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  1. Hell-Sing
    "If you could give me a name, I suppose it would be Crimson Moon Brunestud. Though, the issue of gender is so so.You could call me male, as the original was male, if you like." Taking slightly more interest at the mention of his head being sliced off multiple times, and moreover, most likely a human doing it attracted the attention of the Aristotele. An oddity indeed, perhaps this would be the best time to test some of the full limits of his power.


    "I am the Aristotele of the Moon, and now the ultimate extension of Gaia's will. My purpose is to take this new body on a....test drive. It has been quite awhile since I fully existed, after all." As it spoke placidly to the blind Emperor, Brunestud folded its hands onto the dress it wore, absent mindlessly.

    "And your name? I assume you some sort of demon; a meager human does not speak of getting their head lopped off as a reoccurring annoyance, so you cannot be one of them, if it wasn't already apparent."
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Hell-Sing
    Rider(Perseus) is open for an Alliance if need be.

    Crimson Moon is Crimson Moon. Aaaand he's following someone else, or will be soon.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Hell-Sing
    Argh, sorry. I sort of rushed that.

    Ah, I see. That will be interesting. Now, where to intro my Rider, in that case.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Hell-Sing
    Username: Hell - Sing
    Character of Choice: Rider (Perseus)
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Fate/Prototype
    Additional Info: Legendary Hero of Ancient Greece. Owns six mystical items that qualify for Noble Phantasm status, an insane number in regards to other Heroes. He uses a normal shield, spear, and sword, that do not rank as Noble Phantasms when in 'normal' combat. They are however spiritual weapons, and are sturdy and sharp enough to be considered unequaled by the normal versions of the weapons, and easily effective even in modern combat. Something like Rider Medusa's nails in nature. His former Masters fate has altered him greatly, and while he was originally someone who looks down on the weak, he is someone who wishes people to feel the happiness of men. His Master first and foremost, and he will do whatever it takes to bring his master back from the grave.

    Noble Phantasms:
    Winged Sandals:
    Low ranked Noble Phantasms that afford him limited flight. Especially useful in combat, however, where he is able to move around his opponent and tire them, going in for constant hit and run attacks from all directions except the ground. Increases his speed when used.

    Cloak of Disguise:
    A cloak that operates in a manner similar to the 'For Someone's Glory', that allows him to be unidentified so long as either his mask or cloak are on. Seeing him without it once permanently breaks the curse for that specific person. Capable of chameleon/invisible like effects. Not necessarily a strong Noble Phantasm, but its also effective for its purposes.

    Mirror Shield of Athena:
    The divine shield of Athena, capable of working like a radar on the surrounding area near him. Its also capable of reflecting and blocking High Ranking Noble Phantasms.

    A specialized sword, that while not extremely effective as a sword, is capable of forcing nothing but natural healing for the wounds it inflicts. It's capability is 'Refraction of Longevity', and is most effective against those who have resistance to normal damage, or high natural healing factor, specifically things such as immortals, and those with higher longevity. Its also capable of cutting through ones mana rather than physical self as an alternative(GoB prototype). It is mentioned as something that can't be blocked by armor, barriers, or shields, but must be dodged through skill alone.

    Is a anti-sealing Noble Phantasm that distorts the concept of the world, placing the inside of the pouch on the outside and the outside of the pouch on the inside. It inflated and swallowed Perseus, creating a fold in space that placed the outside world into the inside of the bag, and Breaker Gorgon, which affects only what is inside, was reflected back, making Medusa look upon herself as if reflected in a mirror, allowing him to slay her with Harpe while she was immobilized. Effective against things like mental attacks, or something like a reality marble, but relative useless otherwise, except for a few clever purposes. Capable of speeding up his Pegasus by containing wind in the bag, then releasing it at extreme speeds.

    A gold harness and full set to ride a beast of the divine rank. It its self has no effect, other than enhancing the beast its on exceptionally, in absolutely all facets possible. It operates almost exactly like that of Rider Medusa's, though it is unneeded for him to summon Pegasus by slashing at his neck, other than calling for it.


    Can I intro him where Medusa will be intro'd? :D

    Wherever that may be, and whenever that may be.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Hell-Sing

    And as their different, it'd be awkward. As this Rider is not Shinji like, so he's probably going to be

    ._. at Medusa being human like, if he figures it out.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Hell-Sing
    Rider will probably not recognize her either, unless she uses her eyes, though her hair will be an indicator.

