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  1. Dendrek
    I remember that quote from KH2. It could be my interpretation of it is different than yours, but we also learn in KH2 that Riku sort of lost himself when he became Ansem and for a period of time he only knew himself as Ansem; so when they said those lines, I got the impression Riku was referring to all of his memories and not just to Sora.

    As for DiZ, you could be right. It's kind of a complicated issue, though. Consider, for example, that he's trying to get Sora's memories back so that Sora can be the keyblade master again. How does he know that Sora was the keyblade master? Did Namine tell him? Because there has to be knowledge of that fact available, and knowledge of that fact represents knowledge or memory of Sora, which is the very thing that should have disappeared when Sora lost his memories. I would think Sora losing his memories erases his entire existence, not just the events in KH1/CoM. And that leads me to believe that even the knowledge of Sora's existence, of him having been the keyblade master, etc, should have been erased as well. DiZ should have had no idea who Sora was, and therefore should have had no reason to try to restore his memories.

    And in KH 358/2, there's a cutscene between Riku and Mickey where they talk about Sora, meaning Mickey obviously knows who Sora is, and also knows what happened to him. Even if their interactions were brief in KH1, that doesn't explain why any memory of those interactions and any knowledge of Sora remains.

    Btw, I agree with you that it makes sense that Namine wouldn't be affected by the lost memories. Like you said, she's the only person who should be immune.
    Post by: Dendrek, Nov 9, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Dendrek

    I didn't remember Riku saying that in KH2 (I still can't recall him saying that, but I trust that he did).

    Your reasons help to smooth out the inconsistencies axel, but it doesn't seem to fully explain why anyone but Namine would remember Sora at all. Keep in mind that everyone in Hollow Bastion completely forgot about Sora and well as everyone on Destiny Island, with the exception of Kairi, who only had a feeling that someone was there but had no idea who. And unless I'm mistaken, that feeling she had only started developing while the link between Sora and Roxas was becoming stronger during the final 7 days of Roxas's summer vacation.

    In other words, the loss of Sora's memories made him completely disappear for almost everyone that knew him. Even if Riku, Mickey and DiZ didn't have strong memories of Sora, they still had memories of him. Namine could have helped with that, but it feels like a loose-fitting plug in an otherwise gaping plot hole.

    Then there's the fact that Organization XIII had no problem at all knowing who Sora was. Their ability to remember him can't be because they're Nobodies. If being a Nobody made them immune to the memory loss, then Roxas shouldn't have forgotten about Xion so easily while she was disappearing. And I doubt Namine would have specifically done anything to help O-XIII remember.


    Great points. It didn't occur to me that the keyblade helped Riku remember. I thought that scene was a little strange when I saw it (his sudden moment of clarity/confusion when grabbing the keyblade), but it didn't occur to me that it represented memories coming back to him that were lost.
    Post by: Dendrek, Nov 9, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Dendrek
    There are a lot of potential spoilers below. Read on only if you know how the game plays out/ends.

    This seemed like the right game to ask this question in since the topic of Sora's memories comes up a lot in KH358/2. We learn that if Sora's memories aren't restored, he could wake up and find that no one remembers him. Kairi is an obvious example of one who forgets, and we also see in KH2 that everyone in Hollow Bastion forgot as well.

    So here's what I never really understood: Why do Riku, Mickey and DiZ remember Sora? Are they somehow immune to the effects of Sora's lost memories? At the end of 358, Riku is shown to be immune to Xion's lost memories, because unlike Roxas, Riku doesn't struggle to remember her name at all. So clearly it seems intentional that Riku should be immune to the effects, but do any of the games ever expand on why this is?

    If the answer to this involves spoilers in another game, please warn which game the spoilers may be coming from. I haven't played through all of the games yet (the hand-held games specifically, besides 358).
    Thread by: Dendrek, Nov 9, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. Dendrek

    I had that problem as well.

