Karina uses Powerline Karina uses Strike raid
Karina uses Fire strike Karina uses Zatetsuken Ooc. Will edit it properly later
"Well at least we have him in a tantrum now." Karina breathed out unsure if she could actually hurt him right now or if it was one of those things that the boss has such a tantrum they just decide not to die, but she figured she had to do something so Karina brought down the heat of the summer on him and then attacked. Karina used August heat then combo'd
https://audio.com/aelin-fireheart/audio/sos-let-it-go-cover Well I did a music mission just cause so I guess I will claim 2 Crowns and 300 Munny
"Well crap, that didn't work. I guess this is what I get from making a bargain with a devil." Karina murmured to herself. It sucked that she didn't feel well but she wasn't about to stop either. Karina kept pushing forward kept attacking. She threw her keyblade at Jafar but instead of summoning it back, she followed it and followed up with with a flurry of attacks. Karina used Strike Raid, Karina combo'd
"Well that sucked." Karina huffed but was not deterred as she looked back at Jafar. "Though I doubt it sucks as hard as the damage we did to you." She taunted as she road her keyblade back around, this time it cloaked itself in a combanation of fire and thunder as she passed by Jafar again dealing more damage. "You know, this whole wishing thing is fun, maybe I will make another bargain." She said with a grin. Karina used Powerline Karina used fire strike Karina used devil's deal
"Yeah he is definitely scared of us." Karina said, sounding unimpressed towards her friends before she summoned her keyblade to her and took a proper stance. "Should we prove to him why that is a wise choice?" Karina didn't wait for an answer before she flashed ahead leaving nothing but cherry peddles behind her. As soon as her keyblade passed through Jafar, she hopped on top of it like a glider as she drove it back into his back. Karina then landed from her attacks and just grinned. "I think I will make a devil's bargain of my own." She said to him. Karina uses Zantetsuken Karina uses Sliding Dash Karina uses Devils Deal.
Buying Musketeer Hat Remaining Munny: 23,830 Equipping Accessories: Musketeer Hat, SOS Ring (unless you want one that does something) Equipping Keyblade: Oblivion (8 years) Equipping Commands: Powerline Zantetsuken Strike Raid Sliding Dash Fire Strike August Heat Treasure Island Equipping Abilities: High Jump Combo lv 5 Cheer Dodge Roll (50%) Damage Syphon Second Wind Second Chance Lucky Lucky Reload Boost Berserk Critical Plus Entrust Libra Auto Aura 1 Auto Aura 2 Equipping Job: Pirate Spending 180 Crowns on 6 strength Remaining Crowns: 2 Total stats: HP 140 MP: 7 Strength: 94 (+13) (Total 107 Speed: 57 (+13) (Total 70) Defense: 42 Magic: 16 Resistance: 42 AP: 0/77 remaining Thanks Rienzel for the help
"You expect him to be a competent ruler? Have you seen him? Just look at that goatee it is worse levels of evil than my father." Karina grinned at Kel clearly wanting to piss off Jafar. "But I mean he is hiding behind genie and a lamp so he is rather weak if he has to hide. I am not even that afraid for genie after all he could only put me in a dress. So what do you say we just make this quick, save the princess and then move on. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes I think." She wanted to get this fight started and she wanted Jafar to stop hiding so she figured bad talking him like he wasn't even there would be the quickest way to make him act himself.
"Get them to one area? Oh I think I can do that." Now magic was not something Karina excelled in, especially when it wasn't around fire, but the keyblade gave her some powers and if she relied on them and channeling through the Keyblade, then perhaps something could work. "Alright lets give this a try." Karina looked over the enemies on the field, choosing a place far enough away from her allies, but around the most heartless, Karina shifted gravity. She created a new center of gravity for a short distance. This pulled any heartless in the area to that spot. "I don't know what you are planning now AJ but it is now or never. You made a path but what are you planning to do with the heartless, I can't hold this magic forever." She was just impressed that her magic worked in the first place, so she wasn't sure how she was going to continue it. It would be a challenge but she would give AJ a chance to do whatever he planned. While she did this, Karina couldn't attack. She wasn't used to being support, but she needed to try something to get further faster and if trusting AJ was the way to do that, that would be what she would do. Post 9/10 EXP Writer 10,000Exp
F*ck, if only Beuce was paying attention, he was better at planning than she was. She really wished he would answer the question, but Karina wasn't holding her breath for that. Fine, she could answer the question. She wasn't smart, but Karina wouldn't consider herself dumb. "They are just trying to slow us down. If we get to Jafar, if we get to Maleficent, then we trap them there. The heartless will either follow us to them and leave the town alone or they will decide that the heartless aren't strong enough and try and deal with us themselves, then we need to do what we do best. AJ, we have been doing there for far longer than anyone should have to, so that being said, the heartless won't stop us. Just keep doing what we do best and we will put a stop to them." Karina tried to encourage as she pushed forward. "We just need to make sure Jasmine is safe, and that is nothing new to us either. Stay close and don't stop moving." Karina instructed. Every time she attacked a heartless she pushed forward, pushing the advance back. If only they had someone like Aux to just push forward and not have to worry about the damage that they were taking. Either way he wasn't here and Karina didn't know where he was, so it wouldn't matter. Aux didn't like her anyways so Karina doubted he would take her instruction. Ultimately it didn't matter as they pushed forward. Post 7/10 EXP Writer 8,000Exp
Karina glanced around and spotted AJ surrounded. "Damn it AJ! Get your head out of the clouds, now is not the time to be distracted." Thankfully the bandits were facing AJ making them vulnerable to her attacks. A fire ball exploded against ones back as Karina darted through the smoke taking out the second. That drew the attention of the third which Karina started to lead away from AJ, but stopping to help AJ left an opening for some regular bandits to get close to Jasmine and Aladdin. "AJ, go help them, I will deal with this one!" Karina called as she tried to bait the Fat Bandit into moving in the right way that she could get behind it and take it out. Once again this took longer than Karina would have liked but she managed to get into position and take him out, just in time to jump back into action to stop the next wave of bandits. That didn't mean that there wasn't still trouble with the the bandits that already got past, but that would be AJ's problem, she just had to make sure that no more bandits got through to make that job harder than it already was. Post 5/10 EXP Writer 6,000Exp
Okay well it seemed AJ was ready to engage in battle but she couldn't say she agreed with his preaching about the lamp. It was clear that Aladdin had some good intentions even if he got carried away and the Genie wasn't inherently evil. So the preaching about it being too dangerous was like calling their keyblades too dangerous and that they shouldn't have them. The keyblade was powerful and is used for both good and bad, but the tool itself wasn't inherently one thing or another and Karina didn't believe that no one should have a keyblade because of the damage it could cause. After all look at how many people they helped. And despite herself and the threat to not keep a promise, Aladdin seemed like the right person to figure out how best to use the lamp. Still she was not here to fight with AJ, she was here to protect Jasmine, get the lamp back and defeat the heartless heading into the world. How did one heartless have so much fat that her keyblade couldn't damage it. That was the most baffling part about this battle. She just couldn't contemplate how he would be that fat. Instead of attacking head on, Karina was forced to dart and dodge along till the Fat Bandit jumped at her, then once behind it she managed to take him out with one strike. As she did that however she saw another sliding on it's belly towards her. Karina let out a sigh, it was going to be one of these fights was it? If it was Aux or something Karina was sure they would stop it by standing their ground, but despite her strength Karina didn't like to take the risk on the damage. So instead she leapt into the air. Once it was under her she aimed her keyblade down and speared it straight through the back. "Nice try." She mumbled. Post 3/10 EXP Writer 4,000Exp
Well Karina had to admit that having a genie would be handy given how he could snap his fingers and made problems disappear. If she got her hand on that lamp she could fix the entire mess they were in. Maybe she would snatch the lamp after Aladdin was done with it. Get Genie to deal with the Red Society, snap them out of existence for all she cared. Then maybe she would do what Aladdin was too much of a coward to do and free genie. Karina got the idea of using a cosmic deity to fix all his problems but she also didn't want to anger that cosmic power by denying them a promise. But of course before any of that could happen a stupid talking bird snatched the lamp. Well that sucked. And of course Maleficent was involved. Another player from another world having to interfere and bring with her heartless of course. "Of course. This is just great. Fabulous even. Why did he have to put us in dresses. Didn't I say that it would be a bad idea?" Though flashing her friends was the last of Karina's worries. These heartless were a pain in her butt though. "Jasmine if you know what is good for you, I would stay behind us and keep close to Aladdin. He might not be good for much but he can defend whatever we miss." Karina instructed before launching herself at the enemies ahead of them. The beads on the bottom of her dress clicking against each other as she spun whirled and took out the first three bandits that lead the charge at the group. Karina knew that this was just a ploy to slow them, so she had to make it as quick as possible cutting through the enemies. Post 1/10 EXP Writer 2,000Exp
Karina stood there rather flabbergasted by the entire situation. She didn't know what to do with this blue man. Magical people didn't surprise Karina anymore but this one was full of an exhausting personality. And then in a snap of his fingers she was in a dress shorter than she would ever want and with too many beads. "Really? Isn't there anything better to wear? Why do I have to dress like this? What makes you think this is what is needed right now? I-" Karina just cut herself off and sighed as she looked towards the others. At least Luna had a full length dress, everyone else had pants, so she was the only one with the impractical outfit to do anything in and she didn't know if she could change it. If it was like the cover magic then it would be hard. "I am just going to stop talking before I say too much. You guys can handle the big blue oaf."