    She's not a giant monster at the moment, so he'd have trouble recognizing her anyway.

    And yeah, the F/SN proper Perseus is like a succesful Shinji apparantly. The F/Prototype one was certainly not Shinji like at all, from what you could see in the segment, he was a nice guy(Bronze age heroes standard at least), but he was going to kill em all for his master.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Hell-Sing
    Alright, I think I'll put a claim on Perseus.

    Fate proto Gil is less Kingy and, but if its to much trouble, I won't go there.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Hell-Sing
    Alright. Are Gilgamesh(Fate prototype) and Rider- Perseus(Fate prototype) claimed?

    I don't believe I saw either on the list, but its best to check.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Hell-Sing
    What are the rules regarding canon AU chars?

    As in, the character is a canon AU, such as spider man, then you have Marvel Zombies Spiderman, etc. (Not that I'm apping him or anything, just the easiest option for an example).

    Are those kinds of characters allowed?
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Hell-Sing
    Standing far ahead of the 'blind' demon, a white princess stood, looking at the being who had sent his minions on some hapless human moments before with curious, if not amused red eyes. As if standing there the entire time with her clenched arms her blonde hair was long, and reached far down her white dress. It was if to mock the previous version, who had their hair robed from her 'sister', if she could be called that.

    But, Crimson Moon was male, despite the female body he 'inhabited' at the moment.


    A moment of fair surprise, before the Aristotle narrowed his eyes at the demon. Facing him fully, with a slightly smug look on his face, Brunestud began to speak.


    "One oddity on top of another. What is your purpose here, demon?"

    With a strange accent unsuiting that of the previous version that had inhabited the body, Crimson Moon spoke, the words tinged with uncautious amusement.

    Near the dress of Brunestud, a white, beautiful rat scurried about, keeping a fairly watchful eye on the blind demon.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Hell-Sing
    Alrighty :D
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Hell-Sing
    Well unless anyone here has an idea on the contrar, I'm for it. Though, I have no idea what location it could start at.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Hell-Sing
    Well, Crimson Moon is more long the lines of 'Follow him around for the entertainment, and deal with any problems that impede on that'

    At least, until he loses interest, but it'll certainly help to have Crimson trailing him around, as if anyone attacks Crimson, he'll retaliate. But its nothing that would last overtly long.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Hell-Sing
    Probably not make friends, but to see it from pure amusement, perhaps. Crimson Moon has a tendency of following oddities, at least from Merem's backstory, at least.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Hell-Sing
    Ah, its fine. I'll look over it some more. I'm having a spot of trouble myself over it, so it isn't like your alone T_T
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Hell-Sing
    Eh, probably to scout. He's going to try out his body first, then get onto the making a new kingdom train later.

    For now he's just organizing the Dead Apostle's, and he's got Merem to escort him at this point.

    So he is a wild card, for sure. He could help or hinder the *good* or *bad* guys, just depending on the situation.

    Anywhere he could particulary fit well, in terms of being a wild card?
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Hell-Sing
    Hm, any particular area I can keep CM at?
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Hell-Sing
    Ahh, alright, thanks. I'll try to see the last couple of pages to sort of get a feel of where to put em'. If you have any suggestions, I'd feel much obliged.. Noting how Crimson Moon is, well, he'd be off doing Crimson Moon things, and I need to figure out the best place to have him do such things.

    May get up an app for Dead Apostle's Lord Blackwing and Merem Solomon, so he can have his faithful servants at his side, but that can come later.

    Putting a claim on Lord Blackmore

    Also putting a claim on Arcueid, even though she's technically already being used in the form of ArcheType: Earth.

    In the case CMoon gets stopped, she'll take his place.

    Username: Hell - Sing
    Character of Choice: Merem Solomon
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Type Moon Character Material
    Additional Info:

    The loyal Servant of Crimson Moon, and the twentieth Dead Apostle Ancestor who treats his creator as an idle. He is a fantasy like demon, capable of granting others wishes, but not his own. He was *saved* by Crimson Moon when his limbs were taken off, and he was used as a wishing well for a village. The people their made him into a god they worshiped on leisure, but forced wishes out of. The fame of this wish granting "god" spread throughout the world, attracting the attention of Crimson Moon. Bemused, he headed to the village to meet this legendary 'wish granting child'.

