Tykie, or Pickle. Burmetta. Riokium. Paschirimchim. Kirrnetta. Butter lion. Cheei. Blazoiche.
Ah, yes. More power is coming to me, as my children and citizens gather around me. Yes, yes. I know everything, young one. Soon enough, you'll grow up to become as wise as I am currently. Be prepared, I think you are ready for the challenge.
WELL. If you're asking me for advice... not a wise way to turn, and I think you know that for a fact. But if you really insist, I suggest you find something a repel. For example the pokemon games. If the pocket monsters are getting too annoying, you use a repel. But what may it be you ask? Not exactly sure. That's the part for you to find out, and me to judge.
How many people, will judge that certain fact. It's a strange mystery, on how so many people already know this. It's like they're spying on you. Know you. Feel you. Smell you. Taste you. LARiA, you can't avoid that fact. Your presence knocks out little boys. That is all.