once upon a time, fairy tales were normal stories, we call them "horror movies" in modern times.
one can die from extreme lack of sleep. just as one can die from being too drunk.
at a certain age... people have alot of mood altering chemicals running through them. like a emotional rollercoaster, up and down. i so dont miss my early teen years. look up the hippocampus. its at the base of your brain. all it does is make and pump chemicals into you. and its at the base of YOUR BRAIN. grow up faster so it will calm down.
i want the painting in that movie. the one that covers the mirror. i bet it sold for thousands.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS0HEyEVlU0 oh....my. and...those look a bit better than kingdom hearts 2 graphics.....
whats new.... 40 foot tall robot elephants that carry built-in home on their backs. they take trailer parks to new heights. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTyhkPNutmw
now make it a costume.
doctor who from the future.the show invented techno. it decades ago. back when before the first card punching batman-computer. back when the modern devices used to make techno did not exist. ..........
misty..... is 24. she haz been in playboy. her career isnt doing too good. here she is: Edited.
bored board
follow this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53MQP0Q-vDU&feature=related then rip up your carpet and install tin plates all over your floor. the glue down the carpets. fly around your room 1 1/2 inches above the ground. till your batteries give out without warning and you trip up....... oops here s the link proper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40S8G2ZuRpE
your welcome! it would have been better if the uber cute- girly music wasn't playing on a nons-stop loop. the poor cashier looked like her brain was melting out of her ears......
wow. money to burn.i bet those arms moves and claws open and close too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53MQP0Q-vDU&feature=related
lol. i dont think i can fit in that.it does look easy to make as a 5-foot tall statue though.
they say benjamin franklin liked the ladies of the night too. and while drunk they thought he might be leaking secrets to them. oddly franklin died soon after that.
well,some of them are just big. as a person who is not a teenager, i like the ones where really nice hotel rooms exist,as well as fine dining. and while i dont look down at people who wear cardboard and duct tape costumes, i prefer at least every other costume to be really well made. otakon looks passable. dragoncon. san deigo comic con got alot better. a few years ago it was just nerds, and action figures, and celebrities making speeches to the masses. finally im seeing nice costumes,and very fit people attending. although the standard issue nerds have poor manners at comic con. they slap the butts of girls who wear skimpy costumes. unless they nab a guy like me for their group, lol. then the nerds for some reason dont do so.
95 percent of the world chemicals are made in the southern tip of new jersey. makes for lotsa great toxic horror jokes. want a taste of new jersey? well, almost all chemicals are made here, so that includes artifically flavored foods. ever eat at a fast food place? lol.
if your computer is a decade old: city of heroes (you can also be a bad guy) if your computer is state of the art or near it: champions online (play as heroes only) either will keep you in the character creation stage for several hours. even then youmight run into a white flying bunny who hits people with a giant watch,and have the urge to restart as a alice-looking-character. (from wonderland)... things like that might happen over and over........ you may never get past lvl 20.
wait till they make you take college exams at 5 am. just to see if you can wakeup. or drop out.