"Will someone just stop going after each other to tell us fully what is happening? The leader of the country is gone and his daughter and the adviser is now in charge. Doesn't anyone find that fishy? Like seriously. It is just obvious what is going on and instead you think this scrawny ass kid and his monkey with no money could kidnap two people without anyone noticing? And hold them where? It would take power, money and access to the two most powerful people in this damn world and who do you think has all those things? Maybe the same man that has you on a wild goose chase. You are all such ****ing idiots." Karina cursed the guards. And of course Aladdin was already running off before they could get answers from him as well. How did they get stuck in the world full of idiots?
Despite her little outburst, nothing seemed to really change, though that didn't surprise Karina. She knew exactly what these people were like, and though she didn't like it, it was not in her power to stop it. Instead what she had to do was teach these guys a lesson using the thing she was best at, battle. Karina didn't give the guards a second chance to consider who they picked a fight with, or if it was a mistake as she unleased herself on them using Keyblade and fire both to bring them down a notch. Now that she was riled up, there seemed little that could stop her as she slashed her way through those in front of her. Guards Defeated: 13/20 Injured Guard: 11/30
Posting for Faust so all can see Seeing the action kick off so quickly Fuast first took a step back to see how this dark figure would do in his opening moves. After the first few blows seeing Quill get through into the upper floor of the nearby building the first action he took was to catch the cat thrown at him jumping lightly up onto a nearby table to better grab the cat. The startled cat dug its claws into his arm, shredding the bandages on his arms slightly. The quick flash of pain knocking him off balance the table collapsing under the shifting weight causing Him to tumble backwards to bleed off the energy of the fall. The cat scampered off of him onto safety as soon as his roll slowed slightly leaving him alone as he popped up to his feet calling his keyblade into his hand. Given that Kaida’s opening volley knocked the brute back slightly gave him a slight idea. Starting his charge forward, Faust grabbed the tablecloth of the knocked over table in his open hand as rushed the armored figure. When he closed in on the figure started to turn towards faust direction just as Faust threw the sheet of cloth over the stunned bodyguard covering his eyesight for a brief second giving Fuast time to handstand up and over the man leaving behind keyblade behind wedged in between two plates of armor to keep him distracted for just a second longer for Faust to cast two Thundaza the familiar magic arcing from his right hand before tracing through the air striking his keyblade Waving Serendipity’s handle just as the bodyguard tore through the blinding cloth thrown over him. Lowering his arm and calling back his keyblade into his hand Faust Called out “You know I typically prefer to make people smile more than hurt with my magic big guy” the shredded cloth stripes hanging off the so called Bodyguard increated like flash paper into ash in the cold bayou air “But can’t say i'm opposed to making such Stunning introductions. Faust the wandering Magician if we haven't met…” was all that he got before the big guy charged him instead making him interrupt his trademark introduction and hop slightly as he used his keyblade to deflect the bodyguard's first blow throwing him back a few feet with the force. Aux 243/600
Karina couldn't help but roll her eyes at everything. "You are as bad as home is." She sighed. "First of all, for women, we can kick your butts without issue so don't worry about that. Secondly, you nor your vizier or anyone gets to choose who steals Jasmines heart. If she chooses to love a thief or if she chooses to love a prince it is up to her. No one can decide for her." Karina growled glancing over at Beuce for a second, then to Luna. "Sounds like this princess could use a friend Luna." Karina suggested. After all she was of no use to be making friends. With that Karina took her keyblade and aimed at a guard, putting herself between them and Aladdin since it seemed like the guards had it out for him in particular. Karina found herself surrounded by three guards fighting and deflecting attacks. She bounced from one to the next top the next with attacks, circling around letting them barely touch her, though they did manage some damage before she blasted them away with fire. Soon two fell and she had one left facing her down, though they were injured. Guards Defeated: 2/20 Injured Guard: 7/30
Karina followed the rush but she kept feeling like it was stupid. "Is there a reason we don't just fight these *******s?" Karina asked as she glanced behind them not really wanting to run anymore and keep running. It just seemed silly to her.