimers: this is and will stay my own opinion. Manaphy and pheone are not legenry
    Pokemon because they hatch from eggs. The main reason i didnt swear is because this could be read by people of a certain age.
    Post by: Szarketh the silent king, Feb 15, 2013 in forum: Gaming