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  1. PopTartAddict
    o.o THERE IS HOPE. : D
    Great point, though. Maybe the 'next life' thing isn't so far fetched.
    Post by: PopTartAddict, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. PopTartAddict
    To Adeli (damn you quote button!): Okay, point taken. ENGLISH WATCHERS.
    That however does NOT excuse bad English. Okay, so what we all read was a rough draft of sorts, and they are bound to be mistakes; it doesn't matter how many. And yes, she will probably fix them all. But that version was not the one that was posted and the mistakes were there.
    Reminds me (don't know how) of something our band director tells us. (Rephrased) 'If you make a mistake on stage, playing, and the parent stands up clapping saying, 'oh look! How cute!' That's not right. He/she knows what he/she did and they have to FIX it. It's not cute. '
    Okay, yeah, you were able to get the general idea of it, and thinking...that's what really matters. It was just...not hard or painful...just...iffish to get to it.
    So middle ground in this...sorta: It had mistakes...but it was a translation for her English watchers. (An incomplete one, too. There is still one more part, I belive, and she has to edit it; according to the journal.) And now hopefully this matter is resolved, because I DID say some...not necessarily incorrect things...non-merit able (or however it's spelled) answers. And also answers that had no thought behind them. Non-thinking answers. (same thing) But it's okay; opinions are opinions and are not the end of the world.
    P.S Worst if still worst no matter where it is. Last chair in a band is last chair in that band...first chair in the band below it is first chair in the band below it. They may be of near equal skill but it does not change the fact that on is considered lowest and one highest. Also does not change the fact of the term 'worst'.
    That made almost no sense. But I'll leave it to confuse me.
    Post by: PopTartAddict, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. PopTartAddict
    Yes, yes he is a nobody. If he wasn't he wouldn't have faded back into darkness. TT^TT
    But, about the Roxas thing...meh sis and I have deep philosophical discussions on this topic and we have reached a conclusion...They may not have had a heart, but they can develop one.
    Post by: PopTartAddict, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. PopTartAddict
    As mandachan tells all.

    To Adeli: ...she's a foreigner....I repeat: What the hell is she doing translating it into ENGLISH? If it's bad she shouldn't be translating it into that language! I do like mandachan, her artwork is amazing, but if she was translating it...shouldn't it be to Chinese?
    And, reading her journal entry, even she says her English is bad; she made mistakes.
    EDIT: Here is an after thought, to make my point a tad clearer; If you were terrible at wouldn't join an AP class for that subject, yes? Yes.
    Same concept for this.
    Post by: PopTartAddict, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. PopTartAddict
    Bad dubs are unavoidable. There are so many companies that, like the Japaneses companies, don't give a rats ***. They do not CARE if the dialog is the same, if the voices match, or if they capture the character. BUT there are Funimation, that really does but a lot of effort into the animes they dish out. Unlike Viz ::cringe:: who really don't know what the hell they're doing. Yeah...they need to stick to manga.
    Solution to bad dubs: Watch them in Japanese! But do remember, if it's a good the dvd. Support the release. Get it and watch it subbed.
    Post by: PopTartAddict, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. PopTartAddict
    Yes. That and how it resembles a giant d- ::gets whacked over the head:: Ow. >.<
    Post by: PopTartAddict, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. PopTartAddict
    People hate Kairi for....well, honestly not that many reasons. She's either annoying to the person...or to fangirls, in the way of awesome SoraRiku smex.
    Now....I am a shipper SoraRiku...and I do resent her for being created. >.> Which makes no sense but IT'S OKAY. Because it doesn't have to. Everyone has their own fandom.
    ...This is turning into a rant...and it will! Rant away little brain!
    So...back to Kairi hating. I do find her annoying and I would not mind seeing her explode, but there is a reason it's okay she's there. It has been stated...SHE'S NOT REAL. She does not exist...a VIDEO GAME CHARACTER. (How I love my caps-lock key!)
    Yes, you can dislike, hate, loathe her, but do not go out of your way to do that. It clearly states your own life is so must obsess over fictional characters that can not feel your hate, hear, it, or have any kind of reaction to it.
    Which bring me to the whole...single character obsession. Everyone knows it...'OMG!!!one11!! I ttly luv (insert character name here) hes SOOOOoooOOOOOO hotz nd bak of WHORE hes is sooo mine btch!!!oneoneeleven!!111''
    Yeah...I don't know either.
    IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. There is a certain LINE that one just can NOT cross. That was it. (On an off-topic note: Characters claiming= BAD.They do NOT belong to you, they belong to their creators. )
    They are not real. Stop. Right. Now. You are only hurting yourself. Yes, everyone wishes they were real but they're not. Live and let live....or something.
    Read and repeat: 'They are not real. They will never be real. I must get myself a man. '
    And there ends the spastic command my brain sent my fingers.
    Post by: PopTartAddict, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. PopTartAddict
    Human. Definitely human. I mean, yay for being emotion-less...but if you wouldn't be able to ENJOY it. I mean....we feel so we can angst about it. We can feel joyful, depressed, emo, everything. So it would be better to suffer (if one chooses to look at it that way) as a human...than not care as a nobody.
    And if you really look at it, wow, their existence SUCKS. Craving for hearts yet not being able to.
    And the whole...'destined to fade into darkness'...
    Yeah...human over nobody, any day.
    Post by: PopTartAddict, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. PopTartAddict
    Ehrm...this might (I'm sorry, HAS) have been stated before, but...Riku never turned into a heartless. All theories aside, it's a fact. Unless I played the wrong games, or the copy I had had that part magically edited out. You need to become a heartless to have a nobody. Kairi has one (And Namine isn't just a regular nobody) because her heart was in Sora's (for a while). And due to strange circumstances...Namine.
    Post by: PopTartAddict, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. PopTartAddict
    ...Two words: Mary Sues.
    Well....four: Mary Sues, Gary-Stus
    D: Oh noes.
    It does seem like almost anybody can wield a keyblade....the whole graveyard thing...
    The keyblade master(s) seem to multiply as the games go on.
    Post by: PopTartAddict, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. PopTartAddict

    Okay, yay for an AkuRoku novel! But...::cringe:: at grammar. I'm sure that translating is incredibly difficult...but this was just....bad. Sure, I'm grateful for a translation and the novel it self might include the mistakes in it...although it was in a different language and the mistake in said language are different than grammatical mistakes in English...
    It sounds like a foreigner speaking broken English...and if she IS a foreigner...what the hell is she doing translating a novel?
    ...It reads like a bad fanfiction.
    Yay then nay. D:
    Oh, and YES I did actually read it. Caused me a headache and multiple injuries, but yes; I DID read it.
    Post by: PopTartAddict, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates