i wanted to know something i have seen those kh2fm+vids with 6 bosses in it has the code been ported yet?
holy crap jeez i cant believe that all this stuff happened while i was gone for a while oh well so besides the fact that there is another new KH2 thread and Redsonic is banned whats is new to the kh2 world of hacking?
cool but i have noticed something else it lets u use magic and limits?? but u Tstance but if u used fire there is fire at the tip of the keyblade
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOhZp4bByRc normally DW cant drive but here he can it only works with luxord if you want the codes then ask for them here
id have to go with the phantom or riku controlled by ansem
after he does it once yes it is impossible for total no berserk but this is the next best thing http://youtube.com/watch?v=hHGMz6amkb4
is there a base stat mod if so can someone get me one that has str under 10 for cb
10354E9C 00000097 10354EAC 00000097 0PQY-8JZ2-MAB7C 54XE-B00U-0AWMU HG3A-PAFJ-KX5DY
aw thats to bad oh well i guess the same with fm+?
whats up i have been gone from here for a long time....... last page i remember was i think 863 XD so any new codes for kh2 battle lv or character weapon mods
http://youtube.com/watch?v=1uwOL4rB-go this is the funniest thing i have ever seen check it out
not more halo bs
omg thanks so much i took me forever to even get 5 digits
wow then you have never seen how bad it can get 9 grade and 10 are the worst at my school and they go by this policy every normal class you takes is honors if you get a D in any class for an average you are kicked out and basically ap classes are actually taken at home online so i am at home for 50% of the day cause they do not always teach every ap class at school i am taking ap stat/trig at school and ap bio and ap english at home
yeah you dont think so eh? fine if thats what you think but i am in 3 ap classes ( i go to a christian school so of course i am gonna have ap classes and right now i have little time to spend bs'ing around) and maybe i dont have the resources to hack my ps2 get all the fancy bs you need to run it; my comp does not even have a 3d graphics card and i dont make a steady income of money to buy all of the stuff that i would need......................... and i already know what your gonna say download it off the internet right??? well i cant my pc has very old also my parents wont buy me anything new unless i absolutely need it yeah my parents are money freaks and they wont go spend 1800$ on the new comp i need for all my work as it is now this comp works fine and i do not need a new one i will hack all my ps2 games after i know enough stuff to do it and i dont have the time to take your little hacking course either i will find out about the stuff on my own
lucky dog; i have 3 ap classes T_T do you know how much homework you get from them?
they are ability mods i am trying to find finishing plus XD nah i dont have any time DX i am lucky i am on here i got a ton of homework to do none of which i have done
i need some help testing digits anyone want to help? ability mod 1033FF5A 00000 1a4 = auto healing 1a5 = mp hastera 1a6 = mp hastega!! 1a7 = goofy tornado 1a8 = goofy bash 1a9 = goofy tornado 1aa = slash frenzy 1ab = ? 1ac = ? 1ad = ? 1ae = ? 1af = ? 1b0 = icy terror 1b1 = ? 1b2 = ? 1b3 = ? 1b4 = dark shield 1b5 = ? 1b6 = dark aura 1b7 = ? 1b8 = ? 1b9 = freeze? 1ba = freeze? 1bb-1df = ? 1f9-21d = ? 201 = map!!! 219 = hades cup trophy (XD) 21e = freeze 22a = freeze 2a3 = freeze
ok thanks and its soras
oh ok i found this mod on like page 29 and i was wondering if this is it Armor(Equipable amount) 0033FED0 0000000? Accessories (Equipable amount) 0033FED1 0000000? Items (Equipable amount) 0033FED2 0000000? ??? 0033FED3 0000000? Max 5 (The game may crash if you equip too many things)