When I first read the title, my mind thought of the show "Gargoyles" for a split second ("OMG Its a world in KH3D!")...then rational thought kicked in :( I'm glad they were able to get the original actors (RIP Mary Wickes...and Tony Jay too, he was the perfect voice for Frollo).
Did the author just compare kingdom hearts to twilight?! I mean...WTF?! Anyways, most of my thoughts have already been said by others. I also think the author the author did a poor job of articulating why he dislikes the series (listing the weird names as a major bullet point...again WTF?!). He was also flat out wrong about epic mickey, the "evil' gameplay is still in the game, and Warren Spector who (the designer) made the decision to change it around a bit. Okay, Im done ranting about the author now XD
good. I was expecting a fall release (it seems square is getting better about releasing US/EU games close to the JAP release).
THAT WAS AMAZING! come on SE, announce an international release date (Im guessing October).
hello, I have swap magic 3.6 plus and I am trying to boot a homebrew disc on my ps2, how do I do this? And to note, I am NOT doing anything Illegal (Im actually doing it to copy a file from my ps2, since downloading it is illegal, so im going out of my way to follow the rules...anyway) Thank you.
It is for "us", its also being released in Japan. http://ds.ign.com/dor/objects/14354...kingdom-hearts-recoded-20100615050846517.html (english screenshot).
Okay, so beside his joke weapon, do xemnas' ariel blades change color/appearance at all depending on what gears you have activated, or are they always the glowing lightsaber red?
Okay ive been looking through a FAQ and it says to synthesize a fire panel you need: 1 Fire recipe 2 Blazing shards 700 munny points now when it says fire recipe, does it mean 1 recipe per synthesis or does it mean once you get the fire recipe you can use it for all the fire panel synthesizing, so all you need are the blazing shards and the munny? Thanks.
I know(and have seen) the two videos from november, the ones that have the demo traverse town and the demo colosseum but are there any gameplay videos for the new episode that just came out a few weeks ago? Also, what is the schedule for the new episodes releasing? The 1st one was on the 3rd of june, so is it every third of the month or something?
If you have a beaten american version KH2 save file on the same memory card, when you go to a room of rewards do you get the special cards, like you do in the japanese version that came with FM+? Im playing soras story BTW(havent beaten rikus yet).
Hey, I just finished the winnie to pooh world, so all thats left is what i think of as "the final chapter" or chain of memories(re: chain of memories to be precise). Im going to go back to some previous worlds for exp and stuff but i also need to get some more cards(magic and summon), any specific worlds or floors or techniques to get magic and summon cards? Thanks
^::laughing-smiley-004 New chapters are coming June 1st for a specific model of japanese cellphone(made by panasonic)
Do you think they are milking the series by releasing these three spin offs? I vote for no, they are extending the story and Im excited to see the plot for them(yes, even coded). How bout you?
how long after the may 30th japanese release do you think we will have to wait before we get a story synopsis and maybe some ripped cutscenes?
really? where can I buy them?
Translations and are there any places online where there are(unofficial) translations for the kh1 and kh2 guides? Do you think there will be one for 358/2 days? Thanks
People complain about kairi being helpless and then nomura makes a kick ass female character(aqua) and you get this http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=943347&topic=49475858 Oh well. While were talking about aqua any guesses as to how she will play. Terra is power, ven is speed and aqua is magic but will it just be generic kinda magic or do you think he combat style will be similar some of the moves in soras wisdom, master and final forms?
And I would also make her stop getting captured, its getting kinda ridiculous. I mean mickeys letter(the plot for kh3) will probobly read "dear sora, kairi gotten kidnapped again go save her" Sora-"huh shes right beside m.." looks over "oh crap not again" and to sorrow, calling her a whore just a bit harsh aint it?
there seems to be ALOT of hate for kairi, so how would you change her character? Id make her good with her keyblade.
in my opinion hating a video game character is kinda pathetic.