Bring Me To Life... in your pants. O_O
lets take a look-see... Z: lives life for fun E: freakin' beautiful eyes L: best smile D: is a freak in bed (, not really...) A: gorgeous S: ****** (...nice.... thanks) T: good kisser (dont know--never been kissed) R: lives life for fun (must be true if it;s here twice and it IS true!!) I: loves to laugh (VERY true) F: people wild and crazy love you (probably true) E: freakin' beautiful eyes hmm, im pretty pleased with my results. the name itself also suits me because it shows my love for my two fave video game franchises: Zelda and Final Fantasy (i love KH more than FF tho! ;))
hmm... Top three: 1) Ultima Weapon 2) Bond of Flame (from Axel) 3) Oblivion
A word of advice: dont ever read A Tale of Two Cities. When they say he got paid by the word, they're not kidding. And i read the first five pages and went, "wtf did i just read?" That book is hard as heck! I have The Silmarillion and it's hard, too. I like To Kill a Mockingbird--you have to really want to read it, though and give it chance.
This is funny--keep going!! lol
Konnichiwa! and welcome to the KH Vids forum! :)
We're representin'! Me, too! Still go back and play that game through sometimes. Been a while, though. To be perfectly honest, though, KH got me back into gaming. Ever since it came out back in 02, ive been back in the gaming institution. Thanks, Kingdom Hearts!!
lol. but if i were to put a superhero in here, id have to give my vote to Spider-Man--definitely my fave out of the superheroes. But out of those two, Axel and the Human Flametorch: AXEL, hands down! Got it memorized? And look at my avi, for pete's sake--you know who im gonna vote for.
right now, it's "It's Beginning to Get To Me" by Snow Patrol. They rock
Well, we would want THAT to happen, now would we! So my best advice is: dont play this game in your grandmother's presence!
Oh... my, thats creepy.... but funny!
Awesome! rofl Marluxia: I'm too sexy for this shirt Sora: What?! ::looks disgusted::
thats almost as good as the "In the Bathroom" game. Here's what your do: flip through a hymnal book at church and stick on the phrase "in the bathroom" at the end. Example: Jesus Christ is Risen Today--in the Bathroom. I play it all the time in church on Sundays! It cracks my mom up! I like yours too! Here's another fun game for everyone to try during movies: The Pants Game. Replace any word in any line from a movie with the word pants. Example: Original from Lord of the Rings, Two Towers: "And then, up, up, up the stairs we go!" (gollum says this) With Pants: "And then, up, up, up the pants we go!" it can turn any serious movie, like LotR, into a hilarious (and sometimes perverted) comedy!
Whoa--thats pretty cool. Even cooler how it worked out that Larxene was the Queen and Roxas was the King. Pretty sweet and kind of ironic. I havent battled Luxord in a while but i wonder if the suit he uses is hearts--or if it's just the Nobody symbol... Must ponder this and look into this.
Out of all 1931 songs on my iPod the one thats on right now is... "Battle in the Forgotten City" from Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. I have my iPOd on shuffle right now. Some of my fave bands etc. include but are not limited to: 3 Doors Down, Nickelback, Evanescence, Rascal Flatts and i love my video games OSTs and remixes from, one from Zelda: Ocarina of Time came up, "Ocarina Boogie". It's a good one.
I dont think demyx would be able to work up the courage to fight one of his superiors, such as Axel. I know Axel is only one level up from Demyx, but Axel is still Demyx's superior. Plus, i am a die-hard Axel fan!
It was a hard decision BUT... I probably wouldnt have even been interested in the game if disney hadnt have been in it. i wulda gone,"Oh,look! Square Enix has produced yet another Final Fantasy game." and the disney-esque gives it some flair and makes it appropriate, if you will, for all ages.
I want one too, please! I wouldnt mind having one of Sora and Axel... Who made the Zexion one again?
Hmmm... People seem to like Riku's Keyblade a lot. i always forget that he does, in fact, have one. I do like his a lot, but two of my favorite Keyblades are Oblivion and Bond of Flame. I like both of those. Sleeping Lion is a good one too. Fenrir looks like Cloud's sword and that makes me laugh!
my vote was between Axel and Zexion. Zexion is very enigmatic and hott, but i liked Axel first.