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  1. Xamri

    I'm Back!

    Thank you! ^^ Heh. Well, I doubt I'd share my Hetalia stuff if that's what you mean but I'm working on my next AMV. My computer I used to use died so I need to redownload all the clips. I'm already starting back up on two projects that got abandoned when I left: a series of songs from an Indie group called Black Apache and a project I've dubbed "I've found a way to make Xion BA." lol.
    Post by: Xamri, Jul 18, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Xamri


    You're aware Once Upon a Time is infamous for sympathetic villains, right? Which is what Rumple, Regina, and Zelena all were. There's a good chance they're going to make her sympathetic and not super evil. But if it is Elsa this should be interesting. I agree that it's one of the few things that does Fairytales justice while also putting their own spin on a combination of their original dark Grimm stories and their light-hearted Disney counterparts.
    Post by: Xamri, Jul 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Xamri


    I know what you're talking about because I saw that little teaser. Let me tell you, I was screaming with joy because who I really think that is is one of my favorite fairytale antagonist after Maleficent who earned the top spot being the only true evil villain I love. Are you sure it's specifically Elsa because there are fairytales about an Ice Queen that are what inspired Frozen. There's a good chance this new villain is more like the Ice Queen with a frozen heart than Elsa.
    Post by: Xamri, Jul 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Xamri

    I'm Back!

    Oh, and it feels nice to be back. I kind of got sucked into an Anime and started doing slideshows again. At first I thought "Well, I'll do my Kingdom Hearts AMVs on the side" but I got busy which lead to me doing what I do best: I felt too embarrassed to return. The great news is my biggest critics before was more effects. I still don't have a fancy video maker but I got an upgrade to WMM Live which I have too much fun with. So you guys that remember me might be seeing more effects, within reason, in my videos! I look forward to chatting and sharing videos with you all again.
    Thread by: Xamri, Jul 18, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Xamri
    Now for those of you that saw the original yes everything is the same except for a few things. For those of you that don't know YouTube now makes it so you can edit your videos after posting them as in effects and such. The only downside is these edits apply for the whole video. So I decided to use my old Legal Assassin video to experiment with this whole new feature. I made the colors cooler and adjusted both the contrast and the saturation. At first I winced at how dull some clips look then reminded myself it was a dark video; it shouldn't be bright. All and all it really helped make for a darker, more haunting atmosphere especially with the ghost and haunted memories going from black and white to a color more like a faint ghostly glow. So I decided to share the changes which I think made it at least 10x better. Again the song is Legal Assassin from Repo! A Genetic Opera.


    For those of you that haven't seen the original or forgot the plot just so no one gets lost: This is inspired by the far future of one of my stories. Axel is feeling guilty for his past because he knows while directly responsible for about half the deaths in the Organization he's partly responsible for the rest by leading Sora to them. (Warning: if you are reading the story Dancing Winds starring the OC Hendrix on DA or Y!Gallery and don't want the spoilers don't read this part!) The memories haunt him like ghost and he finds the son he had with Roxas is slipping away. Reno doesn't know what happened just that his 'mother' is dead and so are the parents of his best and only friend. One day he runs away to join the new Organization that has form from their children (I did a poll and officially yes these kids on Mpreg babies in case anyone's curious). Axel knows it might be for the best but unable to go back to the Organization with the blood on his hands his son is all he has.
    Thread by: Xamri, Sep 16, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  6. Xamri
    I'll be honest; I was iffy at first because I was expected the Rascal Flats version but I know first hand with Kingdom Hearts it's better to do the more upbeat techno style remixes like that when you can. I love how you used that love triangle instead of struggling to get enough clips of just Sora and Kairi or just Sora and Riku and you chose the right clips that not only fit the lyrics but made you feel so sad for all of them but mostly Sora. It was just...beautiful especially for having done it in less then a half hour.
    Post by: Xamri, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  7. Xamri
    I may be more of a meat eater but I still adore animals so this makes me sad. At first I thought it was a pitbull until I got a better look. Honestly, a pitbull would have made me sadder but this still makes me angry and sad at the same time. Dogs may be able to defend themselves better then most pets but in the end they still depend on us in return for their blind love and seeing any animal abused...i-it makes me wonder if the owner was not right in the head! To be able to process it was suffering and still continue! Here's hoping it finds a great home.
    Post by: Xamri, Aug 23, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  8. Xamri
    Warning: VERY strong language. So I finished another part of my Repo! A Genetic Opera project. I'm not quite sure just how well it turned out but I think it's better then most Kingdom Hearts Mark It Up to be honest. Why does Vexen make the perfect Pavi?! It amazes me! I also wonder why I've onyly seen one video with Axel as Luigi! He proved perfect for the part! But man did the lipsinking move smoothly here...for the most part. I feel proud but at the same time have a feeling I could have maybe done better. My main issue was the ending but I didn't want to finish with Vexen's death. Then I put down that clip where it fades out and thought 'Hey! Why not?'. I...really can't think of anything to say so I won't ramble. Enjoy.

    Thread by: Xamri, Aug 23, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. Xamri
    Um....I'm still a little confused on the details and everything to be honest. Like what's the theme/focus to be on the videos? Contest usually have one.
    Post by: Xamri, Aug 23, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  10. Xamri
    Weird Al! XD Haha. Being random comes with the territory of being fans of Japanese Culture, I've found. Could you tell me how you got words on the clips with WMM!? I didn't know you can do that but you said you used WMM and I saw words on the screen!
    Post by: Xamri, Aug 23, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  11. Xamri
    Well, I was focusing on how they're usually viewed. Like by fans and stuff. Many agree Xaldin is clearly prideful, even me as a fangirl of his. Many also protray Marluxia as...loose. Luxord as Greed is over the gambling; gambling=money. As for Demyx he does so signs of being lazy. He complains when he has to do hard work. And for our thoughts of Vexen starring Envy we kind of had the mentality he could be jealous of Marluxia getting power of him when in terms of number he should be in charge of Marluxia.
    Post by: Xamri, Aug 12, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  12. Xamri
    So my coadmin on my KH RP site and I are doing a trade so to speak. She's doing my OC, Xamri, and after three days of thinking and playing a game she asked me do Organization XIII members staring the seven deadly sins. We are in firm agreement of six: Larxene as Wraith, Marluxia as Lust (He's probably glaring at her because she RP him there), Xaldin as Pride, Demyx as Sloth, Vexen as Envy, and Luxord as Greed. But Gluttony is proving hard! Lexaeus is obvious but only because of his size and we're stuck.

    I'm also leaving this opened for a little fun discussion on what sins you think fit what members. Only rules are one member per a sin and one sin per a member.
    Thread by: Xamri, Aug 11, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. Xamri
    Thank you both. ^^ Yeah, I tried to lip sink as much as possible. Probably why personally I love 1:56 onward so much where it was very close to perfect sinking. ^^; Hope I'm not sounding vain; I'm amazed as I am proud of this.
    Post by: Xamri, Aug 11, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  14. Xamri
    I'll be honest; this took 30 mins tops! I found it listening to Gakupo the Vocaloid (I LOVE Vocaloids) and shared the song with my coadmin whom also loves them. We both realized the obvious 'Joker' and had the same thought; Luxord! I had to do it and he actually went along with it quite well. My coadmin personally is a big time fangirl of Luxord so I asked what she thought. She was speechless for five minutes then went 'I-I love it!'. Pleasing one of his fans is enough for me to be even more proud of this though now I'm contemplation yet another project! Organization Vocaloids.

    Marluxia would obviously be put to Fear Garden. The clue. If you think I should go through with that idea some song suggestions would be great. Any song you think would be great as long as any of the Vocaloids sing them; very much preferring a solo song or anyone else is just background. And before anyone says anything I've gone through 'Lord of Darkness' and the other 'darkness' songs and don't like them otherwise I'd be putting Xemnas to the lord and Saix to the servant/prince.

    Ok! I'm shutting up now! Enjoy! And so everyone knows the song is Joker by Gakupo.

    Edit: Whoa! I did better then I thought! I just found the English translation and some lines actually fit how I put the clips!

    Thread by: Xamri, Aug 9, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. Xamri
    Thanks. It does help when you have like twenty cousins to talk to. I'm not joking; I have six aunts and one uncle from this side of the family which has lead to several cousins. More then I can count. But moving back so close to my family and having them stop by while I help my grandma does make things much less painful. But before I ramble...

    Really, any lip sinking from Luxord was accidental. I was just putting clips with him in it down and was focusing more on his gestures with the music then if it looked like he was saying the words. Marluxia, though, was on purpose. XD I wouldn't normally do that to Marly was because of the 11/11 thing. I had to find a way to get Marly involved with that scary coincidence.
    Post by: Xamri, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  16. Xamri
    I'm trying not cry which is proven easier given how long it's been. Before I say anything else I want no pity or 'he's watching you in heaven' or 'I'm sorry for you lose' comments. I'm fine; I just felt the need to do this.

    *Sighs* I can't believe it's been four months. My grandpa died in March and when I came home I realized two things suddenly; he was a lot Luxord in a sense and he was born on Marluxia Day. Yep, he was born on 11/11. He was a good old western man who loved alcohol and cards. When I was seven he taught me to play Texas Hold'em. Though he also had a great sense of humor which showed when the song played at his funeral was Eatin' Gobber Peas. His second favorite song....was Cotton-Eye Joe by Rednex. That's how this came to be. I was surfing YouTube and it popped up in 'suggested'. I then remembered after my one-shot I said I'd do a video/slideshow tribute to him. that tribute.

    He was a very fun loving man that would go with the flow so I kind of did that here. I did my best to just have fun with it and not get to serious. Back when I did slide shows only I would have skipped the picture at the end...but my grandpa loved country music and I knew he'd get a good laugh at it which is why I had to use it at the end. I don't care what anyone thinks; this is simply for the best grandpa a city going country girl who loves technology could ask for. My one regret is never being able to have a beer with him so here's to you Grandpa J, where ever you are.


    Edit: I just realized this is my tenth video! Wow. Well, this is a great way to 'celebrate' it if I say so myself.
    Thread by: Xamri, Jul 27, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  17. Xamri
    -_- I had feeling. Arg! That just figures.
    Post by: Xamri, Jul 21, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  18. Xamri The scene starts showing up at 0:54. Honestly, it's the song I was planning on doing. I was watching it for ideas on how to do the long musical opening and spotted those clips.
    Post by: Xamri, Jul 21, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  19. Xamri

    Dream Jobs

    I actually am torn between two which are similar but very different at the same time. Forensics or Psychologist. I'm actually saving for college to major in Forensics because even my usually negative mom believes I can be great enough at it to maybe actually get into NCIS here in CA which is my big dream for Forensics. I love math and science and excel at them. These kind of things fascinate me to no end plus I'm pretty good at spotting something detailed with my OCD and ADD before I even see the big picture. My mom will be starring at a building and I'll suddenly point out something like...maybe they used a small star instead of a dot in an 'I' on a sign. That's how my brain function. And to use that something else I'm passionate about, justice, is all the better.

    As for Psychology...well, I've always been the go to person with my friends. I've been noted at having a very opened heart and a very high empathy. If someone whom I know even just a little has a problem I tend to be the person they go to for advice. I have....this way of reading people where I can see pain behind even the brightest smile and feel this need to help lift that weight off if I can. I don't like seeing someone hurt in anyway if it can be helped. I've found with my whole brain combining logic and emotion equally I'm actually quite good at it. I've have had more then once when a friend ignored my advice what I was worried might happen did happen. That's why I'd also love to do this; to use my skills and if that doesn't work I'm sure I can use the same skills for criminal profiling like on Criminal Minds.

    And I'm rambling. I hope that didn't sound to much like bragging. I try to be honest about myself without going overboard but honestly my whole brain is one of the things I'm prideful of so sorry if I sounds like I'm saying anything like 'I'm better then you'. I try not to and I know tone is hard to convey over the internet. Ugh....rambling again. Shutting up now.
    Post by: Xamri, Jul 21, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  20. Xamri
    I was inspired to do a Zexion video and was looking through a video for ideas on clips and saw one I simple can't recall ever seen. The only clips I've seen on Zexion before he's in the dark basement or an illusion of Destiny Island but in this he's surrounded by the white wall of Castle Oblivion fully lite up in contrast to other clips I've seen of him. If someone could tell me. I know it's in Re:Com Rebirth because Riku was in it but I don't know which basement.
    Post by: Xamri, Jul 21, 2011 in forum: Production Studio