    When the Ultimate one arrived, he challenged the village to a game. If they could get their false god to wish a creature that could actually defeat Crimson moon, he would let them live. But if they did not, Crimson Moon would kill them all. Throughout the night, Merem was used to his limits to create monsters from the deepest parts of these people's imaginations, but to no avail. Each one was easily destroyed by Crimson Moon within seconds.

    True to his word, every last living being in the village was slaughtered, with the exception of Merem. Merem himself died due to over use of his power, nearly as soon as dawn arrived. However, the King of the Moon had different plans, and using his own blood, revived the boy to become an immortal dead apostle ancestor.

    Merem now works for the Holy Church, collecting rare artifacts. He is highly loyal to Crimson Moon, and treats him like an idol.

    Merem holds four great demon beasts, four imaginary creatures. They are forgotten fairy tales of mankind, and thus, weaken the *reality* around them by simply existing, due to being a fantasy. Each beast is one of his limbs, replacing what he lost in the village

    Demon of the Left Arm:

    The Demon of the Left Arm, classified as the "King of Rats", is a demon without battle capacities. Instead, it is capable of transforming into anything that resembles the size and shape of a human. Merem uses this to his advantage, as he is forever stuck in the body of a child. The Demon, usually acting under the guise of an elderly priest, acts as Merem's spokesperson in human society. If ever brought under the gaze of a high-class exorcist, it would be unable to maintain its shape, and be forced to return to its original form. It is quite fond of the priest persona and works happily for the sake Merem, humans, and rats. It is considered to be the idol of the rat world, as third most beautiful rat in the world, and is popular in communities in narrow spaces underground, on ceiling boards, in drainage conduits, and behind furniture. The rat followers are often used by Merem and the Demon to deliver and receive messages.

    Demon of the Right arm:

    The Demon of the Right Arm, classified as "Lady Windup", is a ten-meter tall mechanical doll. It is armed with diverse weaponry, though it is only fit with the types of weapons that a single individual could use as Merem's personal rule. It also acts as a mobile fortress with an entrance and a set of stairs on its stomach to allow access to its interior. As a symbol of armaments, it is the only Beast to have been through shape modifications in order to keep up with the advancements in the field of warfare. Its latest configuration has been established for one hundred years. Its face is normally covered with a mask that is rarely removed, and it has a limited amount of intelligence and a stubborn personality. It will quickly perform the first command given with the utmost priority, ignoring anything unrelated, but will quickly become disinterested and ignore subsequent orders. Due to these traits, Merem dislikes using it.

    Demon of the left leg:

    The Demon of the Left Leg, classified as the "King of Sky, is a manta ray-like demon around two hundred meters in size. It is considered to be his most beautiful creation with membranes composed of countless animal species. It "swims" through the skies and remains unmatched in the air by almost any foe, but will face destruction once it touches the ground. It is meant to be used in situations where one-on-one combat against a strong opponent is necessary, though it has a weak defense that will cause it to fade away after receiving severe damage. Merem believes that it is a great weapon with too high a cost to properly utilize.

    Demon of the right leg:

    The Demon of The Right Leg, classified as the "King of Earth" and also known as the "Black Dog of Destruction", "The Bell of Ending", "The Beast of God", and the "Whale Dog", is a four-legged whale-like monster. Compared to the Left Leg, Merem finds it easier to control, as neither has human intelligence, and uses it more often for conquest and destruction against a multitude of enemies. Though without any special abilities, its two hundred meter size and strength are enough to consider it a demon. It was meant to be more like a dog, as Merem is a dog lover, but his lack of skills as an artist rendered that impossible.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Hell-Sing
    Username: Hell-Sing
    Character of Choice: Brunestud of the Crimson Moon (ArcheType: Earth Reality Marble Version, fully incarnated)
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Tsukihime- Ten Nights of Dream
    Additional Info: I'm not going to explain his relation to Arcueid in this incarnation, as it would be needlessly long.


    I am not a new peep necessarily, I was apart of the old RP, back in 11'. Never knew it was restarted. I checked for any app regarding Arcueid or Crimson moon in the claims or in use apps, and saw none.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jul 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Hell-Sing

    Well, I can always make another Servant. Hmph. I'll get to it.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Jan 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home