I miss this place, too, but not sure if others do, too; been a while, yeah. ...How long do Duel requests last, again, if they have any limit? Also, might this place-- or anyone who is/was here, have Discord? My username there is as follows: Code: clyris
"Are you calling me a 'third-rate' duelist?"
(LOL I was thinking Kai Toshiki from the moment I saw the image! :D I delayed in saying anything about it right away as that's likely considered spam or flooding-- replying to, like everything in sight.)
I'm sure of it. :/ I reinstalled Skype, so I'll say more on there.
If I reinstall Skype, I'll restrict its use. I don't want random hyperlinks anymore--I'll ask for safety before I do anything about them! >>
Sigh...[DOUBLEPOST=1437606762][/DOUBLEPOST]Please, guys... If you want to remain friends with me, then don't randomly link me to harmful images [including bad language among other types of inappropriate content] and/or YouTube videos [religious, news, politics; whatever I'm not interested in!]. :@ I can't stand when I painfully regret my temper being set off by such a sin of a large reaction-- I'll be checking all links with my family before I click those that are Skyped to me! :@
@Jaden Yuki and other Skypers, I uninstalled Skype from my common devices because despite my age, I still can't control myself with HL's! D:
OMG I saw that episode! Ho-Oh? NOT.
Same here. I have a Skype! :) I tend to discuss and play with custom cards on there; I also Roleplay on there! :D I PM'd my Skype name to you. :)
:: I do, just more often on Skype and deviantArt. ::
Wow! :o
Hey, I have Asperger's and Tourette's over here ^^ Also, I recently realized that I'm too slow for written duels outside of Skype and deviantArt.
I miss RPing too, but I always have the risk of forgetting about this place! >_<
... No comment. *doesn't see how she can contribute to the current conversation*
Somehow this took my interest, so I decided to take it: Spoiler: Result View attachment 41792 View attachment 41793 I'm not sure what to say about this...!
Ah, welcome back, Omega! ^_^
#NightmareFuel :X
*Ahem* @Yakumo I forget Lati's Life Points at this point. Mind calculating and/or clarifying that? Actually @xxxLatiasxxx do you have a Hand you can use? This is why I pause, even without backrow: Hand Traps.
(OoC: ...Aand all of a sudden, I want to destroy that 1st-2-turns combo someday... It's getting a bit old for me, ok?)
(GAHH!! I knew I'd miss a lot...! No prob, although Skype is easier in my opinion =.= Either way...) (Happy Birthday, Abby :D)