Search Results

  1. [ Biohazard . Kitty ]
    Yeah, I know! I use to watch G4 all the time. The only time I'm on that channel is because of Attack of the Show.

    I use to laugh so hard at X-Play, it was fun to watch but now Morgan and Adam are stiff and really not that funny anymore. I miss the old g4 days.
    Post by: [ Biohazard . Kitty ], Nov 12, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  2. [ Biohazard . Kitty ]
    I really want to see Miley Cyrus live SO bad, Paramore again, Alexz Johnson, AVA, and Metro Station.
    Post by: [ Biohazard . Kitty ], Nov 12, 2008 in forum: Music
  3. [ Biohazard . Kitty ]
    I don't like High School Musical, but not because OMAHGAWD ITS DISNEY!!!111! no, defaintly not that (I love Hannah Montana too much for me to hate Disney). It just didn't grasp me. Though, I'm interested in seeing the third, I heard it was the best one of the three.

    I'm REALLY excited to see the Hannah Montana movie hit threates
    Post by: [ Biohazard . Kitty ], Nov 12, 2008 in forum: Music
  4. [ Biohazard . Kitty ]
    Major brownie points for adorable Miley picture in there.
    Post by: [ Biohazard . Kitty ], Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Help
  5. [ Biohazard . Kitty ]
    Aw I love Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana. But w/e


    And I'd have to say I hate Cinderella.
    Post by: [ Biohazard . Kitty ], Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  6. [ Biohazard . Kitty ]
    Thank you very much, Cin. Mega tackle glomp for you. <3

    And Sharp, heck yes I do go to Same username as here.
    Post by: [ Biohazard . Kitty ], Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Help
  7. [ Biohazard . Kitty ]
    This is gonna sound lame. But anybody know how to get this type of effect on a photo? I really like this effect. Picture below.

    Thread by: [ Biohazard . Kitty ], Apr 14, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Help