    Seems easy enough. I'll look into getting that program and trying it out.
    Post by: Dendrek, Oct 25, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Dendrek
    Wheel, can you link me a resource that explains how to dump from PCSX2? Do I need a special program for it? Do I simply need to upload a save file or save state? I have the program mymc, which allows me to extract specific files from my memory card if that's relevant or helpful.
    Post by: Dendrek, Oct 25, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Dendrek
    Impressively fast replies, guys. Thanks!

    Red: Your second code appears to be correct. I'm in game right now, and my drive gage is taking forever to go down with no form boosts active! I still need to see if it works for Summons and Limits, but I have high hopes! Tested and confirmed: all three codes work! (Testing the first one (the anti-point code) would be cumbersome so I haven't decided to do so just yet.)

    P.S. If I knew how to get a dump from the gummi ship menu, I'd certainly try to get you one.

    Wheel of Time: Thank you very much for your efforts. Unfortunately, those codes don't seem to work. (And they seem to crash the game under certain conditions. :p) Still, I appreciate that you tried. :)

    Xaddgx: I can't believe I missed that. I guess I just falsely assumed those files were repeats of the codes above. I'll look through them to see if there's anything else I missed. Thanks for the heads up.

    Edited to say: I just wanted to point out that this site is spectacularly well designed.
    Post by: Dendrek, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Dendrek

    This thread has uncovered a lot of really cool codes for KH2 FM, but it seems it's skipped over a lot of basic codes that you'd expect to see for a game like this. (In some cases, those codes are partially present — like instead of seeing a "max hp" code, I see an "infinite hp" code; instead of being able to adjust how much mp I have, I can make it so I have no mp recharge — but in both cases, I'm either a god or I'm normal; there's no option to manually adjust how powerful I become.)

    After a lot of trial and error, I managed to port a few KH2 codes to KH2 FM+. I've found the codes for:
    * Sora's stats
    * Sora's abilities (being able to manually adjust which ones he has)
    * Individual items

    And with a little effort, I'm sure I can figure out the codes for other characters as well. But there are a few codes I haven't been able to convert.
    I would love some help porting the following codes. (These codes are all in Raw format.)

    NOTE: These codes are NOT for KH2 FM+.
    They are for the original KH2 (U) game. I'm asking for someone to help me port them.

    Sora's Drive/Summon/Limit gage is consumed slowly.
    // I believe the order is Drive/Summon/Limit for the three codes below, but I might be mistaken.
    // Unlike the infinite drive gage code in this thread, this code is able to adjust how fast or slow the drive gage is consumed while still allowing it to actually be consumed. Note: to adjust drive gage consumption speed, change the "6" (in 46C35000) to a value between 1 (really really fast consumption) to 9+ (takes forever to go down).
    20340C94 46C35000
    20340C98 46C35000
    21CFCDEC 46C35000

    Gummi Ship Cost = Max: >1200
    (edit*: when I use this code on FM+, it "functions" but only increases the max cost to 800)
    // Unlike the max level code on this site, which gives a max cost of 800, this code allows you to up the cost of the gummi ship to the max cost that the game will allow: 1200. The value of 6 gives a max cost of over 1200 for the gummi ship; NEVER exceed 1200 cost when building a ship or it will explode.
    008B7B16 00000006

    Tiny Ship Cost = Max: >500
    (edit*: when I use this code on FM+, it increases max cost to 200)
    // I believe the max safe cost for the tiny ships is 500. (I haven't checked.)
    008B7E16 00000004

    Gummi Ship AP = 99
    // You can only equip 12 abilities max (I believe, again I haven't tested this). Equipping more will likely cause the ship to explode.
    03349C8E 00000063

    Anti-Point = 0. (I suspect this won't port directly to KH2 FM+)
    // Any time the player uses a drive form other than Anti-form or Final Form, he builds Anti-Points, which increase the likelihood of going into Anti-form. This code makes it so that chance is always 0%.
    20340BC8 00000000

    * About the edits above: I was surprised to see the two ship cost codes above work in FM+ (I hadn't tried them before because I just assumed they wouldn't), but it seems they are hard-capped in the game at 800 and 200, respectively. Can anyone help me find a way around these hard caps? Thanks.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
    Post by: Dendrek, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: Code Vault