My friends and I are making an "anime" kinda thing. The only real problem is we dont have enough voice actors! That's where you guys come in! The easy part is that you wont have to match anything with the lip movements of the characters, since my cousin will just match it with your voice. ^_^ So far the only two characters that I know are going to give me problems finding a voice for is the two male main characters. Click on the link with the charaters name and it'll give you their profile. Soon I'll have some other characters up for you to look at. So, if you want to help out, give it a shot! ^__^ Also, if any one is willing, or has the skill for animation, please help out. We no longer have any one who will provide us with it. If you decide to help you will be greatly thanked. <-- Go here for more details on the subject.
Bleach is really cool! I love Bleach
Fullmetal Alchemist no doubt about that!!!!
I would like to go out with Leon...I don't know why but I like his personality....He seems nice...And besides..I like Leon...okay I love him, But I mean who wouldn't? Unless you don't like Leon.
I couldn't seem to find another thread that was like this one...If this doesn't belong here I'm sorry What I need help with is that I'm trying to upload my amv on this site but when it says log-in I dunno what to do...So when I register it keeps on saying that it is an invaled e-mail address...What should I do? Can anyone help? Again I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place
I say no to this...I'm not a fan of the whole Sora and Kairi deal...That why I have somethings against her! I don't like Kairi and I'm sorry for the people who do
West Nile Mosquito - Vic Mignogna
Sora turn to the dark side? No way! I wouldn't want to hurt Sora, kill him infact! I mean it would be cool to just imagine it but....No, Sora will stay the way he is now! So its a stupid idea to have him just turn to the dark side. I wouldn't like the game as much as I do now
I love Sora! But I also like Roxas.....I just had to vote for Sora I like him better than Roxas. But it is totally Sora all the way!!!!
I did have to choose other cuz my style of music is Japanese
I would say that my fav would be..Well it is kinda a three way tie between Shikamaru, Kiba, and Sasuke....I like them all!! I'm not choosing!!!:) lol
I like DN Angel...Its pretty cool
In my P.O.V Fullmetal Panic is one of the best Animes
Fullmetal Alchemist is one of the best Anime I have watched. It is real cool! <333333333Edward<33333333333 i think he is just too kawaii!!