I love the RWBY Red trailer, and can't wait for the series to begin. The song for the Red trailer is my personal favorite and I couldn't resist making a KH video with it, so here it is, enjoy!
A lovely combination of Kingdom Hearts scenes mixed with the Mighty Morphin Power Ranger season 1 intro.
So it's been a while since I posted anything, but I'm back in action, and to kick it off, here's a little power rangers, kingdom hearts style. Enjoy!
just wanted to say I sent you a message over youtube with the video submission for Midnight Assassin
I'm really glad to hear about this, but I'm hoping they do a better job of releasing the game episodes than the first season.
ok that was pretty enjoyable, i don't know if it was what you were going for but i found it a bit funny to be honest :P
i just sent you the video over youtube!
I'm a little torn, on one hand I don't think a timeline is that big of a deal, but on the other hand I still will probably watch it, although most likely just because I love KH and enjoy watching KH stuff. I guess I feel like this is just another "here take and enjoy this" kind of project that's meant to distract us for a little bit while we wait anxiously for KH 1.5 and KH III, which I'm disappointed that neither of them were brought up during the announcement.
I'm hoping/looking forward for trailers for Black and Yellow. I'm pretty sure RWBY will begin in early July. The first episode premieres at RTX (roosterteeth's expo) which is July 5, 6 and 7, so I think it'll be posted online within the next few days after RTX ends. Course this is all just speculation, but *shrug*
Forgot to post this yesterday. This is going to be my last KH vid for the next couple weeks, going to work on some other vids, FFVII Advent Children, Tales of Symphonia, hopefully Fairy Tail/Soul Eater anime, so if you want (and I'd appreciate it a bunch), follow me on youtube :) Not done with KH, just want a small break, add some diversity (I think I'm using that right). Anyways, hope you enjoy this one!
ok that sounds good :)
so my partner mrkingdom dropped out and won't be able to work on the video due to personal stuff...so should i just keep making the video on my own, or...?
All right, another video! Yay! I had fun making this one, did my best to match video with lyrics. Hope you all enjoy! ALSO: I'll only bring this up once, but I would greatly appreciate likes and maybe comments on the video on youtube if it's not too much trouble, and same with subscriptions,since I have plans for other videos (I'm currently beginning work on a few Final Fantasy videos), and because I don't want to flood the forums with my thread posts. Don't mean to sound all needy, just wanted to bring it up once.
Hi. Ok so, I started working on a story that feels to me feels anime-ish called Ravengeance , and I can't draw to save my life. I was wondering/hoping that there would be someone who would be interested in drawing the characters I have designed. I'm not really sure where this project will go in the future, but for now it's just some good fun. If anyone is interested in helping me out, let me know and I can send off character descriptions. Thanks! Premise of Ravengeance: After the murders of his two sisters, Aouel, an orphan, sets out on a journey of vengeance along the way meeting a variety of diverse teenagers with their own pasts of pain, but all share the common goal: find and kill the man with the red eye, all the while getting caught up with the government's police force as well as an organization who desires chaos. *edit: found someone willing to help, no longer looking*
all right! good luck everyone :D is mrkingdom from youtube? cant seem to find him on here..
can't wait to start! assuming i got in :P
Think I'm going to make a couple of these type of AMVs, anime opening type with different anime opening themes. IF you have any suggestions for an anime opening, let me know :D Hope you enjoy!
thanks, glad you all like it :)
This is a short and sweet video with Deep Dive and Another Side, Another Story using an Immediate Music song called Liberation. Hope you all enjoy!
This was a nice surprise, I enjoyed Red, had no idea there was going to be a sequel. It looks like it'll be good, can't wait!