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  1. DarkRiku096
    Right Here, by Ashes Remain...
    Here's a video I found in KH Vids.

    Post by: DarkRiku096, Sep 3, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. DarkRiku096
  3. DarkRiku096
    Thanks, guys!
    I'll try again using all your advices. I hope it'll finally work!! :)
    Post by: DarkRiku096, Aug 28, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  4. DarkRiku096
    Hey, this bloody copy of Vanitas is really annoying!!
    I defeated him with Aqua and Ven using the Pixie Petal keyblade, Mines, Thunder Strike (Aqua), Triple Blizzara (Aqua), Thundaga and Blizzaga (Ven), but with Terra it doesn't work.
    It doesn't work mainly because Terra has Impulse, while Aqua has Cartwheel and Ven has Wheel, and Terra goes slower with Impulse. Somebody help me, please?? :eek: :eek:
    Thread by: DarkRiku096, Aug 24, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  5. DarkRiku096
    Hi, ventus101!!​
    I wonder if you can help me with this "Mysterious Figure" guy: I use Thunder Surge and Curaga in the three characters, but only I can survive to the f**king combos of this hooded guy with Ven because he has an ability (I don't know the English name) that makes him to resist the combos. Even with all these things, I cannot go far beyond two life bars. :( What do you think??​
    Post by: DarkRiku096, Aug 24, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  6. DarkRiku096
    Here's my list of preferences:

    1st: Birth by Sleep, beacuse it added the command and Nexus-D stuff and the story was simply incredible... :eek:
    2nd: Chain of Memories, but more because of the story, because the card system was a bit annoying, wasn't it?? :D
    3rd: Re: Coded, because it happened after KH II and used the commands from BBS and several types of gameplays. It was... different. :cool:
    4th: 358/2 Days. Although I loved Roxas' story and I cried with Xion's death, it had barely nothing brand new... :(

    Even if these games are not the main titles of the saga, their stories are GREAT!! ;) ;)
    Post by: DarkRiku096, Aug 23, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. DarkRiku096
  8. DarkRiku096
    Hi, everyone!
    This time, I focused my second video on Sora, Roxas, Kairi and Naminé (along with Xion). I thought that every single KH fan should remember that these peculiar friendships are also important in the story (apart from the important events and the battles), so I used this song by Skillet from their album Comatose. Enjoy it and please comment!! :p

    Please, watch it at 720p!! :oops:
    Thread by: DarkRiku096, Aug 23, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. DarkRiku096
    Well, I thought those words at the end would fit as the perfect end for the video, but never mind, OK?? ;)
    Post by: DarkRiku096, Aug 21, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  10. DarkRiku096
  11. DarkRiku096
  12. DarkRiku096
    Hi, everyone!
    I'm new here at KH Vids and I created a video using different cutcenes from each KH game. As an inspiration, I used an Evanescence song from their latest album which reminds me of the whole KH story. I hope you'll enjoy it, and please comment!! ;)

    Thread by: DarkRiku096, Aug 20, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio