Age and friends don't matter to me. I mean, sure, my class is a lot of 16 and 17 year olds and I'm 18, but I find it actually good to befriend some older people, if they're the right people. That's how I feel.
God? Nah, I am - oh wait, nobody remembers me so I'm not. :3
Nobody probably remembers me so here's an intro: Hi, I'm Jake, I am an 18 year old high school junior (held back a year) who loves to play Kingdom Hearts. I enjoy anime, manga, videogames, the Internet and music. Feel free to ask me about my interests. I am 6 foot 0, average weight, and brown hair in a mohawk that I sadly, don't have a camera to show you (phone's camera is horrible and too blurry). :( Anyways, what's changed about me? Well, not much. Just the usual. If you'd like to chat, feel free to add me on the Skype I'm about to make. Thanks for reading.
This forum has changed. It looks so different since 2011! Also, anyone remember me? Probably not. :3
I want it so I can say I'm caught up on the series when I'm really not. xD
Alright then. Enjoy your trip. :)
No. You'll never be cool.
Avatar - 7/10 is that a generic photo or something you made? Sig - 0/10 no sig :(
Hi there! I've been a fan since I was in... well the grade I'm in now, 8th grade. xD Welcome! Hope you enjoy the site.
Here's what I meant: I was on EDGE, a very slow version of 3G (around 90-170kbps download speed), and it still loaded incredibly fast.
Thanks for the comments! I'm in the car going to San Angelo at the moment. I hope to take more nice pictures there.
Where do you work? Sounds like a high priority job.
I'm on KH-Vids through my phone. I'm barely getting any signal, and it loads fast! :3
My Own Prison - Creed The worst band in the world, lol.
Welcome! I'm new to KH and hope to continue it soon! :3 Xenahort sounds interesting. :p
I'm typing my posts in tiny text/color now. xD
Meh. I have my own site to work on when database errors come up.
So many 7th graders! No 8th graders. D:
No sig, cool av.
To be honest, I like and don't like middle school. I like that I get to see new people, and make new friends, but I also don't like it cause I don't see my friends who are ahead of me and I kinda wanna see what highschool is like. Oh well, only one more year! xD PS: I'm supposed to be a Freshman in high school if anyone was wondering.