1. You need a PS3 with custom firmware 4.21 and up, a PC on the same network, and the "PS3 API" home-brew app installed on your PS3 Custom Firmware compatibility list for PS3 API homebrew. http://www.enstoneworld.com/articles/view/15/ControlConsole_API What is PS3 API ? - The "PS3 API" app is a homebrew ps3 app that runs in the background on your PS3 and allows you to inject/modify live code into PS3 Games. PS3 API INFO HERE===>http://www.ps3hax.net/2015/03/contr...rev-3-4-70-custom-firmware-cex-support-added/ 2. You then use the "NetCheat" program for PC to inject your code. What is NetCheat ? - Netcheat connects to your PS3 and uses the API like a backdoor to inject the codes of your choice into running games. Similar to how a game shark or code breaker device functions. NETCHEAT INFO HERE===> http://www.ps3hax.net/showthread.php?t=71280 There is a bit of a learning curve involved, but you can find all the tutorials you need on YouTube :) Hope that helps, happy modding!
Thanks for finding all these codes! I have been using the NetCheat + PS3 API 3.60 and CFW 4.75. It is REALLY COOL being able to edit memory addresses in real time. Something I sorely missed from PCXS2 I am looking for some specific codes and I have not been able to find them anywhere. Perhaps someone knows? SEEKING THESE CODES: 1. All Gummi Blocks 2. Gummi Blocks Max (max block limit in build mode) 3. Anti-Form in Drive Menu + Revert ability 4. Full Magic/Item Menu in all Drive Forms 5. EXP/AP Multiplier. looking for something like 6x the normal EXP/AP, I don't want to level up to 99 in one hit! If anyone can PLEASE help me out with any of these codes I would be greatly appreciative! Thanks Everyone!
KH2 Final Mix Form Trouble, Please Help! I hate Anti-Form's limitations! Not to mention it screws up my game when I use infinate drive codes. I want to be able to revert and use normal menu commands while in Anti-Form. Or replace anti-form all together with another, like Master Form. I would be happy to disable it even. I have looked all over and can't find this for KH2 Final Mix. Here are my current codes using PCSX2, Thay are working well so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated :-) Spoiler gametitle=Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix [SLPM 66675] (J) // no depth resolves //Infinite Drive patch=1,EE,201A1BE0,word,C60001B8 //Free Drive patch=1,EE,201a1b58,word,00000000 patch=1,EE,201a1b64,word,00000000 //Inf MP In Battle patch=1,EE,200C0100,word,8C830238 patch=1,EE,200C0104,word,8C810184 patch=1,EE,200C0108,word,0023100B patch=1,EE,200C010C,word,08068678 patch=1,EE,200C0110,word,AC820180 patch=1,EE,201a1a10,word,08030040 //16:9 Widescreen Hack patch=1,EE,203A7BBC,word,3F19999A // patch=1,EE,2036A0B8,word,43C00CCD // patch=1,EE,2037153C,word,3F19999A // patch=1,EE,2036A0F0,word,3F19999A // //Use All Acquired Drive Forms Even Without Party Members patch=1,EE,201C9A80,word,0000102D //Drive Forms With Party Members patch=1,EE,201C99A0,word,0000102D //Infinite HP patch=1,EE,200FE000,extended,8C820004 patch=1,EE,200FE004,extended,0806891E patch=1,EE,200FE008,extended,AC820000 patch=1,EE,20166CD8,extended,0C03F800