They have kh cards.
Well you dont really know how far Nomura will go,he does like munny.Well so does everyone but Nomura loves i think he will most likely make one. I'll sure buy a ticket to the movie if there is on.
I'v heard about it from a freind.I also heard about a anime in japan of kingdom hearts,so I dont know.
I'v heard rumers about a Kingdom Hears movie,Im just wondering if it's true.If anybody knows more infomation about this could you please help?
Character Org Name: Ukelx. Character True Name: Luke. Rank:6. Age: 14. Element: Darkness. Weapon: Nunchuk. Attire: Organization robe. Persona: I am a little bit crazy sometimes,i hate vexen. Biography: I was just a normal being i was working with ansem until i became a nobody.