defeat its about the traps not fence
so i just started to play re com and im stuck in halloween town boss tell me how to defeat him i tried everything :(
[x] Let Snow hide in the wardrobe and try to hide under the master bed.
me ish not a stranger everyday i meet new guys in this forum o-o
ima post 5 games not really remmbering some games 1:kingdom hearts series:all kingdom hearts games are cool 2:ffx:nice battling system 3:ffxiii:also a nice battling system and a story though it have easy bosses easiest bosses: bahamut and cid raines is HARD 4:dark cloud 1: it have an awesome story 5:naruto nina storm:a fun game also have extra things when u finish the game :D
2d street fighter also snk vs capcom snk vs capcom and street fighter rocks also a hand killer :)
O_O wierd name and yeah this is the best web well tmr im geting my ps2 and play kh2 ffx :P
banned for having a heartless in your avi
[x] Show Snow the book of spells and ask her for more information on where you are. niceee book of spells so i can learn mega flare then use it on the world and I RULE IT MUAHAHAHA
whats your favorite ff game mine is final fantasy x
maplestory in the old days it was awesome now it suck the pvp suck now and lots of hackers ._. though adventure quest is awesome too but needs lots of training :P
avi:10/10 i like cats :D sig1:5/10 didnt really like it sig2:10/10 cuz i like cats :D
[x] Search this room for anything useful. there might be an elixir and let her drink it and ask her Where the hell am i then she tells me then i build a house and live happily :D also find a job :P
i wont be a stranger (atleast if my ps2 isnt here and yeah my ps2 is old 10 years so it dosent work) i will have fun and make friends :D well ill enjoy my stay :D no the castle oblivion way is to party all day long :P here i answered all of your posts :D
i did read the rules and ivendete is a name i created only o-o and ^ i will enjoy my time
hello everyone im new here and im a big fan of kh and i like kh1,2,chain of memories so nice to meet you everyone :D